BSD 1 development
[unix-history] / man6 / fix.6
.th FIX VI 8/24/77
.sh NAME
fix \- clean up data
.bd fix
.bd \-bcfhlnoqr
] [
file ...
.it Fix
is a filter which reads the argument files or the standard input
removing ``bad'' characters in the copy on the standard output.
.it Fix
optionally makes a report of the problems it finds in the input.
There are scads of options:
.lp +7 6
\fB\-b\fP Bells are bad characters.
.lp +7 6
\fB\-c\fP Carriage returns are bad characters.
.lp +7 6
\fB\-f\fP Form feeds are bad characters.
.lp +7 6
\fB\-h\fP Do the processing which would be implied if the
input were typed to the system with erase processing character
.lp +7 6
\fB\-l\fP Number lines in the report of bad lines.
.lp +7 6
\fB\-n\fP Do not produced fixed output;
only produce a report of problems on the diagnostic output.
.lp +7 6
\fB\-o\fP Print bad characters in octal in the report instead of as
the character `?'.
.lp +7 6
\fB\-q\fP With multiple file arguments, don't print file names in the
.lp +7 6
\fB\-r\fP Carriage returns are bad characters.
Thus to clean up the file `dirty' after typing it in when you
thought your erase character was control-h.
fix dirty >clean
To just get a report of the problems in the file dirty:
fix \-n dirty
To send output to the printer discarding dirty characters:
a.out | fix | lpr
list (VI), p (VI)
Kurt Shoens
.sh BUGS
Null characters are turned into delete characters.
This can be construed as a bug or as a feature.