fixed @(#) stuff
[unix-history] / usr / src / old / dbx / object.c
/* Copyright (c) 1982 Regents of the University of California */
static char sccsid[] = "@(#)object.c 1.2 %G%";
* Object code interface, mainly for extraction of symbolic information.
#include "defs.h"
#include "object.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "symbols.h"
#include "names.h"
#include "languages.h"
#include "mappings.h"
#include "lists.h"
#include <a.out.h>
#include <stab.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#ifndef public
struct {
unsigned int stringsize; /* size of the dumped string table */
unsigned int nsyms; /* number of symbols */
unsigned int nfiles; /* number of files */
unsigned int nlines; /* number of lines */
} nlhdr;
public String objname = "a.out";
public Integer objsize;
public char *stringtab;
private String progname = nil;
private Language curlang;
private Symbol curmodule;
private Symbol curparam;
private Boolean warned;
private Filetab *filep;
private Linetab *linep;
private Address curfaddr;
#define curfilename() (filep-1)->filename
* Blocks are figured out on the fly while reading the symbol table.
#define MAXBLKDEPTH 25
private Symbol curblock;
private Symbol blkstack[MAXBLKDEPTH];
private Integer curlevel;
#define enterblock(b) { \
blkstack[curlevel] = curblock; \
++curlevel; \
b->level = curlevel; \
b->block = curblock; \
curblock = b; \
#define exitblock() { \
--curlevel; \
curblock = blkstack[curlevel]; \
* Enter a source line or file name reference into the appropriate table.
* Expanded inline to reduce procedure calls.
* private enterline(linenumber, address)
* Lineno linenumber;
* Address address;
* ...
#define enterline(linenumber, address) \
{ \
register Linetab *lp; \
lp = linep - 1; \
if (linenumber != lp->line) { \
if (address != lp->addr) { \
++lp; \
} \
lp->line = linenumber; \
lp->addr = address; \
linep = lp + 1; \
} \
#define NTYPES 1000
private Symbol typetable[NTYPES];
* Read in the namelist from the obj file.
* Reads and seeks are used instead of fread's and fseek's
* for efficiency sake; there's a lot of data being read here.
public readobj(file)
String file;
Fileid f;
struct exec hdr;
struct nlist nlist;
f = open(file, 0);
if (f < 0) {
fatal("can't open %s", file);
read(f, &hdr, sizeof(hdr));
objsize = hdr.a_text;
nlhdr.nsyms = hdr.a_syms / sizeof(nlist);
nlhdr.nfiles = nlhdr.nsyms;
nlhdr.nlines = nlhdr.nsyms;
lseek(f, (long) N_STROFF(hdr), 0);
read(f, &(nlhdr.stringsize), sizeof(nlhdr.stringsize));
nlhdr.stringsize -= 4;
stringtab = newarr(char, nlhdr.stringsize);
read(f, stringtab, nlhdr.stringsize);
allocmaps(nlhdr.nfiles, nlhdr.nlines);
lseek(f, (long) N_SYMOFF(hdr), 0);
* Read in symbols from object file.
private readsyms(f)
Fileid f;
struct nlist *namelist;
register struct nlist *np, *ub;
register int index;
register String name;
register Boolean afterlg;
namelist = newarr(struct nlist, nlhdr.nsyms);
read(f, namelist, nlhdr.nsyms * sizeof(struct nlist));
afterlg = false;
ub = &namelist[nlhdr.nsyms];
for (np = &namelist[0]; np < ub; np++) {
index = np->n_un.n_strx;
if (index != 0) {
name = &stringtab[index - 4];
} else {
name = nil;
* assumptions:
* not an N_STAB ==> name != nil
* name[0] == '-' ==> name == "-lg"
* name[0] != '_' ==> filename or invisible
* The "-lg" signals the beginning of global loader symbols.
if ((np->n_type&N_STAB) != 0) {
enter_nl(name, np);
} else if (name[0] == '-') {
afterlg = true;
if (curblock->class != PROG) {
if (curblock->class != PROG) {
enterline(0, (linep-1)->addr + 1);
} else if (name[0] == '_') {
if (afterlg) {
check_global(&name[1], np);
} else if (curblock->name != nil) {
check_local(&name[1], np);
} else if ((np->n_type&N_TEXT) == N_TEXT) {
* Initialize symbol information.
