BSD 4_3_Tahoe development
[unix-history] / usr / tmp / housel / franz / tahoe /
.align 1
.globl _calqhat
.word 0xffc
movl 4(fp),r11 # &u[j] into r11
movl 8(fp),r10 # &v[1] into r10
cmpl (r10),(r11) # v[1] == u[j] ??
beql L102
# calculate qhat and rhat simultaneously,
# qhat in r0
# rhat in r1
emul (r11),$0x40000000,4(r11),r4 # u[j]b+u[j+1] into r4,r5
ediv (r10),r4,r0,r1 # qhat = ((u[j]b+u[j+1])/v[1]) into r0
# (u[j]b+u[j+1] -qhat*v[1]) into r1
# called rhat
# check if v[2]*qhat > rhat*b+u[j+2]
emul r0,4(r10),$0,r2 # qhat*v[2] into r3,r2
emul r1,$0x40000000,8(r11),r8 #rhat*b + u[j+2] into r9,r8
# give up if r3,r2 <= r9,r8, otherwise iterate
subl2 r8,r2 # perform r3,r2 - r9,r8
sbwc r9,r3
bleq L103 # give up if negative or equal
decl r0 # otherwise, qhat = qhat - 1
addl2 (r10),r1 # since dec'ed qhat, inc rhat by v[1]
jbr L101
# get here if v[1]==u[j]
# set qhat to b-1
# rhat is easily calculated since if we substitute b-1 for qhat in
# the formula, then it simplifies to (u[j+1] + v[1])
addl3 4(r11),(r10),r1 # rhat = u[j+1] + v[1]
movl $0x3fffffff,r0 # qhat = b-1
jbr L101