MCLALLOC must be called at splimp
[unix-history] / usr / src / sys / kern / uipc_socket2.c
* Copyright (c) 1982, 1986 Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement
* specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
* @(#)uipc_socket2.c 7.1 (Berkeley) %G%
#include "param.h"
#include "systm.h"
#include "dir.h"
#include "user.h"
#include "proc.h"
#include "file.h"
#include "inode.h"
#include "buf.h"
#include "mbuf.h"
#include "protosw.h"
#include "socket.h"
#include "socketvar.h"
* Primitive routines for operating on sockets and socket buffers
* Procedures to manipulate state flags of socket
* and do appropriate wakeups. Normal sequence from the
* active (originating) side is that soisconnecting() is
* called during processing of connect() call,
* resulting in an eventual call to soisconnected() if/when the
* connection is established. When the connection is torn down
* soisdisconnecting() is called during processing of disconnect() call,
* and soisdisconnected() is called when the connection to the peer
* is totally severed. The semantics of these routines are such that
* connectionless protocols can call soisconnected() and soisdisconnected()
* only, bypassing the in-progress calls when setting up a ``connection''
* takes no time.
* From the passive side, a socket is created with
* two queues of sockets: so_q0 for connections in progress
* and so_q for connections already made and awaiting user acceptance.
* As a protocol is preparing incoming connections, it creates a socket
* structure queued on so_q0 by calling sonewconn(). When the connection
* is established, soisconnected() is called, and transfers the
* socket structure to so_q, making it available to accept().
* If a socket is closed with sockets on either
* so_q0 or so_q, these sockets are dropped.
* If higher level protocols are implemented in
* the kernel, the wakeups done here will sometimes
* cause software-interrupt process scheduling.
register struct socket *so;
so->so_state |= SS_ISCONNECTING;
register struct socket *so;
register struct socket *head = so->so_head;
if (head) {
if (soqremque(so, 0) == 0)
soqinsque(head, so, 1);
so->so_state |= SS_ISCONNECTED;
register struct socket *so;
so->so_state &= ~SS_ISCONNECTING;
register struct socket *so;
* When an attempt at a new connection is noted on a socket
* which accepts connections, sonewconn is called. If the
* connection is possible (subject to space constraints, etc.)
* then we allocate a new structure, propoerly linked into the
* data structure of the original socket, and return this.
struct socket *
register struct socket *head;
register struct socket *so;
register struct mbuf *m;
if (head->so_qlen + head->so_q0len > 3 * head->so_qlimit / 2)
goto bad;
m = m_getclr(M_DONTWAIT, MT_SOCKET);
if (m == NULL)
goto bad;
so = mtod(m, struct socket *);
so->so_type = head->so_type;
so->so_options = head->so_options &~ SO_ACCEPTCONN;
so->so_linger = head->so_linger;
so->so_state = head->so_state | SS_NOFDREF;
so->so_proto = head->so_proto;
so->so_timeo = head->so_timeo;
so->so_pgrp = head->so_pgrp;
soqinsque(head, so, 0);
if ((*so->so_proto->pr_usrreq)(so, PRU_ATTACH,
(struct mbuf *)0, (struct mbuf *)0, (struct mbuf *)0)) {
(void) soqremque(so, 0);
(void) m_free(m);
goto bad;
return (so);
return ((struct socket *)0);
soqinsque(head, so, q)
register struct socket *head, *so;
int q;
so->so_head = head;
if (q == 0) {
so->so_q0 = head->so_q0;
head->so_q0 = so;
} else {
so->so_q = head->so_q;
head->so_q = so;
soqremque(so, q)
register struct socket *so;
int q;
register struct socket *head, *prev, *next;
head = so->so_head;
prev = head;
for (;;) {
next = q ? prev->so_q : prev->so_q0;
if (next == so)
if (next == head)
return (0);
prev = next;
if (q == 0) {
prev->so_q0 = next->so_q0;
} else {
prev->so_q = next->so_q;
next->so_q0 = next->so_q = 0;
next->so_head = 0;
return (1);
* Socantsendmore indicates that no more data will be sent on the
* socket; it would normally be applied to a socket when the user
* informs the system that no more data is to be sent, by the protocol
* code (in case PRU_SHUTDOWN). Socantrcvmore indicates that no more data
* will be received, and will normally be applied to the socket by a
* protocol when it detects that the peer will send no more data.
* Data queued for reading in the socket may yet be read.
struct socket *so;
so->so_state |= SS_CANTSENDMORE;
struct socket *so;
so->so_state |= SS_CANTRCVMORE;
* Socket select/wakeup routines.