private initsyms()
curblock = nil;
curlevel = 0;
if (progname == nil) {
progname = strdup(objname);
if (rindex(progname, '/') != nil) {
progname = rindex(progname, '/') + 1;
if (index(progname, '.') != nil) {
*(index(progname, '.')) = '\0';
program = insert(identname(progname, true));
program->class = PROG;
curmodule = program;
t_boolean = maketype("$boolean", 0L, 1L);
t_int = maketype("$integer", 0x80000000L, 0x7fffffffL);
t_char = maketype("$char", 0L, 127L);
t_real = maketype("$real", 4L, 0L);
t_nil = maketype("$nil", 0L, 0L);
* Free all the object file information that's being stored.
public objfree()
* Enter a namelist entry.
private enter_nl(name, np)
String name;
register struct nlist *np;
register Symbol s;
String mname, suffix;
register Name n;
register Symbol *tt;
s = nil;
if (name == nil) {
n = nil;
} else {
n = identname(name, true);
switch (np->n_type) {
case N_LBRAC:
s = symbol_alloc();
s->class = PROC;
case N_RBRAC:
case N_SLINE:
enterline((Lineno) np->n_desc, (Address) np->n_value);
* Compilation unit. C associates scope with filenames
* so we treat them as "modules". The filename without
* the suffix is used for the module name.
* Because there is no explicit "end-of-block" mark in
* the object file, we must exit blocks for the current
* procedure and module.
case N_SO:
mname = strdup(ident(n));
if (rindex(mname, '/') != nil) {
mname = rindex(mname, '/') + 1;
suffix = rindex(mname, '.');
curlang = findlanguage(suffix);
if (suffix != nil) {
*suffix = '\0';
if (curblock->class != PROG) {
if (curblock->class != PROG) {
s = insert(identname(mname, true));
s->language = curlang;
s->class = MODULE;
curmodule = s;
if (program->language == nil) {
program->language = curlang;
warned = false;
enterfile(ident(n), (Address) np->n_value);
for (tt = &typetable[0]; tt < &typetable[NTYPES]; tt++) {
*tt = nil;
* Textually included files.
case N_SOL:
enterfile(name, (Address) np->n_value);
* These symbols are assumed to have non-nil names.
case N_GSYM:
case N_FUN:
case N_STSYM:
case N_LCSYM:
case N_RSYM:
case N_PSYM:
case N_LSYM:
case N_SSYM:
if (index(name, ':') == nil) {
if (not warned) {
warned = true;
* Shouldn't do this if user might be typing.
warning("old style symbol information found in \"%s\"",
} else {
entersym(name, np);
case N_PC:
if (name != nil) {
printf("%s, ", name);
printf("ntype %2x, desc %x, value %x\n",
np->n_type, np->n_desc, np->n_value);
* Check to see if a global _name is already in the symbol table,
* if not then insert it.
private check_global(name, np)
String name;
register struct nlist *np;
register Name n;
register Symbol t;
if (not streq(name, "end")) {
n = identname(name, true);
if ((np->n_type&N_TYPE) == N_TEXT) {
find(t, n) where
t->level == program->level and isblock(t)
if (t == nil) {
t = insert(n);
t->language = findlanguage(".s");
t->class = FUNC;
t->type = t_int;
t->block = curblock;
t->level = program->level;
t->symvalue.funcv.beginaddr = np->n_value;
} else {
find(t, n) where
t->class == VAR and t->level == program->level
if (t == nil) {
t = insert(n);
t->language = findlanguage(".s");
t->class = VAR;
t->type = t_int;
t->block = curblock;
t->level = program->level;
t->symvalue.offset = np->n_value;
* Check to see if a local _name is known in the current scope.
* If not then enter it.
private check_local(name, np)
String name;
register struct nlist *np;
register Name n;
register Symbol t, cur;
n = identname(name, true);
cur = ((np->n_type&N_TYPE) == N_TEXT) ? curmodule : curblock;
find(t, n) where t->block == cur endfind(t);
if (t == nil) {
t = insert(n);
t->language = findlanguage(".s");
t->type = t_int;
t->block = cur;
t->level = cur->level;
if ((np->n_type&N_TYPE) == N_TEXT) {
t->class = FUNC;
t->symvalue.funcv.beginaddr = np->n_value;
} else {
t->class = VAR;
t->symvalue.offset = np->n_value;
* Check to see if a symbol corresponds to a object file name.
