date and time created 87/02/15 16:03:39 by lepreau
[unix-history] / usr / src / sbin / newfs / newfs.c
* Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement
* specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
#ifndef lint
char copyright[] =
"@(#) Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.\n\
All rights reserved.\n";
#endif not lint
#ifndef lint
static char sccsid[] = "@(#)newfs.c 6.4 (Berkeley) %G%";
#endif not lint
* newfs: friendly front end to mkfs
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/fs.h>
#include <sys/dir.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/disklabel.h>
#include <sys/file.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
* The following two constants set the default block and fragment sizes.
* Both constants must be a power of 2 and meet the following constraints:
#define DFL_FRAGSIZE 1024
#define DFL_BLKSIZE 8192
* Cylinder groups may have up to MAXCPG cylinders. The actual
* number used depends upon how much information can be stored
* on a single cylinder. The default is to used 16 cylinders
* per group.
#define DESCPG 16 /* desired fs_cpg */
* MINFREE gives the minimum acceptable percentage of file system
* blocks which may be free. If the freelist drops below this level
* only the superuser may continue to allocate blocks. This may
* be set to 0 if no reserve of free blocks is deemed necessary,
* however throughput drops by fifty percent if the file system
* is run at between 90% and 100% full; thus the default value of
* fs_minfree is 10%. With 10% free space, fragmentation is not a
* problem, so we choose to optimize for time.
#define MINFREE 10
* ROTDELAY gives the minimum number of milliseconds to initiate
* another disk transfer on the same cylinder. It is used in
* determining the rotationally optimal layout for disk blocks
* within a file; the default of fs_rotdelay is 4ms.
#define ROTDELAY 4
* MAXCONTIG sets the default for the maximum number of blocks
* that may be allocated sequentially. Since UNIX drivers are
* not capable of scheduling multi-block transfers, this defaults
* to 1 (ie no contiguous blocks are allocated).
#define MAXCONTIG 1
* Each file system has a number of inodes statically allocated.
* We allocate one inode slot per NBPI bytes, expecting this
* to be far more than we will ever need.
#define NBPI 2048
int Nflag; /* run without writing file system */
int fssize; /* file system size */
int ntracks; /* # tracks/cylinder */
int nsectors; /* # sectors/track */
int nphyssectors; /* # sectors/track including spares */
int secpercyl; /* sectors per cylinder */
int trackspares = -1; /* spare sectors per track */
int cylspares = -1; /* spare sectors per cylinder */
int sectorsize; /* bytes/sector */
int rpm; /* revolutions/minute of drive */
int interleave; /* hardware sector interleave */
int trackskew = -1; /* sector 0 skew, per track */
int headswitch; /* head switch time, usec */
int trackseek; /* track-to-track seek, usec */
int fsize = DFL_FRAGSIZE; /* fragment size */
int bsize = DFL_BLKSIZE; /* block size */
int cpg = DESCPG; /* cylinders/cylinder group */
int minfree = MINFREE; /* free space threshold */
int opt = DEFAULTOPT; /* optimization preference (space or time) */
int density = NBPI; /* number of bytes per inode */
int maxcontig = MAXCONTIG; /* max contiguous blocks to allocate */
int rotdelay = ROTDELAY; /* rotational delay between blocks */
char device[MAXPATHLEN];
extern int errno;
char *index();
char *rindex();
char *sprintf();
main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
char *cp, *special;
register struct partition *pp;
register struct disklabel *lp;
struct disklabel *getdisklabel();
struct partition oldpartition;
struct stat st;
int fsi, fso;
register int i;
int status;
argc--, argv++;
while (argc > 0 && argv[0][0] == '-') {
for (cp = &argv[0][1]; *cp; cp++)
switch (*cp) {
case 'N':
case 'S':
if (argc < 1)
fatal("-S: missing sector size");
argc--, argv++;
sectorsize = atoi(*argv);
if (sectorsize <= 0)
fatal("%s: bad sector size", *argv);
goto next;
case 'a':
if (argc < 1)
fatal("-a: spare sectors per cylinder");
argc--, argv++;
cylspares = atoi(*argv);
if (cylspares < 0)
fatal("%s: bad spare sectors per cylinder", *argv);
goto next;
case 'b':
if (argc < 1)
