Research V4 development
[unix-history] / man / manx / vs.1
.th VS I 2/13/73
.sh NAME
vs _ phoneme list to voice synthesizer
.bd vs
.it vs
accepts phoneme descriptor lists and translates them into
byte strings suitable for the Federal Screw Works Voice
Phoneme descritors should be separated by commas and
have the general form "%NIxx"
where "xx" is a one or two character phoneme name,
"I" is an optional inflection parameter,
and "%N" is an optional count of the number of times
the phoneme is to be repeated (maximum 9).
"I" can have the values 0, 1, 2, 3 representing decreasing
strength (default is 2).
A description of the phonemes and their names can be
found in the file vsp(VII).
For example,
.in +3
will generate the word "outrageous".
The output is buffered;
a newline will cause the buffered output to be
sent to the Voice Synthesizer.
.sh "SEE ALSO"
vsp(VII), speak(I)
.sh BUGS