add manual page, Berkeley specific copyright
[unix-history] / usr / src / games / larn / store.c
* Copyright (c) 1988 Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
* provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
* duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation,
* advertising materials, and other materials related to such
* distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed
* by the University of California, Berkeley. The name of the
* University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived
* from this software without specific prior written permission.
#ifndef lint
static char sccsid[] = "@(#)store.c 5.2 (Berkeley) %G%";
#endif /* not lint */
/* store.c Larn is copyrighted 1986 by Noah Morgan. */
#include "header.h"
static int dndcount=0,dnditm=0;
/* this is the data for the stuff in the dnd store */
int maxitm=83; /* number of items in the dnd inventory table */
struct _itm itm[90] = {
/*cost memory iven name iven arg how
gp pointer iven[] ivenarg[] many */
{ 2, 0, OLEATHER, 0, 3 },
{ 10, 0, OSTUDLEATHER, 0, 2 },
{ 40, 0, ORING, 0, 2 },
{ 85, 0, OCHAIN, 0, 2 },
{ 220, 0, OSPLINT, 0, 1 },
{ 400, 0, OPLATE, 0, 1 },
{ 900, 0, OPLATEARMOR, 0, 1 },
{ 2600, 0, OSSPLATE, 0, 1 },
{ 150, 0, OSHIELD, 0, 1 },
/*cost memory iven name iven arg how
gp pointer iven[] ivenarg[] many */
{ 2, 0, ODAGGER, 0, 3 },
{ 20, 0, OSPEAR, 0, 3 },
{ 80, 0, OFLAIL, 0, 2 },
{ 150, 0, OBATTLEAXE, 0, 2 },
{ 450, 0, OLONGSWORD, 0, 2 },
{ 1000, 0, O2SWORD, 0, 2 },
{ 5000, 0, OSWORD, 0, 1 },
{ 16500, 0, OLANCE, 0, 1 },
{ 6000, 0, OSWORDofSLASHING, 0, 0 },
{ 10000, 0, OHAMMER, 0, 0 },
/*cost memory iven name iven arg how
gp pointer iven[] ivenarg[] many */
{ 150, 0, OPROTRING, 1, 1 },
{ 85, 0, OSTRRING, 1, 1 },
{ 120, 0, ODEXRING, 1, 1 },
{ 120, 0, OCLEVERRING, 1, 1 },
{ 180, 0, OENERGYRING, 0, 1 },
{ 125, 0, ODAMRING, 0, 1 },
{ 220, 0, OREGENRING, 0, 1 },
{ 1000, 0, ORINGOFEXTRA, 0, 1 },
{ 280, 0, OBELT, 0, 1 },
{ 400, 0, OAMULET, 0, 1 },
{ 6500, 0, OORBOFDRAGON, 0, 0 },
{ 5500, 0, OSPIRITSCARAB, 0, 0 },
{ 5000, 0, OCUBEofUNDEAD, 0, 0 },
{ 6000, 0, ONOTHEFT, 0, 0 },
{ 590, 0, OCHEST, 6, 1 },
{ 200, 0, OBOOK, 8, 1 },
{ 10, 0, OCOOKIE, 0, 3 },
/*cost memory iven name iven arg how
gp pointer iven[] ivenarg[] many */
{ 20, potionname, OPOTION, 0, 6 },
{ 90, potionname, OPOTION, 1, 5 },
{ 520, potionname, OPOTION, 2, 1 },
{ 100, potionname, OPOTION, 3, 2 },
{ 50, potionname, OPOTION, 4, 2 },
{ 150, potionname, OPOTION, 5, 2 },
{ 70, potionname, OPOTION, 6, 1 },
{ 30, potionname, OPOTION, 7, 7 },
{ 200, potionname, OPOTION, 8, 1 },
{ 50, potionname, OPOTION, 9, 1 },
{ 80, potionname, OPOTION, 10, 1 },
/*cost memory iven name iven arg how
gp pointer iven[] ivenarg[] many */
{ 30, potionname, OPOTION, 11, 3 },
{ 20, potionname, OPOTION, 12, 5 },
{ 40, potionname, OPOTION, 13, 3 },
{ 35, potionname, OPOTION, 14, 2 },
{ 520, potionname, OPOTION, 15, 1 },
{ 90, potionname, OPOTION, 16, 2 },
{ 200, potionname, OPOTION, 17, 2 },