fatal("-b: missing block size");
argc--, argv++;
bsize = atoi(*argv);
if (bsize < MINBSIZE)
fatal("%s: bad block size", *argv);
goto next;
case 'c':
if (argc < 1)
fatal("-c: missing cylinders/group");
argc--, argv++;
cpg = atoi(*argv);
if (cpg <= 0)
fatal("%s: bad cylinders/group", *argv);
goto next;
case 'd':
if (argc < 1)
fatal("-d: missing sectors/track");
argc--, argv++;
nsectors = atoi(*argv);
if (nsectors <= 0)
fatal("%s: bad sectors/track", *argv);
goto next;
case 'f':
if (argc < 1)
fatal("-f: missing frag size");
argc--, argv++;
fsize = atoi(*argv);
if (fsize <= 0)
fatal("%s: bad frag size", *argv);
goto next;
case 'i':
if (argc < 1)
fatal("-i: missing bytes per inode\n");
argc--, argv++;
density = atoi(*argv);
if (density <= 0)
fatal("%s: bad bytes per inode\n",
goto next;
case 'k':
if (argc < 1)
fatal("-k: track skew");
argc--, argv++;
trackskew = atoi(*argv);
if (trackskew < 0)
fatal("%s: bad track skew", *argv);
goto next;
case 'l':
if (argc < 1)
fatal("-l: interleave");
argc--, argv++;
interleave = atoi(*argv);
if (interleave <= 0)
fatal("%s: bad interleave", *argv);
goto next;
case 'm':
if (argc < 1)
fatal("-m: missing free space %%\n");
argc--, argv++;
minfree = atoi(*argv);
if (minfree < 0 || minfree > 99)
fatal("%s: bad free space %%\n",
goto next;
case 'o':
if (argc < 1)
fatal("-o: missing optimization preference");
argc--, argv++;
if (strcmp(*argv, "space") == 0)
else if (strcmp(*argv, "time") == 0)
fatal("%s: bad optimization preference %s",
"(options are `space' or `time')");
goto next;
case 'p':
if (argc < 1)
fatal("-p: spare sectors per track");
argc--, argv++;
trackspares = atoi(*argv);
if (trackspares < 0)
fatal("%s: bad spare sectors per track", *argv);
goto next;
case 'r':
if (argc < 1)
fatal("-r: missing revs/minute\n");
argc--, argv++;
rpm = atoi(*argv);
if (rpm <= 0)
fatal("%s: bad revs/minute\n", *argv);
goto next;
case 's':
if (argc < 1)
fatal("-s: missing file system size");
argc--, argv++;
fssize = atoi(*argv);
if (fssize <= 0)
fatal("%s: bad file system size",
goto next;
case 't':
if (argc < 1)
fatal("-t: missing track total");
argc--, argv++;
ntracks = atoi(*argv);
if (ntracks <= 0)
fatal("%s: bad total tracks", *argv);
goto next;
fatal("-%c: unknown flag", cp);
argc--, argv++;
if (argc < 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "usage: newfs [ fsoptions ] special-device\n");
fprintf(stderr, "where fsoptions are:\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\t-N do not create file system, %s\n",
"just print out parameters");
fprintf(stderr, "\t-b block size\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\t-f frag size\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\t-m minimum free space %%\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\t-o optimization preference %s\n",
"(`space' or `time')");
fprintf(stderr, "\t-i number of bytes per inode\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\t-c cylinders/group\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\t-s file system size (sectors)\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\t-r revolutions/minute\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\t-S sector size\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\t-d sectors/track\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\t-t tracks/cylinder\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\t-p spare sectors per track\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\t-a spare sectors per cylinder\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\t-l hardware sector interleave\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\t-k sector 0 skew, per track\n");
special = argv[0];
cp = rindex(special, '/');
if (cp != 0)
special = cp + 1;
if (*special == 'r' && special[1] != 'a' && special[1] != 'b')
special = sprintf(device, "/dev/r%s", special);
if (!Nflag) {
fso = open(special, O_WRONLY);
if (fso < 0) {
} else
fso = -1;
fsi = open(special, O_RDONLY);
if (fsi < 0) {
if (fstat(fsi, &st) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "newfs: "); perror(special);
if ((st.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFCHR)
fatal("%s: not a character device", special);
cp = index(argv[0], '\0') - 1;
if (cp == 0 || (*cp < 'a' || *cp > 'h') && !isdigit(*cp))
