add file flags definitions
[unix-history] / usr / src / bin / ls / ls.c
* Copyright (c) 1989 The Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved.
* This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by
* Michael Fischbein.
* %sccs.include.redist.c%
#ifndef lint
char copyright[] =
"@(#) Copyright (c) 1989 The Regents of the University of California.\n\
All rights reserved.\n";
#endif /* not lint */
#ifndef lint
static char sccsid[] = "@(#)ls.c 5.51 (Berkeley) %G%";
#endif /* not lint */
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "ls.h"
#include "extern.h"
static void displaydir __P((LS *, int));
static void doargs __P((int, char **));
static void subdir __P((LS *));
static int tabdir __P((LS *, LS **, char **));
int termwidth = 80; /* default terminal width */
/* flags */
int f_accesstime; /* use time of last access */
int f_column; /* columnated format */
int f_group; /* show group ownership of a file */
int f_ignorelink; /* indirect through symbolic link operands */
int f_inode; /* print inode */
int f_kblocks; /* print size in kilobytes */
int f_listalldot; /* list . and .. as well */
int f_listdir; /* list actual directory, not contents */
int f_listdot; /* list files beginning with . */
int f_longform; /* long listing format */
int f_needstat; /* if need to stat files */
int f_newline; /* if precede with newline */
int f_nonprint; /* show unprintables as ? */
int f_nosort; /* don't sort output */
int f_recursive; /* ls subdirectories also */
int f_reversesort; /* reverse whatever sort is used */
int f_sectime; /* print the real time for all files */
int f_singlecol; /* use single column output */
int f_size; /* list size in short listing */
int f_statustime; /* use time of last mode change */
int f_dirname; /* if precede with directory name */
int f_timesort; /* sort by time vice name */
int f_total; /* if precede with "total" line */
int f_type; /* add type character for non-regular files */
void (*printfcn)();
int (*statfcn)(), (*sortfcn)();
main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
struct winsize win;
int ch;
char *p;
/* terminal defaults to -Cq, non-terminal defaults to -1 */
if (isatty(1)) {
f_nonprint = 1;
if (ioctl(1, TIOCGWINSZ, &win) == -1 || !win.ws_col) {
if (p = getenv("COLUMNS"))
termwidth = atoi(p);
termwidth = win.ws_col;
f_column = 1;
} else
f_singlecol = 1;
/* root is -A automatically */
if (!getuid())
f_listdot = 1;
while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "1ACFLRTacdfgiklqrstu")) != EOF) {
switch (ch) {
* -1, -C and -l all override each other
* so shell aliasing works right
case '1':
f_singlecol = 1;
f_column = f_longform = 0;
case 'C':
f_column = 1;
f_longform = f_singlecol = 0;
case 'l':
f_longform = 1;
f_column = f_singlecol = 0;
/* -c and -u override each other */
case 'c':
f_statustime = 1;
f_accesstime = 0;
case 'u':
f_accesstime = 1;
f_statustime = 0;
case 'F':
f_type = 1;
case 'L':
f_ignorelink = 1;
case 'R':
f_recursive = 1;
case 'a':
f_listalldot = 1;
case 'A':
f_listdot = 1;
case 'S':
Sflg++; /* fall into... */
case 'd':
f_listdir = 1;
case 'f':
f_nosort = 1;
case 'g':
f_group = 1;
case 'i':
f_inode = 1;
case 'k':
f_kblocks = 1;
case 'q':
f_nonprint = 1;
case 'r':
f_reversesort = 1;
case 's':
f_size = 1;
case 'T':
f_sectime = 1;
case 't':
f_timesort = 1;
case '?':
argc -= optind;
argv += optind;
/* -d turns off -R */
if (f_listdir)
f_recursive = 0;
/* if need to stat files */
f_needstat = f_longform || f_recursive || f_timesort ||
f_size || f_type;
/* select a sort function */
if (f_reversesort) {
if (!f_timesort)
sortfcn = revnamecmp;
else if (f_accesstime)
sortfcn = revacccmp;
else if (f_statustime)
sortfcn = revstatcmp;
else /* use modification time */
sortfcn = revmodcmp;
} else {
if (!f_timesort)
sortfcn = namecmp;
else if (f_accesstime)
sortfcn = acccmp;
else if (f_statustime)
sortfcn = statcmp;
else /* use modification time */
sortfcn = modcmp;
/* select a print function */
if (f_singlecol)
printfcn = printscol;
else if (f_longform)
printfcn = printlong;
printfcn = printcol;
/* if -l, -d or -F, and not ignoring the link, use lstat() */
statfcn =
(f_longform || f_listdir || f_type) && !f_ignorelink ? lstat : stat;
if (argc)
doargs(argc, argv);
else {
static char dot[] = ".", *dotav[] = { dot, NULL };
doargs(1, dotav);
static char path[MAXPATHLEN + 1];
static char *endofpath = path;
static void
doargs(argc, argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
register LS *dstatp, *rstatp;
register int cnt, dircnt, maxlen, regcnt;
LS *dstats, *rstats;
struct stat sb;
char top[MAXPATHLEN + 1];
u_long blocks;
* walk through the operands, building separate arrays of LS
* structures for directory and non-directory files.