{ 220, potionname, OPOTION, 18, 4 },
{ 80, potionname, OPOTION, 19, 6 },
{ 370, potionname, OPOTION, 20, 3 },
{ 50, potionname, OPOTION, 22, 1 },
{ 150, potionname, OPOTION, 23, 3 },
/*cost memory iven name iven arg how
gp pointer iven[] ivenarg[] many */
{ 100, scrollname, OSCROLL, 0, 2 },
{ 125, scrollname, OSCROLL, 1, 2 },
{ 60, scrollname, OSCROLL, 2, 4 },
{ 10, scrollname, OSCROLL, 3, 4 },
{ 100, scrollname, OSCROLL, 4, 3 },
{ 200, scrollname, OSCROLL, 5, 2 },
{ 110, scrollname, OSCROLL, 6, 1 },
{ 500, scrollname, OSCROLL, 7, 2 },
{ 200, scrollname, OSCROLL, 8, 2 },
{ 250, scrollname, OSCROLL, 9, 4 },
{ 20, scrollname, OSCROLL, 10, 5 },
{ 30, scrollname, OSCROLL, 11, 3 },
/*cost memory iven name iven arg how
gp pointer iven[] ivenarg[] many */
{ 340, scrollname, OSCROLL, 12, 1 },
{ 340, scrollname, OSCROLL, 13, 1 },
{ 300, scrollname, OSCROLL, 14, 2 },
{ 400, scrollname, OSCROLL, 15, 2 },
{ 500, scrollname, OSCROLL, 16, 2 },
{ 1000, scrollname, OSCROLL, 17, 1 },
{ 500, scrollname, OSCROLL, 18, 1 },
{ 340, scrollname, OSCROLL, 19, 2 },
{ 220, scrollname, OSCROLL, 20, 3 },
{ 3900, scrollname, OSCROLL, 21, 0 },
{ 610, scrollname, OSCROLL, 22, 1 },
{ 3000, scrollname, OSCROLL, 23, 0 }
function for the dnd store
lprcat("Welcome to the Larn Thrift Shoppe. We stock many items explorers find useful\n");
lprcat(" in their adventures. Feel free to browse to your hearts content.\n");
lprcat("Also be advised, if you break 'em, you pay for 'em.");
register int i;
for (i=dnditm; i<26+dnditm; i++) dnditem(i);
cursor(50,18); lprcat("You have ");
register int i;
dnditm = 0;
nosignal = 1; /* disable signals */
clear(); dnd_2hed();
if (outstanding_taxes>0)
lprcat("\n\nThe Larn Revenue Service has ordered us to not do business with tax evaders.\n"); beep();
lprintf("They have also told us that you owe %d gp in back taxes, and as we must\n",(long)outstanding_taxes);
lprcat("comply with the law, we cannot serve you at this time. Soo Sorry.\n");
lprcat("\nPress "); standout("escape"); lprcat(" to leave: "); lflush();
while (i!='\33') i=getchar();
drawscreen(); nosignal = 0; /* enable signals */ return;
while (1)
cursor(59,18); lprintf("%d gold pieces",(long)c[GOLD]);
cltoeoln(); cl_dn(1,20); /* erase to eod */
lprcat("\nEnter your transaction ["); standout("space");
lprcat(" for more, "); standout("escape");
lprcat(" to leave]? ");
while ((i<'a' || i>'z') && (i!=' ') && (i!='\33') && (i!=12)) i=getchar();
if (i==12) { clear(); dnd_2hed(); dnd_hed(); }
else if (i=='\33')
{ drawscreen(); nosignal = 0; /* enable signals */ return; }
else if (i==' ')
if ((dnditm += 26) >= maxitm) dnditm=0; dnd_hed();
{ /* buy something */
lprc(i); /* echo the byte */
i += dnditm - 'a';
if (i>=maxitm) outofstock(); else
if (itm[i].qty <= 0) outofstock(); else
if (pocketfull()) handsfull(); else
if (c[GOLD] < itm[i].price*10) nogold(); else
if (itm[i].mem != 0) *itm[i].mem[itm[i].arg] = ' ';
c[GOLD] -= itm[i].price*10;
itm[i].qty--; take(itm[i].obj,itm[i].arg);
if (itm[i].qty==0) dnditem(i); nap(1001);