* For some reason these are listed as in the text segment.
private check_filename(name)
String name;
register String mname;
register Integer i;
register Symbol s;
mname = strdup(name);
i = strlen(mname) - 2;
if (i >= 0 and mname[i] == '.' and mname[i+1] == 'o') {
mname[i] = '\0';
while (mname[i] != '/' and i >= 0) {
s = insert(identname(&mname[i+1], true));
s->language = findlanguage(".s");
s->class = MODULE;
if (curblock->class != PROG) {
if (curblock->class != PROG) {
curmodule = s;
* Put an nlist into the symbol table.
* If it's already there just add the associated information.
* Type information is encoded in the name following a ":".
private Symbol constype();
private Char *curchar;
#define skipchar(ptr, ch) { \
if (*ptr != ch) { \
panic("expected char '%c', found char '%c'", ch, *ptr); \
} \
++ptr; \
private entersym(str, np)
String str;
struct nlist *np;
register Symbol s;
register char *p;
register int c;
register Name n;
register Integer i;
Boolean knowtype, isnew;
Symclass class;
Integer level;
p = index(str, ':');
*p = '\0';
c = *(p+1);
n = identname(str, true);
if (index("FfGV", c) != nil) {
if (c == 'F' or c == 'f') {
class = FUNC;
} else {
class = VAR;
level = (c == 'f' ? curmodule->level : program->level);
find(s, n) where s->level == level and s->class == class endfind(s);
if (s == nil) {
isnew = true;
s = insert(n);
} else {
isnew = false;
} else {
isnew = true;
s = insert(n);
* Default attributes.
s->language = curlang;
s->class = VAR;
s->block = curblock;
s->level = curlevel;
s->symvalue.offset = np->n_value;
curchar = p + 2;
knowtype = false;
switch (c) {
case 't': /* type name */
s->class = TYPE;
i = getint();
if (i == 0) {
panic("bad input on type \"%s\" at \"%s\"", symname(s),
} else if (i >= NTYPES) {
panic("too many types in file \"%s\"", curfilename());
* A hack for C typedefs that don't create new types,
* e.g. typedef unsigned int Hashvalue;
if (*curchar == '\0') {
s->type = typetable[i];
if (s->type == nil) {
panic("nil type for %d", i);
knowtype = true;
} else {
typetable[i] = s;
skipchar(curchar, '=');
case 'T': /* tag */
s->class = TAG;
i = getint();
if (i == 0) {
panic("bad input on tag \"%s\" at \"%s\"", symname(s),
} else if (i >= NTYPES) {
panic("too many types in file \"%s\"", curfilename());
if (typetable[i] != nil) {
typetable[i]->language = curlang;
typetable[i]->class = TYPE;
typetable[i]->type = s;
} else {
typetable[i] = s;
skipchar(curchar, '=');
case 'F': /* public function */
case 'f': /* private function */
s->class = FUNC;
if (curblock->class == FUNC or curblock->class == PROC) {
if (c == 'F') {
s->level = program->level;
isnew = false;
curparam = s;
if (isnew) {
s->symvalue.funcv.beginaddr = np->n_value;
case 'G': /* public variable */
s->level = program->level;
case 'S': /* private variable */
s->level = curmodule->level;
s->block = curmodule;
case 'V': /* own variable */
s->level = 2;
case 'r': /* register variable */
s->level = -(s->level);
case 'p': /* parameter variable */
curparam->chain = s;
curparam = s;
case 'v': /* varies parameter */
s->class = REF;
s->symvalue.offset = np->n_value;
curparam->chain = s;
curparam = s;
default: /* local variable */
if (not knowtype) {
s->type = constype(nil);
if (s->class == TAG) {
if (tracesyms) {
* Construct a type out of a string encoding.