* Queue a process for a select on a socket buffer.
struct sockbuf *sb;
register struct proc *p;
if ((p = sb->sb_sel) && p->p_wchan == (caddr_t)&selwait)
sb->sb_flags |= SB_COLL;
sb->sb_sel = u.u_procp;
* Wait for data to arrive at/drain from a socket buffer.
struct sockbuf *sb;
sb->sb_flags |= SB_WAIT;
sleep((caddr_t)&sb->sb_cc, PZERO+1);
* Wakeup processes waiting on a socket buffer.
register struct sockbuf *sb;
if (sb->sb_sel) {
selwakeup(sb->sb_sel, sb->sb_flags & SB_COLL);
sb->sb_sel = 0;
sb->sb_flags &= ~SB_COLL;
if (sb->sb_flags & SB_WAIT) {
sb->sb_flags &= ~SB_WAIT;
* Wakeup socket readers and writers.
* Do asynchronous notification via SIGIO
* if the socket has the SS_ASYNC flag set.
sowakeup(so, sb)
register struct socket *so;
struct sockbuf *sb;
register struct proc *p;
if (so->so_state & SS_ASYNC) {
if (so->so_pgrp < 0)
gsignal(-so->so_pgrp, SIGIO);
else if (so->so_pgrp > 0 && (p = pfind(so->so_pgrp)) != 0)
psignal(p, SIGIO);
* Socket buffer (struct sockbuf) utility routines.
* Each socket contains two socket buffers: one for sending data and
* one for receiving data. Each buffer contains a queue of mbufs,
* information about the number of mbufs and amount of data in the
* queue, and other fields allowing select() statements and notification
* on data availability to be implemented.
* Data stored in a socket buffer is maintained as a list of records.
* Each record is a list of mbufs chained together with the m_next
* field. Records are chained together with the m_act field. The upper
* level routine soreceive() expects the following conventions to be
* observed when placing information in the receive buffer:
* 1. If the protocol requires each message be preceded by the sender's
* name, then a record containing that name must be present before
* any associated data (mbuf's must be of type MT_SONAME).
* 2. If the protocol supports the exchange of ``access rights'' (really
* just additional data associated with the message), and there are
* ``rights'' to be received, then a record containing this data
* should be present (mbuf's must be of type MT_RIGHTS).
* 3. If a name or rights record exists, then it must be followed by
* a data record, perhaps of zero length.
* Before using a new socket structure it is first necessary to reserve
* buffer space to the socket, by calling sbreserve(). This commits
* some of the available buffer space in the system buffer pool for the
* socket. The space should be released by calling sbrelease() when the
* socket is destroyed.
soreserve(so, sndcc, rcvcc)
register struct socket *so;
int sndcc, rcvcc;
if (sbreserve(&so->so_snd, sndcc) == 0)
goto bad;
if (sbreserve(&so->so_rcv, rcvcc) == 0)
goto bad2;
return (0);
return (ENOBUFS);
* Allot mbufs to a sockbuf.
* Attempt to scale cc so that mbcnt doesn't become limiting
* if buffering efficiency is near the normal case.
sbreserve(sb, cc)
struct sockbuf *sb;
if ((unsigned) cc > (unsigned)SB_MAX * CLBYTES / (2 * MSIZE + CLBYTES))
return (0);
sb->sb_hiwat = cc;
sb->sb_mbmax = MIN(cc * 2, SB_MAX);
return (1);
* Free mbufs held by a socket, and reserved mbuf space.
struct sockbuf *sb;
sb->sb_hiwat = sb->sb_mbmax = 0;
* Routines to add and remove
* data from an mbuf queue.
* The routines sbappend() or sbappendrecord() are normally called to
* append new mbufs to a socket buffer, after checking that adequate
* space is available, comparing the function sbspace() with the amount
* of data to be added. sbappendrecord() differs from sbappend() in
* that data supplied is treated as the beginning of a new record.
* To place a sender's address, optional access rights, and data in a
* socket receive buffer, sbappendaddr() should be used. To place
* access rights and data in a socket receive buffer, sbappendrights()
* should be used. In either case, the new data begins a new record.
* Note that unlike sbappend() and sbappendrecord(), these routines check
* for the caller that there will be enough space to store the data.
* Each fails if there is not enough space, or if it cannot find mbufs
* to store additional information in.
* Reliable protocols may use the socket send buffer to hold data
* awaiting acknowledgement. Data is normally copied from a socket
* send buffer in a protocol with m_copy for output to a peer,
* and then removing the data from the socket buffer with sbdrop()
* or sbdroprecord() when the data is acknowledged by the peer.
