date and time created 83/02/11 15:45:08 by rrh
[unix-history] / usr / src / usr.bin / f77 / libU77 / fseek_.c
char id_fseek[] = "@(#)fseek_.c 1.2";
* position a file associated with a fortran logical unit
* calling sequence:
* ierror = fseek(lunit, ioff, ifrom)
* where:
* lunit is an open logical unit
* ioff is an offset in bytes relative to the position specified by ifrom
* ifrom - 0 means 'beginning of the file'
* - 1 means 'the current position'
* - 2 means 'the end of the file'
* ierror will be 0 if successful, a system error code otherwise.
#include <stdio.h>
#include "../libI77/f_errno.h"
#include "../libI77/fiodefs.h"
extern unit units[];
long fseek_(lu, off, from)
long *lu, *off, *from;
if (*lu < 0 || *lu >= MXUNIT)
if (*from < 0 || *from > 2)
if (!units[*lu].ufd)
if (fseek(units[*lu].ufd, *off, (int)*from) < 0)