[unix-history] / usr / src / share / man / man3 / intro.3x
.\" Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.
.\" All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement
.\" specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
.\" @(#)intro.3x 6.1 (Berkeley) %G%
.UC 5
intro \- introduction to miscellaneous library functions
These functions constitute minor libraries and other miscellaneous
run-time facilities. Most are available only when programming in
C. The list below includes libraries which provide
device independent plotting functions,
terminal independent screen management routines
for two dimensional non-bitmap display terminals,
functions for managing data bases with inverted indexes,
and sundry routines used in executing commands on remote
machines. The routines
.IR getdiskbyname ,
.IR rcmd ,
.IR rresvport ,
.IR ruserok ,
.I rexec
reside in the standard C run-time library \*(lq\-lc\*(rq.
All other functions are located in separate libraries
indicated in each manual entry.
.sp 2
.ta \w'getdiskbyname'u+2n +\w'lib2648.3x'u+10n
\fIName\fP \fIAppears on Page\fP \fIDescription\fP
.ta \w'getdiskbyname'u+4n +\w'lib2648.3x'u+4n
.sp 5p
arc plot.3x graphics interface
assert assert.3x program verification
circle plot.3x graphics interface
closepl plot.3x graphics interface
cont plot.3x graphics interface
curses curses.3x screen functions with ``optimal'' cursor motion
dbminit dbm.3x data base subroutines
delete dbm.3x data base subroutines
endfsent getfsent.3x get file system descriptor file entry
erase plot.3x graphics interface
fetch dbm.3x data base subroutines
firstkey dbm.3x data base subroutines
getdiskbyname getdisk.3x get disk description by its name
getfsent getfsent.3x get file system descriptor file entry
getfsfile getfsent.3x get file system descriptor file entry
getfsspec getfsent.3x get file system descriptor file entry
getfstype getfsent.3x get file system descriptor file entry
initgroups initgroups.3x initialize group access list
label plot.3x graphics interface
lib2648 lib2648.3x subroutines for the HP 2648 graphics terminal
line plot.3x graphics interface
linemod plot.3x graphics interface
move plot.3x graphics interface
nextkey dbm.3x data base subroutines
plot: openpl plot.3x graphics interface
point plot.3x graphics interface
rcmd rcmd.3x routines for returning a stream to a remote command
rexec rexec.3x return stream to a remote command
rresvport rcmd.3x routines for returning a stream to a remote command
ruserok rcmd.3x routines for returning a stream to a remote command
setfsent getfsent.3x get file system descriptor file entry
space plot.3x graphics interface
store dbm.3x data base subroutines
tgetent termcap.3x terminal independent operation routines
tgetflag termcap.3x terminal independent operation routines
tgetnum termcap.3x terminal independent operation routines
tgetstr termcap.3x terminal independent operation routines
tgoto termcap.3x terminal independent operation routines
tputs termcap.3x terminal independent operation routines