* Append mbuf chain m to the last record in the
* socket buffer sb. The additional space associated
* the mbuf chain is recorded in sb. Empty mbufs are
* discarded and mbufs are compacted where possible.
sbappend(sb, m)
struct sockbuf *sb;
struct mbuf *m;
register struct mbuf *n;
if (m == 0)
if (n = sb->sb_mb) {
while (n->m_act)
n = n->m_act;
while (n->m_next)
n = n->m_next;
sbcompress(sb, m, n);
* As above, except the mbuf chain
* begins a new record.
sbappendrecord(sb, m0)
register struct sockbuf *sb;
register struct mbuf *m0;
register struct mbuf *m;
if (m0 == 0)
if (m = sb->sb_mb)
while (m->m_act)
m = m->m_act;
* Put the first mbuf on the queue.
* Note this permits zero length records.
sballoc(sb, m0);
if (m)
m->m_act = m0;
sb->sb_mb = m0;
m = m0->m_next;
m0->m_next = 0;
sbcompress(sb, m, m0);
* Append address and data, and optionally, rights
* to the receive queue of a socket. Return 0 if
* no space in sockbuf or insufficient mbufs.
sbappendaddr(sb, asa, m0, rights0)
register struct sockbuf *sb;
struct sockaddr *asa;
struct mbuf *rights0, *m0;
register struct mbuf *m, *n;
int space = sizeof (*asa);
for (m = m0; m; m = m->m_next)
space += m->m_len;
if (rights0)
space += rights0->m_len;
if (space > sbspace(sb))
return (0);
if (m == 0)
return (0);
*mtod(m, struct sockaddr *) = *asa;
m->m_len = sizeof (*asa);
if (rights0 && rights0->m_len) {
m->m_next = m_copy(rights0, 0, rights0->m_len);
if (m->m_next == 0) {
return (0);
sballoc(sb, m->m_next);
sballoc(sb, m);
if (n = sb->sb_mb) {
while (n->m_act)
n = n->m_act;
n->m_act = m;
} else
sb->sb_mb = m;
if (m->m_next)
m = m->m_next;
if (m0)
sbcompress(sb, m0, m);
return (1);
sbappendrights(sb, m0, rights)
struct sockbuf *sb;
struct mbuf *rights, *m0;
register struct mbuf *m, *n;
int space = 0;
if (rights == 0)
for (m = m0; m; m = m->m_next)
space += m->m_len;
space += rights->m_len;
if (space > sbspace(sb))
return (0);
m = m_copy(rights, 0, rights->m_len);
if (m == 0)
return (0);
sballoc(sb, m);
if (n = sb->sb_mb) {
while (n->m_act)
n = n->m_act;
n->m_act = m;
} else
sb->sb_mb = m;
if (m0)
sbcompress(sb, m0, m);
return (1);
* Compress mbuf chain m into the socket
* buffer sb following mbuf n. If n
* is null, the buffer is presumed empty.
sbcompress(sb, m, n)
register struct sockbuf *sb;
register struct mbuf *m, *n;
while (m) {
if (m->m_len == 0) {
m = m_free(m);
if (n && n->m_off <= MMAXOFF && m->m_off <= MMAXOFF &&
(n->m_off + n->m_len + m->m_len) <= MMAXOFF &&
n->m_type == m->m_type) {
bcopy(mtod(m, caddr_t), mtod(n, caddr_t) + n->m_len,
n->m_len += m->m_len;
sb->sb_cc += m->m_len;
m = m_free(m);
sballoc(sb, m);
if (n)
n->m_next = m;
sb->sb_mb = m;
n = m;
m = m->m_next;
n->m_next = 0;
* Free all mbufs in a sockbuf.
* Check that all resources are reclaimed.
register struct sockbuf *sb;
if (sb->sb_flags & SB_LOCK)
while (sb->sb_mbcnt)
sbdrop(sb, (int)sb->sb_cc);
if (sb->sb_cc || sb->sb_mbcnt || sb->sb_mb)
panic("sbflush 2");
* Drop data from (the front of) a sockbuf.
sbdrop(sb, len)
register struct sockbuf *sb;
register int len;
register struct mbuf *m, *mn;
struct mbuf *next;
next = (m = sb->sb_mb) ? m->m_act : 0;
while (len > 0) {
if (m == 0) {
if (next == 0)
m = next;
next = m->m_act;
if (m->m_len > len) {
m->m_len -= len;
m->m_off += len;
sb->sb_cc -= len;
len -= m->m_len;
sbfree(sb, m);
MFREE(m, mn);
m = mn;
while (m && m->m_len == 0) {
sbfree(sb, m);
MFREE(m, mn);
m = mn;
if (m) {
sb->sb_mb = m;
m->m_act = next;
} else
sb->sb_mb = next;
* Drop a record off the front of a sockbuf
* and move the next record to the front.
register struct sockbuf *sb;
register struct mbuf *m, *mn;
m = sb->sb_mb;
if (m) {
sb->sb_mb = m->m_act;
do {
sbfree(sb, m);
MFREE(m, mn);
} while (m = mn);