dstats = rstats = NULL;
for (dircnt = regcnt = 0; *argv; ++argv) {
if (statfcn(*argv, &sb) &&
(statfcn == lstat || lstat(*argv, &sb))) {
if (errno == ENOENT) {
warn("%s: %s", *argv, strerror(errno));
err("%s: %s", *argv, strerror(errno));
if (S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode) && !f_listdir) {
if (!dstats)
dstatp = dstats =
emalloc((u_int)argc * (sizeof(LS)));
dstatp->name = *argv;
dstatp->lstat = sb;
else {
if (!rstats) {
rstatp = rstats =
emalloc((u_int)argc * (sizeof(LS)));
blocks = 0;
maxlen = -1;
rstatp->name = *argv;
rstatp->lstat = sb;
/* save name length for -C format */
rstatp->len = strlen(*argv);
if (f_nonprint)
prcopy(*argv, *argv, rstatp->len);
/* calculate number of blocks if -l/-s formats */
if (f_longform || f_size)
blocks += sb.st_blocks;
/* save max length if -C format */
if (f_column && maxlen < rstatp->len)
maxlen = rstatp->len;
/* display regular files */
if (regcnt) {
rstats[0].lstat.st_btotal = blocks;
rstats[0].lstat.st_maxlen = maxlen;
displaydir(rstats, regcnt);
f_newline = f_dirname = 1;
/* display directories */
if (dircnt) {
register char *p;
f_total = 1;
if (dircnt > 1) {
qsort((char *)dstats, dircnt, sizeof(LS), sortfcn);
f_dirname = 1;
for (cnt = 0; cnt < dircnt; ++dstats) {
for (endofpath = path, p = dstats->name;
*endofpath = *p++; ++endofpath);
f_newline = 1;
if (++cnt < dircnt && chdir(top))
err("%s: %s", top, strerror(errno));
static void
displaydir(stats, num)
LS *stats;
register int num;
register char *p, *savedpath;
LS *lp;
if (num > 1 && !f_nosort) {
u_long save1, save2;
save1 = stats[0].lstat.st_btotal;
save2 = stats[0].lstat.st_maxlen;
qsort((char *)stats, num, sizeof(LS), sortfcn);
stats[0].lstat.st_btotal = save1;
stats[0].lstat.st_maxlen = save2;
printfcn(stats, num);
if (f_recursive) {
savedpath = endofpath;
for (lp = stats; num--; ++lp) {
if (!S_ISDIR(lp->lstat.st_mode))
p = lp->name;
if (p[0] == '.' && (!p[1] || p[1] == '.' && !p[2]))
if (endofpath != path && endofpath[-1] != '/')
*endofpath++ = '/';
for (; *endofpath = *p++; ++endofpath);
f_newline = f_dirname = f_total = 1;
*(endofpath = savedpath) = '\0';
static void
LS *lp;
LS *stats;
int num;
char *names;
if (f_newline)
if (f_dirname)
(void)printf("%s:\n", path);
if (chdir(lp->name)) {
warn("%s: %s", lp->name, strerror(errno));
if (num = tabdir(lp, &stats, &names)) {
displaydir(stats, num);
if (chdir(".."))
err("..: %s", strerror(errno));
static int
tabdir(lp, s_stats, s_names)
LS *lp, **s_stats;
char **s_names;
register DIR *dirp;
register int cnt, maxentry, maxlen;
register char *p, *names;
struct dirent *dp;
LS *stats;
u_long blocks;
if (!(dirp = opendir("."))) {
warn("%s: %s", lp->name, strerror(errno));
return (0);
blocks = maxentry = maxlen = 0;
stats = NULL;
for (cnt = 0; dp = readdir(dirp);) {
/* this does -A and -a */
p = dp->d_name;
if (p[0] == '.') {
if (!f_listdot)
if (!f_listalldot && (!p[1] || p[1] == '.' && !p[2]))
if (cnt == maxentry) {
if (!maxentry)
*s_names = names =
#define DEFNUM 256
maxentry += DEFNUM;
if (!(*s_stats = stats = realloc((char *)stats,
(u_int)maxentry * sizeof(LS))))
err("%s", strerror(errno));
if (f_needstat && statfcn(dp->d_name, &stats[cnt].lstat) &&
statfcn == stat && lstat(dp->d_name, &stats[cnt].lstat)) {
* don't exit -- this could be an NFS mount that has
* gone away. Flush stdout so the messages line up.
warn("%s: %s", dp->d_name, strerror(errno));
stats[cnt].name = names;
if (f_nonprint)
prcopy(dp->d_name, names, (int)dp->d_namlen);
bcopy(dp->d_name, names, (int)dp->d_namlen);
names += dp->d_namlen;
*names++ = '\0';
* get the inode from the directory, so the -f flag
* works right.
stats[cnt].lstat.st_ino = dp->d_ino;
/* save name length for -C format */
stats[cnt].len = dp->d_namlen;
/* calculate number of blocks if -l/-s formats */
if (f_longform || f_size)
blocks += stats[cnt].lstat.st_blocks;
/* save max length if -C format */
if (f_column && maxlen < (int)dp->d_namlen)
maxlen = dp->d_namlen;
if (cnt) {
stats[0].lstat.st_btotal = blocks;
stats[0].lstat.st_maxlen = maxlen;
} else if (stats) {
return (cnt);