fatal("%s: can't figure out file system partition", argv[0]);
lp = getdisklabel(special, fsi);
if (isdigit(*cp))
pp = &lp->d_partitions[0];
pp = &lp->d_partitions[*cp - 'a'];
if (pp->p_size == 0)
fatal("%s: `%c' partition is unavailable", argv[0], *cp);
if (fssize == 0)
fssize = pp->p_size;
if (fssize > pp->p_size)
fatal("%s: maximum file system size on the `%c' partition is %d",
argv[0], *cp, pp->p_size);
if (rpm == 0) {
rpm = lp->d_rpm;
if (rpm <= 0)
fatal("%s: no default rpm", argv[1]);
if (ntracks == 0) {
ntracks = lp->d_ntracks;
if (ntracks <= 0)
fatal("%s: no default #tracks", argv[1]);
if (nsectors == 0) {
nsectors = lp->d_nsectors;
if (nsectors <= 0)
fatal("%s: no default #sectors/track", argv[1]);
if (sectorsize == 0) {
sectorsize = lp->d_secsize;
if (sectorsize <= 0)
fatal("%s: no default sector size", argv[1]);
if (trackskew == -1) {
trackskew = lp->d_trackskew;
if (trackskew < 0)
fatal("%s: no default track skew", argv[1]);
if (interleave == 0) {
interleave = lp->d_interleave;
if (interleave <= 0)
fatal("%s: no default interleave", argv[1]);
if (fsize == 0) {
fsize = pp->p_fsize;
if (fsize <= 0)
fsize = MAX(DFL_FRAGSIZE, lp->d_secsize);
if (bsize == 0) {
bsize = pp->p_frag * pp->p_fsize;
if (bsize <= 0)
bsize = MIN(DFL_BLKSIZE, 8 * fsize);
if (minfree < 10 && opt != FS_OPTSPACE) {
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: changing optimization to space ");
fprintf(stderr, "because minfree is less than 10%%\n");
if (trackspares == -1) {
trackspares = lp->d_sparespertrack;
if (trackspares < 0)
fatal("%s: no default spares/track", argv[1]);
nphyssectors = nsectors + trackspares;
if (cylspares == -1) {
cylspares = lp->d_sparespercyl;
if (cylspares < 0)
fatal("%s: no default spares/cylinder", argv[1]);
secpercyl = nsectors * ntracks - cylspares;
if (secpercyl != lp->d_secpercyl)
fprintf(stderr, "%s (%d) %s (%d)\n",
"Warning: calculated sectors per cylinder", secpercyl,
"disagrees with disk label", lp->d_secpercyl);
headswitch = lp->d_headswitch;
trackseek = lp->d_trkseek;
oldpartition = *pp;
mkfs(pp, special, fsi, fso);
if (!Nflag && bcmp(pp, &oldpartition, sizeof(oldpartition)))
rewritelabel(special, fso, lp);
#ifdef byioctl
struct disklabel *
getdisklabel(s, fd)
char *s;
int fd;
static struct disklabel lab;
if (ioctl(fd, DIOCGDINFO, (char *)&lab) < 0) {
perror("ioctl (GDINFO)");
fatal("%s: can't read disk label", s);
return (&lab);
rewritelabel(s, fd, lp)
char *s;
int fd;
register struct disklabel *lp;
lp->d_checksum = 0;
lp->d_checksum = dkcksum(lp);
if (ioctl(fd, DIOCWDINFO, (char *)lp) < 0) {
perror("ioctl (GWINFO)");
fatal("%s: can't rewrite disk label", s);
#else byioctl
char specname[64];
char boot[BBSIZE];
struct disklabel *
getdisklabel(s, fd)
char *s;
int fd;
char *cp;
u_long magic = htonl(DISKMAGIC);
register struct disklabel *lp;
int cfd;
* Make name for 'c' partition.
strcpy(specname, s);
cp = specname + strlen(specname) - 1;
if (!isdigit(*cp))
*cp = 'c';
cfd = open(specname, O_RDONLY);
if (cfd < 0) {
if (read(cfd, boot, BBSIZE) < BBSIZE) {
for (lp = (struct disklabel *)(boot + LABELOFFSET);
lp <= (struct disklabel *)(boot + BBSIZE -
sizeof(struct disklabel));
lp = (struct disklabel *)((char *)lp + 128))
if (lp->d_magic == magic && lp->d_magic2 == magic)
if (lp > (struct disklabel *)(boot + BBSIZE -
sizeof(struct disklabel)) ||
lp->d_magic != magic || lp->d_magic2 != magic ||
dkcksum(lp) != 0) {
"Bad pack magic number (label is damaged, or pack is unlabeled)\n");
return (lp);
rewritelabel(s, fd, lp)
char *s;
int fd;
register struct disklabel *lp;
int cfd;
lp->d_checksum = 0;
lp->d_checksum = dkcksum(lp);
cfd = open(specname, O_WRONLY);
if (cfd < 0) {
lseek(cfd, (off_t)0, L_SET);
if (write(cfd, boot, BBSIZE) < BBSIZE) {
#if vax
if (lp->d_type == DTYPE_SMD && lp->d_flags & D_BADSECT) {
register i;
daddr_t alt;
alt = lp->d_ncylinders * lp->d_secpercyl - lp->d_nsectors;
for (i = 1; i < 11 && i < lp->d_nsectors; i += 2) {
lseek(cfd, (off_t)(alt + i) * lp->d_secsize, L_SET);
if (write(cfd, boot, lp->d_secsize) < lp->d_secsize) {
int oerrno = errno;
fprintf(stderr, "alternate label %d ", i/2);
errno = oerrno;
#endif byioctl
fatal(fmt, arg1, arg2)
char *fmt;
fprintf(stderr, "newfs: ");
fprintf(stderr, fmt, arg1, arg2);
putc('\n', stderr);