date and time created 86/11/26 13:39:41 by bostic
[unix-history] / usr / src / games / mille / varpush.c
* Copyright (c) 1982 Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement
* specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
#ifndef lint
static char sccsid[] = "@(#)varpush.c 5.1 (Berkeley) %G%";
#endif not lint
# include "mille.h"
* @(#)varpush.c 1.1 (Berkeley) 4/1/82
int read(), write();
* push variables around via the routine func() on the file
* channel file. func() is either read or write.
varpush(file, func)
reg int file;
reg int (*func)(); {
int temp;
(*func)(file, (char *) &Debug, sizeof Debug);
(*func)(file, (char *) &Finished, sizeof Finished);
(*func)(file, (char *) &Order, sizeof Order);
(*func)(file, (char *) &End, sizeof End);
(*func)(file, (char *) &On_exit, sizeof On_exit);
(*func)(file, (char *) &Handstart, sizeof Handstart);
(*func)(file, (char *) &Numgos, sizeof Numgos);
(*func)(file, (char *) Numseen, sizeof Numseen);
(*func)(file, (char *) &Play, sizeof Play);
(*func)(file, (char *) &Window, sizeof Window);
(*func)(file, (char *) Deck, sizeof Deck);
(*func)(file, (char *) &Discard, sizeof Discard);
(*func)(file, (char *) Player, sizeof Player);
if (func == read) {
read(file, (char *) &temp, sizeof temp);
Topcard = &Deck[temp];
if (Debug) {
char buf[80];
printf("Debug file:");
if ((outf = fopen(buf, "w")) == NULL) {
goto over;
if (strcmp(buf, "/dev/null") != 0)
setbuf(outf, NULL);
else {
temp = Topcard - Deck;
write(file, (char *) &temp, sizeof temp);