* The forms of the string are
* <number>
* <number>=<type>
* r<type>;<number>;<number> $ subrange
* a<type>;<type> $ array[index] of element
* s{<name>:<type>;<number>;<number>} $ record
* *<type> $ pointer
private Symbol constype(type)
Symbol type;
register Symbol t, u;
register Char *p, *cur;
register Integer n;
Integer b;
Name name;
Char class;
b = curlevel;
if (isdigit(*curchar)) {
n = getint();
if (n == 0) {
panic("bad type number at \"%s\"", curchar);
} else if (n >= NTYPES) {
panic("too many types in file \"%s\"", curfilename());
if (*curchar == '=') {
if (typetable[n] != nil) {
t = typetable[n];
} else {
t = symbol_alloc();
typetable[n] = t;
} else {
t = typetable[n];
if (t == nil) {
t = symbol_alloc();
typetable[n] = t;
} else {
if (type == nil) {
t = symbol_alloc();
} else {
t = type;
t->language = curlang;
t->level = b;
class = *curchar++;
switch (class) {
case 'r':
t->class = RANGE;
t->type = constype(nil);
skipchar(curchar, ';');
t->symvalue.rangev.lower = getint();
skipchar(curchar, ';');
t->symvalue.rangev.upper = getint();
case 'a':
t->class = ARRAY;
t->chain = constype(nil);
skipchar(curchar, ';');
t->type = constype(nil);
case 's':
case 'u':
t->class = (class == 's') ? RECORD : VARNT;
t->symvalue.offset = getint();
u = t;
cur = curchar;
while (*cur != ';' and *cur != '\0') {
p = index(cur, ':');
if (p == nil) {
panic("index(\"%s\", ':') failed", curchar);
*p = '\0';
name = identname(cur, true);
u->chain = newSymbol(name, b, FIELD, nil, nil);
cur = p + 1;
u = u->chain;
u->language = curlang;
curchar = cur;
u->type = constype(nil);
skipchar(curchar, ',');
u->symvalue.field.offset = getint();
skipchar(curchar, ',');
u->symvalue.field.length = getint();
skipchar(curchar, ';');
cur = curchar;
if (*cur == ';') {
curchar = cur;
case 'e':
t->class = SCAL;
u = t;
while (*curchar != ';' and *curchar != '\0') {
p = index(curchar, ':');
assert(p != nil);
*p = '\0';
u->chain = insert(identname(curchar, true));
curchar = p + 1;
u = u->chain;
u->language = curlang;
u->class = CONST;
u->level = b;
u->block = curblock;
u->type = t;
u->symvalue.iconval = getint();
skipchar(curchar, ',');
case '*':
t->class = PTR;
t->type = constype(nil);
case 'f':
t->class = FUNC;
t->type = constype(nil);
return t;
* Read an integer from the current position in the type string.
private Integer getint()
register Integer n;
register char *p;
register Boolean isneg;
n = 0;
p = curchar;
if (*p == '-') {
isneg = true;
} else {
isneg = false;
while (isdigit(*p)) {
n = 10*n + (*p - '0');
curchar = p;
return isneg ? (-n) : n;
* Add a tag name. This is a kludge to be able to refer
* to tags that have the same name as some other symbol
* in the same block.
private addtag(s)
register Symbol s;
register Symbol t;
char buf[100];
sprintf(buf, "$$%.90s", ident(s->name));
t = insert(identname(buf, false));
t->language = s->language;
t->class = TAG;
t->type = s->type;
t->block = s->block;
* Allocate file and line tables and initialize indices.
private allocmaps(nf, nl)
Integer nf, nl;
if (filetab != nil) {
if (linetab != nil) {
filetab = newarr(Filetab, nf);
linetab = newarr(Linetab, nl);
filep = filetab;
linep = linetab;
* Add a file to the file table.
private enterfile(filename, addr)
String filename;
Address addr;
if (addr != curfaddr) {
filep->addr = addr;
filep->filename = filename;
filep->lineindex = linep - linetab;
curfaddr = addr;
* Since we only estimated the number of lines (and it was a poor
* estimation) and since we need to know the exact number of lines
* to do a binary search, we set it when we're done.
private setnlines()
nlhdr.nlines = linep - linetab;
* Similarly for nfiles ...
private setnfiles()
nlhdr.nfiles = filep - filetab;