date and time created 92/07/11 09:21:15 by heideman
[unix-history] / usr / src / sys / miscfs / umapfs / umap_subr.c
* Copyright (c) 1992 The Regents of the University of California
* Copyright (c) 1990, 1992 Jan-Simon Pendry
* All rights reserved.
* This code is derived from software donated to Berkeley by
* Jan-Simon Pendry.
* %sccs.include.redist.c%
* @(#)lofs_subr.c 1.2 (Berkeley) 6/18/92
* $Id: lofs_subr.c,v 1.11 1992/05/30 10:05:43 jsp Exp jsp $
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/systm.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/vnode.h>
#include <sys/mount.h>
#include <sys/namei.h>
#include <sys/malloc.h>
#include <umapfs/umap.h>
#define LOG2_SIZEVNODE 7 /* log2(sizeof struct vnode) */
#define UMAP_NHASH(vp) ((((u_long)vp)>>LOG2_SIZEVNODE) & (NUMAPNODECACHE-1))
* Null layer cache:
* Each cache entry holds a reference to the target vnode
* along with a pointer to the alias vnode. When an
* entry is added the target vnode is VREF'd. When the
* alias is removed the target vnode is vrele'd.
* Cache head
struct umap_node_cache {
struct umap_node *ac_forw;
struct umap_node *ac_back;
static struct umap_node_cache umap_node_cache[NUMAPNODECACHE];
* Initialise cache headers
struct umap_node_cache *ac;
printf("umapfs_init\n"); /* printed during system boot */
for (ac = umap_node_cache; ac < umap_node_cache + NUMAPNODECACHE; ac++)
ac->ac_forw = ac->ac_back = (struct umap_node *) ac;
* Compute hash list for given target vnode
static struct umap_node_cache *
struct vnode *targetvp;
return (&umap_node_cache[UMAP_NHASH(targetvp)]);
* Make a new umap_node node.
* Vp is the alias vnode, lofsvp is the target vnode.
* Maintain a reference to (targetvp).
static void
umap_node_alloc(vp, targetvp)
struct vnode *vp;
struct vnode *targetvp;
struct umap_node_cache *hd;
struct umap_node *a;
printf("umap_node_alloc(%x, %x)\n", vp, targetvp);
MALLOC(a, struct umap_node *, sizeof(struct umap_node), M_TEMP, M_WAITOK);
vp->v_type = targetvp->v_type;
a->umap_vnode = vp;
vp->v_data = a;
VREF(targetvp); /* Extra VREF will be vrele'd in umap_node_create */
a->umap_lowervp = targetvp;
hd = umap_node_hash(targetvp);
insque(a, hd);
vprint("umap_node_alloc vp", vp);
vprint("umap_node_alloc targetvp", targetvp);
* NEEDSWORK: The ability to set lowervp to umap here
* implies that one can never count on lowervp staying umap
* (even if vp is locked). This seems quite bad. Think
* about these things.
umap_node_flushmp (mp)
struct mount *mp;
struct umap_node_cache *ac;
int i = 0;
struct umap_node *roota;
printf("umap_node_flushmp (%x)\n", mp);
roota = VTOUMAP(MOUNTTOUMAPMOUNT(mp)->umapm_rootvp);
for (ac = umap_node_cache; ac < umap_node_cache + NUMAPNODECACHE; ac++) {
struct umap_node *a = ac->ac_forw;
while (a != (struct umap_node *) ac) {
if (a != roota && a->umap_vnode->v_mount == mp) {
struct vnode *vp = a->umap_lowervp;
if (vp) {
a->umap_lowervp = 0;
vprint("umap_flushmp: would vrele", vp);
a = a->umap_forw;
if (i > 0)
printf("umap_node: vrele'd %d aliases\n", i);
* Return alias for target vnode if already exists, else 0.
static struct umap_node *
umap_node_find(mp, targetvp)
struct mount *mp;
struct vnode *targetvp;
struct umap_node_cache *hd;
struct umap_node *a;
printf("umap_node_find(mp = %x, target = %x)\n", mp, targetvp);
* Find hash base, and then search the (two-way) linked
* list looking for a umap_node structure which is referencing
* the target vnode. If found, the increment the umap_node
* reference count (but NOT the target vnode's VREF counter).
