fixed .rn name conflicts (e.g., @T in .sh & .(x)
[unix-history] / usr / src / old / as.vax / asjxxx.c
/* Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California */
static char sccsid[] = "@(#)asjxxx.c 4.5 %G%";
#include <stdio.h>
#include "as.h"
#include "assyms.h"
#define JBR 0x11
#define BRW 0x31
#define JMP 0x17
* The number of bytes to add if the jxxx must be "exploded"
* into the long form
#define JBRDELTA 1 /* brb <byte> ==> brw <byte> <byte> */
#define JXXXDELTA 3 /* brb <byte> ==> brb <byte> brw <byte> <byte> */
#define JBRJDELTA d124 /* brb <byte> ==> jmp L^(pc) <byte>*d124 */
#define JXXXJDELTA d124+2 /* brb <byte> ==> brb <byte> jmp L^(pc) <byte>*d124 */
int jbrfsize = JBRDELTA;
int jxxxfsize = JXXXDELTA;
* These variables are filled by asscan.c with the
* last name encountered (a pointer buried in the intermediate file),
* and the last jxxx symbol table entry encountered.
struct symtab *lastnam;
struct symtab *lastjxxx;
jbrfsize = jxxxJUMP ? JBRJDELTA : JBRDELTA;
jxxxfsize = jxxxJUMP ? JXXXJDELTA : JXXXDELTA;
* Note: ifjxxxJUMP is set, then we do NOT do any tunnelling;
* this was too complicated to figure out, and in the first
* version of the assembler, tunnelling proved to be the hardest
* to get to work!
* Handle jxxx instructions
struct arg *ap;
if (passno == 1){
* Record the jxxx in a special symbol table entry
register struct symtab *jumpfrom;
* We assume the MINIMAL length
jumpfrom = lastjxxx;
jumpfrom->s_tag = JXACTIVE;
jumpfrom->s_jxbump = 0;
if (op == JBR)
jumpfrom->s_jxfear = jbrfsize;
jumpfrom->s_jxfear = jxxxfsize;
if (lastnam == 0)
yyerror("jxxx destination not a label");
jumpfrom->s_dest = lastnam;
jumpfrom->s_type = dotp->e_xtype; /*only TEXT or DATA*/
jumpfrom->s_index = dotp-usedot;
* value ALWAYS (ALWAYS!!!) indexes the next instruction
* after the jump, even in the jump must be exploded
* (bumped)
jumpfrom->s_value = dotp->e_xvalue;
} else {/* pass2, resolve */
register long oxvalue;
register struct exp *xp;
register struct symtab *tunnel;
register struct arg *aplast;
aplast = ap + nact - 1;
xp = aplast->a_xp;
if (lastjxxx->s_tag == JXTUNNEL){
lastjxxx->s_tag = JXINACTIVE;
tunnel = lastjxxx->s_dest;
xp->e_xvalue = tunnel->s_value /*index of instruction following*/
- 3 /* size of brw + word*/
+ ( ( (tunnel->s_jxfear == jbrfsize) &&
(tunnel->s_jxbump == 0))?1:0);
/*non bumped branch byteis only 2 back*/
if (lastjxxx->s_jxbump == 0){ /*wasn't bumped, so is short form*/
putins(op, ap, nact);
} else {
if (op != JBR){ /*branch reverse conditional byte over
branch unconditional word*/
oxvalue = xp->e_xvalue;
xp->e_xvalue = lastjxxx->s_value;
putins(op^1, ap, nact);
xp->e_xvalue = oxvalue;
putins(jxxxJUMP ? JMP : BRW, aplast, 1);
} /*end of ijxout*/
jalign(xp, sp)
register struct exp *xp;
register struct symtab *sp;
register int mask;
* Problem with .align
* When the loader constructs an executable file from
* a number of objects, it effectively concatnates
* together all of the text segments from all objects,
* and then all of the data segments.
* If we do an align by a large value, we can align
* within the a.out this assembly produces, but
* after the loader concatnates, the alignment can't
* be guaranteed if the objects preceding this one
* in the load are also aligned to the same size.
* Currently, the loader guarantees full word alignment.
* So, ridiculous aligns are caught here and converted
* to a .align 2, if possible.
if ( (xp->e_xtype != XABS)
|| (xp->e_xvalue < 0)
|| (xp->e_xvalue > 16)
) {
yyerror("Illegal `align' argument");
if (xp->e_xvalue > 2){
if (passno == 1){
yywarning(".align %d in any segment is NOT preserved by the loader",
yywarning(".align %d converted to .align 2",
xp->e_xvalue = 2;
if (passno == 1) {
sp->s_tag = JXALIGN;
sp->s_jxfear = (1 << xp->e_xvalue) - 1;
sp->s_type = dotp->e_xtype;
sp->s_index = dotp-usedot;
* We guess that the align will take up at least one
* byte in the code output. We will correct for this
* initial high guess when we explode (bump) aligns
* when we fix the jxxxes. We must do this guess
* so that the symbol table is sorted correctly
* and labels declared to fall before the align
* really get their, instead of guessing zero size
* and have the label (incorrectly) fall after the jxxx.
