BSD 4_1_snap release
[unix-history] / usr / src / cmd / lisp / liszt / decl.l
(include "chead.l")
(Liszt-file decl "@(#)decl.l 1.9 3/15/82")
;;; ---- d e c l declaration handling
;;; -[Wed May 12 13:45:33 1982 by jkf]-
(setq original-readtable readtable)
(setq raw-readtable (makereadtable t))
;--- special handlers
(putprop 'and 'cc-and 'fl-exprcc)
(putprop 'arg 'cc-arg 'fl-exprcc)
(putprop 'assq 'cm-assq 'fl-exprm)
(putprop 'atom 'cc-atom 'fl-exprcc)
(putprop 'bigp 'cc-bigp 'fl-exprcc)
(putprop 'bcdcall 'c-bcdcall 'fl-expr)
(putprop 'Internal-bcdcall 'c-Internal-bcdcall 'fl-expr)
(putprop 'bcdp 'cc-bcdp 'fl-exprcc)
(putprop 'boole 'c-boole 'fl-expr)
(putprop '*catch 'c-*catch 'fl-expr)
(putprop 'comment 'cc-ignore 'fl-exprcc)
(putprop 'cond 'c-cond 'fl-expr)
(putprop 'cons 'c-cons 'fl-expr)
(putprop 'cxr 'cc-cxr 'fl-exprcc)
(putprop 'declare 'c-declare 'fl-expr)
(putprop 'do 'c-do 'fl-expr)
(putprop 'liszt-internal-do 'c-do 'fl-expr)
(putprop 'dtpr 'cc-dtpr 'fl-exprcc)
(putprop 'eq 'cc-eq 'fl-exprcc)
(putprop 'equal 'cc-equal 'fl-exprcc)
(putprop 'errset 'c-errset 'fl-expr)
(putprop 'fixp 'cc-fixp 'fl-exprcc)
(putprop 'floatp 'cc-floatp 'fl-exprcc)
(putprop 'funcall 'c-funcall 'fl-expr)
(putprop 'function 'cc-function 'fl-exprcc)
(putprop 'get 'c-get 'fl-expr)
(putprop 'getd 'cm-getd 'fl-exprm)
(putprop 'getdata 'cm-getdata 'fl-exprm)
(putprop 'getdisc 'cm-getdisc 'fl-exprm)
(putprop 'go 'c-go 'fl-expr)
(putprop 'list 'c-list 'fl-expr)
(putprop 'map 'cm-map 'fl-exprm)
(putprop 'mapc 'cm-mapc 'fl-exprm)
(putprop 'mapcan 'cm-mapcan 'fl-exprm)
(putprop 'mapcar 'cm-mapcar 'fl-exprm)
(putprop 'mapcon 'cm-mapcon 'fl-exprm)
(putprop 'maplist 'cm-maplist 'fl-exprm)
(putprop 'memq 'cc-memq 'fl-exprcc)
(putprop 'ncons 'cm-ncons 'fl-exprm)
(putprop 'not 'cc-not 'fl-exprcc)
(putprop 'null 'cc-not 'fl-exprcc)
(putprop 'numberp 'cc-numberp 'fl-exprcc)
(putprop 'or 'cc-or 'fl-exprcc)
(putprop 'prog 'c-prog 'fl-expr)
(putprop 'progn 'cm-progn 'fl-exprm)
(putprop 'prog1 'cm-prog1 'fl-exprm)
(putprop 'prog2 'cm-prog2 'fl-exprm)
(putprop 'progv 'c-progv 'fl-expr)
(putprop 'quote 'cc-quote 'fl-exprcc)
(putprop 'return 'c-return 'fl-expr)
(putprop 'rplaca 'c-rplaca 'fl-expr)
(putprop 'rplacd 'c-rplacd 'fl-expr)
(putprop 'rplacx 'c-rplacx 'fl-expr)
(putprop '*rplacx 'c-rplacx 'fl-expr)
(putprop 'setarg 'c-setarg 'fl-expr)
(putprop 'setq 'cc-setq 'fl-exprcc)
(putprop 'stringp 'cc-stringp 'fl-exprcc)
(putprop 'symbolp 'cc-symbolp 'fl-exprcc)
(putprop 'symeval 'cm-symeval 'fl-exprm)
(putprop '*throw 'c-*throw 'fl-expr)
(putprop 'typep 'cc-typep 'fl-exprcc)
(putprop 'zerop 'cm-zerop 'fl-exprm)
; functions which expect fixnum operands
(putprop '+ 'c-fixnumop 'fl-expr)
(putprop '+ 'addl3 'fixop)
(putprop '- 'c-fixnumop 'fl-expr)
(putprop '- 'subl3 'fixop)
(putprop '* 'c-fixnumop 'fl-expr)
(putprop '* 'mull3 'fixop)
(putprop '/ 'c-fixnumop 'fl-expr)
(putprop '/ 'divl3 'fixop)
;-- boole's derivatives
(putprop 'fixnum-BitOr 'c-fixnumop 'fl-expr)
(putprop 'fixnum-BitOr 'bisl3 'fixop)
(putprop 'fixnum-BitAndNot 'c-fixnumop 'fl-expr)
(putprop 'fixnum-BitAndNot 'bicl3 'fixop)
(putprop 'fixnum-BitXor 'c-fixnumop 'fl-expr)
(putprop 'fixnum-BitXor 'xorl3 'fixop)
(putprop '1+ 'cc-oneplus 'fl-exprcc)
(putprop '1- 'cc-oneminus 'fl-exprcc)
(putprop '\\ 'c-\\ 'fl-expr) ; done in the old way, should be modified
; these have typically fixnum operands, but not always
; these without the & can be both fixnum or both flonum
(putprop '< 'cm-< 'fl-exprm)
(putprop '<& 'cc-<& 'fl-exprcc)
(putprop '> 'cm-> 'fl-exprm)
(putprop '>& 'cc->& 'fl-exprcc)
(putprop '= 'cm-= 'fl-exprm)
(putprop '=& 'cm-=& 'fl-exprm)
; functions which can only be compiled
(putprop 'assembler-code 'c-assembler-code 'fl-expr)
(putprop 'fixnum-cxr 'cm-fixnum-cxr 'fl-exprm)
(putprop 'internal-fixnum-box 'c-internal-fixnum-box 'fl-expr)
(putprop 'offset-cxr 'cc-offset-cxr 'fl-exprcc)
(putprop 'internal-bind-vars 'c-internal-bind-vars 'fl-expr)
(putprop 'internal-unbind-vars 'c-internal-unbind-vars 'fl-expr)
; functions which can be converted to fixnum functions if
; proper declarations are done
'(lambda (arg) (putprop (car arg) (cdr arg) 'if-fixnum-args))
'((lessp . <&) (greaterp . >&) (= . =&) (equal . =&)
(plus . +) (difference . -) (times . *) (quotient . /)
(add1 . 1+) (sub1 . 1-)))
;--- doevalwhen, process evalwhen directive. This is inadequate.