function for the players hands are full
static handsfull()
{ lprcat("\nYou can't carry anything more!"); lflush(); nap(2200); }
static outofstock()
{ lprcat("\nSorry, but we are out of that item."); lflush(); nap(2200); }
static nogold()
{ lprcat("\nYou don't have enough gold to pay for that!"); lflush(); nap(2200); }
to print the item list; used in dndstore() enter with the index into itm
static dnditem(i)
register int i;
register int j,k;
if (i >= maxitm) return;
cursor( (j=(i&1)*40+1) , (k=((i%26)>>1)+5) );
if (itm[i].qty == 0) { lprintf("%39s",""); return; }
lprintf("%c) ",(i%26)+'a');
if (itm[i].obj == OPOTION)
{ lprcat("potion of "); lprintf("%s",&potionname[itm[i].arg][1]); }
else if (itm[i].obj == OSCROLL)
{ lprcat("scroll of "); lprintf("%s",&scrollname[itm[i].arg][1]); }
else lprintf("%s",objectname[itm[i].obj]);
cursor( j+31,k ); lprintf("%6d",(long)(itm[i].price*10));
for the college of larn
char course[26]={0}; /* the list of courses taken */
char coursetime[] = { 10, 15, 10, 20, 10, 10, 10, 5 };
function to display the header info for the school
lprcat("The College of Larn offers the exciting opportunity of higher education to\n");
lprcat("all inhabitants of the caves. Here is a list of the class schedule:\n\n\n");
lprcat("\t\t Course Name \t Time Needed\n\n");
if (course[0]==0) lprcat("\t\ta) Fighters Training I 10 mobuls"); /*line 7 of crt*/
if (course[1]==0) lprcat("\t\tb) Fighters Training II 15 mobuls");
if (course[2]==0) lprcat("\t\tc) Introduction to Wizardry 10 mobuls");
if (course[3]==0) lprcat("\t\td) Applied Wizardry 20 mobuls");
if (course[4]==0) lprcat("\t\te) Behavioral Psychology 10 mobuls");
if (course[5]==0) lprcat("\t\tf) Faith for Today 10 mobuls");
if (course[6]==0) lprcat("\t\tg) Contemporary Dance 10 mobuls");
if (course[7]==0) lprcat("\t\th) History of Larn 5 mobuls");
lprcat("\n\n\t\tAll courses cost 250 gold pieces.");
lprcat("You are presently carrying ");
register int i;
long time_used;
nosignal = 1; /* disable signals */
while (1)
cursor(57,18); lprintf("%d gold pieces. ",(long)c[GOLD]); cursors();
lprcat("\nWhat is your choice ["); standout("escape");
lprcat(" to leave] ? "); yrepcount=0;
i=0; while ((i<'a' || i>'h') && (i!='\33') && (i!=12)) i=getchar();
if (i==12) { sch_hed(); continue; }
else if (i=='\33')
{ nosignal = 0; drawscreen(); /* enable signals */ return; }
if (c[GOLD] < 250) nogold(); else
if (course[i-'a'])
{ lprcat("\nSorry, but that class is filled."); nap(1000); }
if (i <= 'h')
c[GOLD] -= 250; time_used=0;
case 'a': c[STRENGTH] += 2; c[CONSTITUTION]++;
lprcat("\nYou feel stronger!");
case 'b': if (course[0]==0)
lprcat("\nSorry, but this class has a prerequisite of Fighters Training I");
c[GOLD]+=250; time_used= -10000; break;
lprcat("\nYou feel much stronger!");
c[STRENGTH] += 2; c[CONSTITUTION] += 2; break;
case 'c': c[INTELLIGENCE] += 2;
lprcat("\nThe task before you now seems more attainable!");
cl_line(16,9); break;
case 'd': if (course[2]==0)