* This is a quirk of our requirement that indices into
* the code stream point to the next byte following
* the logical entry in the symbol table
dotp->e_xvalue += 1;
sp->s_value = dotp->e_xvalue;
} else {
mask = (1 << xp->e_xvalue) - 1;
while (dotp->e_xvalue & mask){
#ifdef UNIX
#endif UNIX
#ifdef VMS
*vms_obj_ptr++ = -1;
*vms_obj_ptr++ = 0;
dotp->e_xvalue += 1;
#endif VMS
* Pass 1.5, resolve jxxx instructions and .align in .text
register struct symtab *jumpfrom;
struct symtab **cojumpfrom, *ubjumpfrom;
register struct symtab *dest;
register struct symtab *intdest; /*intermediate dest*/
register struct symtab **cointdest, *ubintdest;
register struct symtab *tunnel;
int displ,nchange;
int badjxalign; /*if jump across an align*/
int stillactives; /*if still active jxxxes*/
int segno; /*current segment number*/
int topono; /*which iteration in the topo sort*/
register unsigned char tag;
* consider each segment in turn...
for (segno = 0; segno < NLOC + NLOC; segno++){
badjxalign = 0; /*done on a per segment basis*/
* Do a lazy topological sort.
for (topono = 1, nchange = 1; nchange != 0; topono++){
#ifdef DEBUG
if (debug)
printf("\nSegment %d, topo iteration %d\n",
segno, topono);
nchange = 0;
stillactives = 0;
* We keep track of one possible tunnel location.
* A tunnel will eventually be an unconditional
* branch to the same place that another jxxx
* will want to branch to. We will turn a
* branch conditional/unconditional (word) that would
* have to get bumped because its destination is too
* far away, into a branch conditional/unconditional
* byte to the tunnel branch conditional/unconditional.
* Of course, the tunnel must branch to the same place
* as we want to go.
tunnel = 0; /*initially, no tunnel*/
SEGITERATE(segno, 0, 0, cojumpfrom, jumpfrom, ubjumpfrom, ++){
tag = jumpfrom->s_tag;
if (tag <= IGNOREBOUND)
continue; /*just an ordinary symbol*/
if (tag == JXALIGN){
tunnel = 0; /*avoid tunneling across a flex alocation*/
continue; /*we take care of these later*/
if ( jumpfrom->s_jxfear == jbrfsize /*unconditional*/
|| ( tag == JXINACTIVE /*inactive bumped*/
&& (jumpfrom->s_jxbump != 0)
) tunnel = jumpfrom;
if (tag != JXACTIVE)
dest = jumpfrom->s_dest;
if (jumpfrom->s_index != dest->s_index){
yyerror("Intersegment jxxx");
displ = dest->s_value - jumpfrom->s_value;
if (displ < MINBYTE || displ > MAXBYTE) {
* This is an immediate lose!
* We first attempt to tunnel
* by finding an intervening jump that
* has the same destination.
* The tunnel is always the first preceeding
* jxxx instruction, so the displacement
* to the tunnel is less than zero, and
* its relative position will be unaffected
* by future jxxx expansions.
* No tunnels if doing jumps...