hd = umap_node_hash(targetvp);
for (a = hd->ac_forw; a != (struct umap_node *) hd; a = a->umap_forw) {
if (a->umap_lowervp == targetvp && a->umap_vnode->v_mount == mp) {
printf("umap_node_find(%x): found (%x,%x)->%x\n",
targetvp, mp, a->umap_vnode, targetvp);
return (a);
printf("umap_node_find(%x, %x): NOT found\n", mp, targetvp);
return (0);
* Try to find an existing umap_node vnode refering
* to it, otherwise make a new umap_node vnode which
* contains a reference to the target vnode.
umap_node_create(mp, targetvp, newvpp)
struct mount *mp;
struct vnode *targetvp;
struct vnode **newvpp;
struct umap_node *ap;
struct vnode *aliasvp;
ap = umap_node_find(mp, targetvp);
if (ap) {
* Take another reference to the alias vnode
vprint("umap_node_create: exists", ap->umap_vnode);
aliasvp = ap->umap_vnode;
} else {
int error;
* Get new vnode.
printf("umap_node_create: create new alias vnode\n");
if (error = getnewvnode(VT_UFS, mp, umap_vnodeop_p, &aliasvp))
return (error); /* XXX: VT_LOFS above */
* Make new vnode reference the umap_node.
umap_node_alloc(aliasvp, targetvp);
* aliasvp is already VREF'd by getnewvnode()
vprint("umap_node_create: alias", aliasvp);
vprint("umap_node_create: target", targetvp);
*newvpp = aliasvp;
return (0);
int umap_checkvp_barrier = 1;
struct vnode *
umap_checkvp(vp, fil, lno)
struct vnode *vp;
char *fil;
int lno;
struct umap_node *a = VTOUMAP(vp);
#if 0
* Can't do this check because vop_reclaim runs
* with funny vop vector.
if (vp->v_op != umap_vnodeop_p) {
printf ("umap_checkvp: on non-umap-node\n");
while (umap_checkvp_barrier) /*WAIT*/ ;
if (a->umap_lowervp == NULL) {
/* Should never happen */
int i; u_long *p;
printf("vp = %x, ZERO ptr\n", vp);
for (p = (u_long *) a, i = 0; i < 8; i++)
printf(" %x", p[i]);
/* wait for debugger */
while (umap_checkvp_barrier) /*WAIT*/ ;
if (a->umap_lowervp->v_usecount < 1) {
int i; u_long *p;
printf("vp = %x, unref'ed lowervp\n", vp);
for (p = (u_long *) a, i = 0; i < 8; i++)
printf(" %x", p[i]);
/* wait for debugger */
while (umap_checkvp_barrier) /*WAIT*/ ;
panic ("umap with unref'ed lowervp");
#if 0
printf("umap %x/%d -> %x/%d [%s, %d]\n",
a->umap_vnode, a->umap_vnode->v_usecount,
a->umap_lowervp, a->umap_lowervp->v_usecount,
fil, lno);
return a->umap_lowervp;
/* umap_mapids maps all of the ids in a credential, both user and group. */
struct ucred *credp;
int * usermap, groupmap;
int unentries,gnentries;
int i,gid,uid;
/* Find uid entry in map */
uid = umap_findid(credp->cr_uid,usermap,unentries);
if (uid != -1) {
credp->cr_ruid =
credp->cr_uid =
} else
credp->cr_ruid = credp->cr_uid = (u_short)NOBODY;
/* Find gid entry in map */
gid = umap_findid(credp->cr_gid,groupmap,gnentries);
if (gid != -1) {
credp->cr_rgid =
credp->cr_gid =
} else
credp->cr_rgid = credp->cr_gid = (u_short)NULLGROUP;
/* Now we must map each of the set of groups in the cr_groups
structure. */
i = 0;
while (credp->cr_groups[i] != 0)
gid = umap_findid(credp->cr_groups[i],groupmap,
if (gid != -1)
credp->cr_groups[i++] = (u_short)gid;
credp->cr_groups[i++] = (u_short)NULLGROUP;
/* umap_findid is called by various routines in umap_vnodeops.c to
* find a user or group id in a map.
ushort id;
int map[][2];
int nentries;
int i;
/* Find uid entry in map */
i = 0;
while ((i<nentries) && ((u_short)(map[i][0] ) != id))
if ( i < nentries )
return (map[i][1]);
return (-1);
/* umap_reverse_findid is called by umap_getattr() in umap_vnodeops.c to
* find a user or group id in a map, in reverse.
ushort id;
int map[][2];
int nentries;
int i;
/* Find uid entry in map */
i = 0;
while ((i<nentries) && ((u_short)(map[i][1] ) != id))
if ( i < nentries )
return (map[i][0]);
return (-1);