rm prompt; change shell quoting (for bostic)
[unix-history] / usr / src / bin / csh / init.c
* Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved. The Berkeley Software License Agreement
* specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
#ifndef lint
static char *sccsid = "@(#)init.c 5.2 (Berkeley) %G%";
#include "sh.local.h"
* C shell
extern int doalias();
extern int dobg();
extern int dobreak();
extern int dochngd();
extern int docontin();
extern int dodirs();
extern int doecho();
extern int doelse();
extern int doend();
extern int doendif();
extern int doendsw();
extern int doeval();
extern int doexit();
extern int dofg();
extern int doforeach();
extern int doglob();
extern int dogoto();
extern int dohash();
extern int dohist();
extern int doif();
extern int dojobs();
extern int dokill();
extern int dolet();
extern int dolimit();
extern int dologin();
extern int dologout();
#ifdef NEWGRP
extern int donewgrp();
extern int donice();
extern int donotify();
extern int donohup();
extern int doonintr();
extern int dopopd();
extern int dopushd();
extern int dorepeat();
extern int doset();
extern int dosetenv();
extern int dosource();
extern int dostop();
extern int dosuspend();
extern int doswbrk();
extern int doswitch();
extern int dotime();
extern int dounlimit();
extern int doumask();
extern int dowait();
extern int dowhile();
extern int dozip();
extern int execash();
extern int goodbye();
#ifdef VFORK
extern int hashstat();
extern int shift();
extern int showall();
extern int unalias();
extern int dounhash();
extern int unset();
extern int dounsetenv();
#define INF 1000
struct biltins {
char *bname;
int (*bfunct)();
short minargs, maxargs;
} bfunc[] = {
"@", dolet, 0, INF,
"alias", doalias, 0, INF,
"alloc", showall, 0, 1,
"bg", dobg, 0, INF,
"break", dobreak, 0, 0,
"breaksw", doswbrk, 0, 0,
#ifdef IIASA
"bye", goodbye, 0, 0,
"case", dozip, 0, 1,
"cd", dochngd, 0, 1,
"chdir", dochngd, 0, 1,
"continue", docontin, 0, 0,
"default", dozip, 0, 0,
"dirs", dodirs, 0, 1,
"echo", doecho, 0, INF,
"else", doelse, 0, INF,
"end", doend, 0, 0,
"endif", dozip, 0, 0,
"endsw", dozip, 0, 0,
"eval", doeval, 0, INF,
"exec", execash, 1, INF,
"exit", doexit, 0, INF,
"fg", dofg, 0, INF,
"foreach", doforeach, 3, INF,
#ifdef IIASA
"gd", dopushd, 0, 1,
"glob", doglob, 0, INF,
"goto", dogoto, 1, 1,
#ifdef VFORK
"hashstat", hashstat, 0, 0,
"history", dohist, 0, 2,
"if", doif, 1, INF,
"jobs", dojobs, 0, 1,
"kill", dokill, 1, INF,
"limit", dolimit, 0, 3,
"login", dologin, 0, 1,
"logout", dologout, 0, 0,
#ifdef NEWGRP
"newgrp", donewgrp, 1, 1,
"nice", donice, 0, INF,
"nohup", donohup, 0, INF,
"notify", donotify, 0, INF,
"onintr", doonintr, 0, 2,
"popd", dopopd, 0, 1,
"pushd", dopushd, 0, 1,
#ifdef IIASA
"rd", dopopd, 0, 1,
"rehash", dohash, 0, 0,
"repeat", dorepeat, 2, INF,
"set", doset, 0, INF,
"setenv", dosetenv, 0, 2,
"shift", shift, 0, 1,
"source", dosource, 1, 2,
"stop", dostop, 1, INF,
"suspend", dosuspend, 0, 0,
"switch", doswitch, 1, INF,
"time", dotime, 0, INF,
"umask", doumask, 0, 1,
"unalias", unalias, 1, INF,
"unhash", dounhash, 0, 0,
"unlimit", dounlimit, 0, INF,
"unset", unset, 1, INF,
"unsetenv", dounsetenv, 1, INF,
"wait", dowait, 0, 0,
"while", dowhile, 1, INF,
int nbfunc = sizeof bfunc / sizeof *bfunc;
#define ZBREAK 0
#define ZBRKSW 1
#define ZCASE 2
#define ZDEFAULT 3
#define ZELSE 4
#define ZEND 5
#define ZENDIF 6
#define ZENDSW 7
#define ZEXIT 8
#define ZFOREACH 9
#define ZGOTO 10
#define ZIF 11
#define ZLABEL 12
#define ZLET 13
#define ZSET 14
#define ZSWITCH 15
#define ZTEST 16
#define ZTHEN 17
#define ZWHILE 18
struct srch {
char *s_name;
short s_value;
} srchn[] = {
"@", ZLET,
"break", ZBREAK,
"breaksw", ZBRKSW,
"case", ZCASE,
"default", ZDEFAULT,
"else", ZELSE,
"end", ZEND,
"endif", ZENDIF,
"endsw", ZENDSW,
"exit", ZEXIT,
"foreach", ZFOREACH,
"goto", ZGOTO,
"if", ZIF,
"label", ZLABEL,
"set", ZSET,
"switch", ZSWITCH,
"while", ZWHILE,
int nsrchn = sizeof srchn / sizeof *srchn;
struct mesg {
char *iname;
char *pname;
} mesg[] = {
0, 0,
"HUP", "Hangup",
"INT", "Interrupt",
"QUIT", "Quit",
"ILL", "Illegal instruction",
"TRAP", "Trace/BPT trap",
"IOT", "IOT trap",
"EMT", "EMT trap",
"FPE", "Floating exception",
"KILL", "Killed",
"BUS", "Bus error",
"SEGV", "Segmentation fault",
"SYS", "Bad system call",
"PIPE", "Broken pipe",
"ALRM", "Alarm clock",
"TERM", "Terminated",
"URG", "Urgent I/O condition",
"STOP", "Stopped (signal)",
"TSTP", "Stopped",
"CONT", "Continued",
"CHLD", "Child exited",
"TTIN", "Stopped (tty input)",
"TTOU", "Stopped (tty output)",
"IO", "I/O possible",
"XCPU", "Cputime limit exceeded",
"XFSZ", "Filesize limit exceeded",
"VTALRM","Virtual timer expired",
"PROF", "Profiling timer expired",
"WINCH","Window size changed",
0, "Signal 29",
"USR1", "User defined signal 1",
"USR2", "User defined signal 2",
0, "Signal 32"