if ( (!jxxxJUMP)
&& (jumpfrom->s_jxfear > jbrfsize)
&& (tunnel)
&& (tunnel->s_dest == jumpfrom->s_dest)
&& (tunnel->s_index == jumpfrom->s_index)
&& (tunnel->s_value - jumpfrom->s_value >=
MINBYTE + jxxxfsize)
) {
* tunnelling is OK
jumpfrom->s_dest = tunnel;
* no bumping needed, this
* is now effectively inactive
* but must be remembered
jumpfrom->s_tag = JXTUNNEL;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Tunnel from %s from line %d\n",
jumpfrom->s_name, lineno);
} else { /*tunneling not possible*/
* since this will be turned
* into a bumped jump, we can
* use the unconditional jump
* as a tunnel
tunnel = jumpfrom;
jumpfrom->s_tag = JXNOTYET;
} /*end of immediate lose*/
* Do a forward search for an intervening jxxx
if (displ >= 0) {
SEGITERATE(segno, cojumpfrom + 1,0,cointdest,
intdest, ubintdest, ++){
if (intdest->s_value > dest->s_value)
break; /* beyond destination */
if (intdest->s_tag <= JXQUESTIONABLE)
continue; /*frozen solid*/
if (intdest->s_tag == JXALIGN){
jumpfrom->s_jxoveralign = 1;
* we assume the worst case
* for unfrozen jxxxxes
displ += intdest->s_jxfear;
if (displ <= MAXBYTE){
* the worst possible conditions
* can't hurt us, so forget about
* this jump
jumpfrom->s_tag = JXINACTIVE;
} else {
} else {
* backward search for intervening jxxx
SEGITERATE(segno, cojumpfrom - 1,1,cointdest,
intdest, ubintdest, --){
if (intdest->s_value <= dest->s_value)
break; /* beyond destination */
if (intdest->s_tag <= JXQUESTIONABLE)
continue; /*frozen solid*/
if (intdest->s_tag == JXALIGN){
jumpfrom->s_jxoveralign = 1;
displ -= intdest->s_jxfear;
if (displ >= MINBYTE) {
jumpfrom->s_tag = JXINACTIVE;
} else {
} /*end of backwards search*/
} /*end of iterating through all symbols in this seg*/
if (nchange == 0) {
* Now, if there are still active jxxx entries,
* we are partially deadlocked. We can leave
* these jxxx entries in their assumed short jump
* form, as all initial displacement calcualtions
* are hanging on unresolved jxxx instructions
* that might explode into a long form, causing
* other jxxxes jumping across the first set of
* jxxxes to explode, etc.
* However, if a jxxx jumps across a .align,
* we assume the worst for the deadlock cycle,
* and resolve all of them towards the long
* jump.
* Currently, the C compiler does not produce
* jumps across aligns, as aligns are only used
* in data segments, or in text segments to align
* functions.
if (stillactives){
SEGITERATE(segno, 0, 0, cojumpfrom, jumpfrom,
ubjumpfrom, ++){
if (jumpfrom->s_tag == JXACTIVE){
jumpfrom->s_tag =
if (badjxalign){
jxxxbump(segno, (struct symtab **)0);
* Handle all of the .align s
SEGITERATE(segno, 0, 0, cojumpfrom, jumpfrom,
ubjumpfrom, ++){
if (jumpfrom->s_tag == JXALIGN){
* Predict the true displacement
* needed, irregardless of the
* fact that we guessed 1
displ = (jumpfrom->s_value - 1) & (unsigned)jumpfrom->s_jxfear;
if (displ == 0){ /*no virtual displacement*/
jumpfrom->s_jxfear = -1;
} else {
jumpfrom->s_jxfear = (jumpfrom->s_jxfear + 1) - displ;
* assert jumpfrom->s_jxfear > 0
if (jumpfrom->s_jxfear == 1){
/*our prediction was correct*/
* assert jumpfrom->s_jxfear > 1
jumpfrom->s_jxfear -= 1; /*correct guess*/
* assert jumpfrom->s_jxfear = -1, +1...2**n-1
jumpfrom->s_tag = JXNOTYET; /*signal*/
jxxxbump(segno, cojumpfrom);
jumpfrom->s_tag = JXINACTIVE;
* Assert jxfrom->jxvalue indexes the first
* code byte after the added bytes, and
* has n low order zeroes.
} /*end of walking through each segment*/
} /*end of no changes */
else { /*changes, and still have to try another pass*/
jxxxbump(segno, (struct symtab **)0);
} /*end of doing the topologic sort*/
} /*end of iterating through all segments*/
} /*end of jxxxfix*/
* Go through the symbols in a given segment number,
* and see which entries are jxxx entries that have
* been logically "exploded" (expanded), but for which
* the value of textually following symbols has not been
* increased
jxxxbump(segno, starthint)
int segno;
struct symtab **starthint;
register struct symtab **cosp, *sp;
register struct symtab *ub;
register int cum_bump;
register unsigned char tag;
cum_bump = 0;
SEGITERATE(segno, starthint, 0, cosp, sp, ub, ++){
tag = sp->s_tag;
if (tag == JXNOTYET){
#ifdef DEBUG
if (debug){
if (sp->s_dest != 0)
printf("Explode jump to %s on line %d\n",
sp->s_dest->s_name, lineno);
printf("Explode an align!\n");
sp->s_tag = JXINACTIVE;
sp->s_jxbump = 1;
cum_bump += sp->s_jxfear;
* Only bump labels and jxxxes. Ignored entries can
* be incremented, as they are thrown away later on.
* Stabds are given their final value in the second
* pass.
if (tag >= OKTOBUMP) /*only bump labels and jxxxes and floating stabs*/
sp->s_value += cum_bump;
usedot[segno].e_xvalue += cum_bump;