lprcat("\nSorry, but this class has a prerequisite of Introduction to Wizardry");
c[GOLD]+=250; time_used= -10000; break;
lprcat("\nThe task before you now seems very attainable!");
c[INTELLIGENCE] += 2; break;
case 'e': c[CHARISMA] += 3;
lprcat("\nYou now feel like a born leader!");
cl_line(16,11); break;
case 'f': c[WISDOM] += 2;
lprcat("\nYou now feel more confident that you can find the potion in time!");
cl_line(16,12); break;
case 'g': c[DEXTERITY] += 3;
lprcat("\nYou feel like dancing!");
cl_line(16,13); break;
case 'h': c[INTELLIGENCE]++;
lprcat("\nYour instructor told you that the Eye of Larn is rumored to be guarded\n");
lprcat("by a platinum dragon who possesses psionic abilities. ");
cl_line(16,14); break;
time_used += coursetime[i-'a']*100;
if (time_used > 0)
gtime += time_used;
course[i-'a']++; /* remember that he has taken that course */
c[HP] = c[HPMAX]; c[SPELLS] = c[SPELLMAX]; /* he regenerated */
if (c[BLINDCOUNT]) c[BLINDCOUNT]=1; /* cure blindness too! */
if (c[CONFUSE]) c[CONFUSE]=1; /* end confusion */
adjtime((long)time_used); /* adjust parameters for time change */
* for the first national bank of Larn
int lasttime=0; /* last time he was in bank */
banktitle(" Welcome to the First National Bank of Larn.");
banktitle("Welcome to the 5th level branch office of the First National Bank of Larn.");
static banktitle(str)
char *str;
nosignal = 1; /* disable signals */
clear(); lprcat(str);
if (outstanding_taxes>0)
register int i;
lprcat("\n\nThe Larn Revenue Service has ordered that your account be frozen until all\n"); beep();
lprintf("levied taxes have been paid. They have also told us that you owe %d gp in\n",(long)outstanding_taxes);
lprcat("taxes, and we must comply with them. We cannot serve you at this time. Sorry.\n");
lprcat("We suggest you go to the LRS office and pay your taxes.\n");
lprcat("\nPress "); standout("escape"); lprcat(" to leave: "); lflush();
while (i!='\33') i=getchar();
drawscreen(); nosignal = 0; /* enable signals */ return;
lprcat("\n\n\tGemstone\t Appraisal\t\tGemstone\t Appraisal");
obanksub(); nosignal = 0; /* enable signals */
* function to put interest on your bank account
register int i;
else if ((c[BANKACCOUNT]>0) && (c[BANKACCOUNT]<500000))
i = (gtime-lasttime)/100; /* # mobuls elapsed */
while ((i-- > 0) && (c[BANKACCOUNT]<500000))
if (c[BANKACCOUNT]>500000) c[BANKACCOUNT]=500000; /* interest limit */
lasttime = (gtime/100)*100;
static short gemorder[26]={0}; /* the reference to screen location for each */
static long gemvalue[26]={0}; /* the appraisal of the gems */
unsigned long amt;
register int i,k;
ointerest(); /* credit any needed interest */
for (k=i=0; i<26; i++)
if (iven[i]==OLARNEYE)
if (gemvalue[i]<50000) gemvalue[i]=50000;
else gemvalue[i] = (255&ivenarg[i])*100;
cursor( (k%2)*40+1 , (k>>1)+4 );
lprintf("%c) %s",i+'a',objectname[iven[i]]);
cursor( (k%2)*40+33 , (k>>1)+4 );
lprintf("%5d",(long)gemvalue[i]); k++;
cursor(31,17); lprintf("You have %8d gold pieces in the bank.",(long)c[BANKACCOUNT]);