(def doevalwhen
(lambda (v-f)
(prog (docom dolod)
(setq docom (memq 'compile (cadr v-f))
dolod (memq 'load (cadr v-f)))
(mapc '(lambda (frm) (cond (docom (eval frm)))
(cond (dolod
((lambda (internal-macros)
(liszt-form frm))
(cddr v-f)))))
;---- declare - the compiler version of the declare function
; process the declare forms given. We evaluate each arg
(defun declare fexpr (forms)
(cond ((status feature complr)
(do ((i forms (cdr i)))
((null i))
(cond ((and (atom (caar i))
(getd (caar i)))
(eval (car i))) ; if this is a function
(t (comp-warn "Unknown declare attribute: " (car i))))))))
;---> handlers for declare forms
; declaration information for declarations which occur outside of
; functions is stored on the property list for rapid access.
; The indicator to look under is the value of one of the symbols:
; g-functype, g-vartype, g-bindtype, or g-calltype
; The value of the property is the declared function, declaration, binding
; or call type for that variable.
; For local declarations, the information is kept on the g-decls stack.
; It is an assq list, the car of which is the name of the variable or
; function name, the cdr of which is the particular type. To tell
; whether the particular type is a function type declaration, check the
; property list of the particular type for a 'functype' indicator.
; Likewise, to see if a particular type is a variable declaration, look
; for a 'vartype' indicator on the particular type's property list.
(defmacro declare-handler (args name type toplevind)
`(mapc '(lambda (var)
(cond ((symbolp var)
(cond (g-compfcn ; if compiling a function
(Push g-decls (cons var ',name)))
(t ; if at top level
(putprop var ',name ,toplevind))))))
(defun *fexpr fexpr (args)
(declare-handler args nlambda functype g-functype))
(defun nlambda fexpr (args)
(declare-handler args nlambda functype g-functype))
(defun *expr fexpr (args)
(declare-handler args lambda functype g-functype))
(defun lambda fexpr (args)
(declare-handler args lambda functype g-functype))
(defun *lexpr fexpr (args)
(declare-handler args lexpr functype g-functype))
(defun special fexpr (args)
(declare-handler args special bindtype g-bindtype))
(defun unspecial fexpr (args)
(declare-handler args unspecial bindtype g-bindtype))
(defun fixnum fexpr (args)
(declare-handler args fixnum vartype g-vartype))
(defun flonum fexpr (args)
(declare-handler args flonum vartype g-vartype))
(defun notype fexpr (args)
(declare-handler args notype vartype g-vartype))
;--- special case, this is only allowed at top level. It will
; be removed when vectors are fully supported
(def macarray
(nlambda (v-l)
(mapc '(lambda (x)
(If (dtpr x)
then (putprop (car x) (cdr x) g-arrayspecs)
(putprop (car x) 'array g-functype)
else (comp-err "Bad macerror form" x)))
(def macros
(nlambda (args) (setq macros (car args))))
(def specials
(nlambda (args) (setq special (car args))))
;--- another top level only.
(def localf
(nlambda (args) (mapc '(lambda (ar)
(If (null (get ar g-localf))
then (putprop ar
(cons (d-genlab) -1)
; g-decls is a stack of forms like
; ((foo . special) (bar . fixnum) (pp . nlambda))
; there are 4 types of cdr's:
; function types (lambda, nlambda, lexpr)
; variable types (fixnum, flonum, notype)
; call types (localf, <unspecified>)
; bind types (special, unspecial)
(mapc '(lambda (x) (putprop x t 'functype)) '(lambda nlambda lexpr))
(mapc '(lambda (x) (putprop x t 'vartype)) '(fixnum flonum notype))
(mapc '(lambda (x) (putprop x t 'calltype)) '(localf))
(mapc '(lambda (x) (putprop x t 'bindtype)) '(special unspecial))
;---> end declare form handlers
;--- d-makespec :: declare a variable to be special
(defun d-makespec (vrb)
(putprop vrb 'special g-bindtype))