Ansi C is ANSI X3.159-1989, not C3.159...
[unix-history] / share / mk /
# @(#) 5.26 (Berkeley) 5/2/91
# $Log:,v $
# Revision 1.9 1993/08/05 18:45:53 nate
# Removed the ranlib statements from before the install (since it's done
# after the install as well), and changed ranlib -> ${RANLIB}
# Revision 1.8 1993/08/03 20:57:34 nate
# Fixed macros so that you can do a
# make maninstall at all times and have it not blow up
# Revision 1.7 1993/07/23 20:44:38 nate
# Fixed a boo-boo and made the NOMAN environment variable work correctly with
# both programs and libraries.
# Revision 1.6 1993/07/09 00:38:35 jkh
# Removed $History$ line from hell (no leading #).
# Revision 1.5 1993/07/08 12:17:07 paul
# Removed the core.* before disaster strikes.
# I removed core as well since it's pretty redundant.
# Revision 1.4 1993/07/07 21:42:45 nate
# Cleaned up header files and added core.* to clean directives
# Revision 1.3 1993/07/02 06:44:30 root
# New manual page system
# Revision 1.2 1993/06/17 02:01:11 rgrimes
# Make clean in src/lib/libc failed due to too many arguments to /bin/sh,
# this was fixed for make cleandir in the patchkit, this fixes it for
# make clean.
.if exists(${.CURDIR}/../
.include "${.CURDIR}/../"
LIBDIR?= /usr/lib
LINTLIBDIR?= /usr/libdata/lint
LIBGRP?= bin
LIBOWN?= bin
STRIP?= -s
BINGRP?= bin
BINOWN?= bin
.MAIN: all
# prefer .s to a .c, add .po, remove stuff not used in the BSD libraries
.SUFFIXES: .out .o .po .s .c .f .y .l
${CC} ${CFLAGS} -c ${.IMPSRC}
@${LD} -x -r ${.TARGET}
@mv a.out ${.TARGET}
${CC} -p ${CFLAGS} -c ${.IMPSRC} -o ${.TARGET}
@${LD} -X -r ${.TARGET}
@mv a.out ${.TARGET}
${FC} ${RFLAGS} -o ${.TARGET} -c ${.IMPSRC}
@${LD} -x -r ${.TARGET}
@mv a.out ${.TARGET}
${FC} -p ${RFLAGS} -o ${.TARGET} -c ${.IMPSRC}
@${LD} -X -r ${.TARGET}
@mv a.out ${.TARGET}
${CPP} -E ${CFLAGS:M-[ID]*} ${AINC} ${.IMPSRC} | \
${AS} -o ${.TARGET}
@${LD} -x -r ${.TARGET}
@mv a.out ${.TARGET}
${CPP} -E -DPROF ${CFLAGS:M-[ID]*} ${AINC} ${.IMPSRC} | \
${AS} -o ${.TARGET}
@${LD} -X -r ${.TARGET}
@mv a.out ${.TARGET}
.if !defined(NOPROFILE)
_LIBS=lib${LIB}.a lib${LIB}_p.a
all: ${_LIBS} # llib-l${LIB}.ln
OBJS+= ${SRCS:R:S/$/.o/g}
lib${LIB}.a:: ${OBJS}
@echo building standard ${LIB} library
@rm -f lib${LIB}.a
@${AR} cTq lib${LIB}.a `lorder ${OBJS} | tsort` ${LDADD}
${RANLIB} lib${LIB}.a
POBJS+= ${OBJS:.o=.po}
lib${LIB}_p.a:: ${POBJS}
@echo building profiled ${LIB} library
@rm -f lib${LIB}_p.a
@${AR} cTq lib${LIB}_p.a `lorder ${POBJS} | tsort` ${LDADD}
${RANLIB} lib${LIB}_p.a
llib-l${LIB}.ln: ${SRCS}
${LINT} -C${LIB} ${CFLAGS} ${.ALLSRC:M*.c}
.if !target(clean)
rm -f a.out Errs errs mklog ${CLEANFILES} ${OBJS} \
lib${LIB}.a llib-l${LIB}.ln
rm -f ${POBJS} profiled/*.o lib${LIB}_p.a
.if !target(cleandir)
rm -f a.out Errs errs mklog ${CLEANFILES} ${OBJS} \
lib${LIB}.a llib-l${LIB}.ln \
${.CURDIR}/tags .depend
rm -f ${POBJS} profiled/*.o lib${LIB}_p.a
cd ${.CURDIR}; rm -rf obj;
.if !target(depend)
depend: .depend
.depend: ${SRCS}
mkdep ${CFLAGS:M-[ID+]*} ${AINC} ${.ALLSRC}
@(TMP=/tmp/_depend$$$$; \
sed -e 's/^\([^\.]*\).o:/\1.o \1.po:/' < .depend > $$TMP; \
mv $$TMP .depend)
.if !target(install)
.if !target(beforeinstall)
realinstall: beforeinstall
install ${COPY} -o ${LIBOWN} -g ${LIBGRP} -m ${LIBMODE} lib${LIB}.a \
${RANLIB} -t ${DESTDIR}${LIBDIR}/lib${LIB}.a
.if !defined(NOPROFILE)
install ${COPY} -o ${LIBOWN} -g ${LIBGRP} -m ${LIBMODE} \
lib${LIB}_p.a ${DESTDIR}${LIBDIR}
${RANLIB} -t ${DESTDIR}${LIBDIR}/lib${LIB}_p.a
# install ${COPY} -o ${LIBOWN} -g ${LIBGRP} -m ${LIBMODE} \
# llib-l${LIB}.ln ${DESTDIR}${LINTLIBDIR}
.if defined(LINKS) && !empty(LINKS)
@set ${LINKS}; \
while test $$# -ge 2; do \
l=${DESTDIR}$$1; \
shift; \
t=${DESTDIR}$$1; \
shift; \
echo $$t -\> $$l; \
rm -f $$t; \
ln $$l $$t; \
done; true
install: afterinstall
.if !defined(NOMAN)
afterinstall: realinstall maninstall
afterinstall: realinstall
.if !target(lint)
.if !target(tags)
tags: ${SRCS}
-cd ${.CURDIR}; ctags -f /dev/stdout ${.ALLSRC:M*.c} | \
sed "s;\${.CURDIR}/;;" > tags
.if !defined(NOMAN)
.include <>
.elif !target(maninstall)
.if !target(obj)
.if defined(NOOBJ)
@cd ${.CURDIR}; rm -rf obj; \
here=`pwd`; dest=/usr/obj/`echo $$here | sed 's,/usr/src/,,'`; \
echo "$$here -> $$dest"; ln -s $$dest obj; \
if test -d /usr/obj -a ! -d $$dest; then \
mkdir -p $$dest; \
else \
true; \