raise enlastdel to 50
[unix-history] / .ref-BSD-3 / usr / doc / vmunix / copyr.t
...fp 3 G
.ll 4.8i
.in .75i
.hy 0
.vs 12p
.sp |7i
Copyright 1979, Regents of the University of California.
Permission to copy these documents or any portion thereof
as necessary for licensed use of the software
is granted to licensees of this software, provided this copyright
notice and statement of permission are included.
The document ``Sdb: A Symbolic Debugger'' is copyrighted 1979 by
Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Holders of a UNIX\v'-4p'\s-2\fGTM\fP\s0\v'4p'/32V software
license are permitted to copy this document, or any portion
of it, as necessary for licensed use of the software,
provided this copyright notice and statement of permission
are included.