cursor(40,18); lprintf("You have %8d gold pieces",(long)c[GOLD]);
if (c[BANKACCOUNT]+c[GOLD] >= 500000)
lprcat("\nNote: Larndom law states that only deposits under 500,000gp can earn interest.");
while (1)
lprcat("\nYour wish? [("); standout("d"); lprcat(") deposit, (");
standout("w"); lprcat(") withdraw, ("); standout("s");
lprcat(") sell a stone, or "); standout("escape"); lprcat("] ");
i=0; while (i!='d' && i!='w' && i!='s' && i!='\33') i=getchar();
case 'd': lprcat("deposit\nHow much? "); amt = readnum((long)c[GOLD]);
if (amt<0) { lprcat("\nSorry, but we can't take negative gold!"); nap(2000); amt=0; } else
if (amt>c[GOLD])
{ lprcat(" You don't have that much."); nap(2000); }
else { c[GOLD] -= amt; c[BANKACCOUNT] += amt; }
case 'w': lprcat("withdraw\nHow much? "); amt = readnum((long)c[BANKACCOUNT]);
if (amt<0) { lprcat("\nSorry, but we don't have any negative gold!"); nap(2000); amt=0; }
else if (amt > c[BANKACCOUNT])
{ lprcat("\nYou don't have that much in the bank!"); nap(2000); }
else { c[GOLD] += amt; c[BANKACCOUNT] -= amt; }
case 's': lprcat("\nWhich stone would you like to sell? ");
i=0; while ((i<'a' || i>'z') && i!='*') i=getchar();
if (i=='*')
for (i=0; i<26; i++)
if (gemvalue[i])
c[GOLD]+=gemvalue[i]; iven[i]=0;
gemvalue[i]=0; k = gemorder[i];
cursor( (k%2)*40+1 , (k>>1)+4 );
if (gemvalue[i=i-'a']==0)
lprintf("\nItem %c is not a gemstone!",i+'a');
nap(2000); break;
c[GOLD]+=gemvalue[i]; iven[i]=0;
gemvalue[i]=0; k = gemorder[i];
cursor( (k%2)*40+1 , (k>>1)+4 ); lprintf("%39s","");
case '\33': return;
cursor(40,17); lprintf("%8d",(long)c[BANKACCOUNT]);
cursor(49,18); lprintf("%8d",(long)c[GOLD]);
subroutine to appraise any stone for the bank
register int gemstone;
register int j,amt;
for (j=0; j<26; j++)
if (iven[j]==gemstone)
lprintf("\nI see you have %s",objectname[gemstone]);
if (gemstone==OLARNEYE) lprcat(" I must commend you. I didn't think\nyou could get it.");
lprcat(" Shall I appraise it for you? "); yrepcount=0;
if (getyn()=='y')
lprcat("yes.\n Just one moment please \n"); nap(1000);
if (gemstone==OLARNEYE)
amt = 250000-((gtime*7)/100)*100;
if (amt<50000) amt=50000;
else amt = (255 & ivenarg[j]) * 100;
lprintf("\nI can see this is an excellent stone, It is worth %d",(long)amt);
lprcat("\nWould you like to sell it to us? "); yrepcount=0;
if (getyn()=='y') { lprcat("yes\n"); c[GOLD]+=amt; iven[j]=0; }
else lprcat("no thank you.\n");
if (gemstone==OLARNEYE) lprcat("It is, of course, your privilege to keep the stone\n");
else lprcat("no\nO. K.\n");
function for the trading post
static otradhead()
lprcat("Welcome to the Larn Trading Post. We buy items that explorers no longer find\n");
lprcat("useful. Since the condition of the items you bring in is not certain,\n");
lprcat("and we incur great expense in reconditioning the items, we usually pay\n");
lprcat("only 20% of their value were they to be new. If the items are badly\n");
lprcat("damaged, we will pay only 10% of their new value.\n\n");
register int i,j,value,isub,izarg;
dnditm = dndcount = 0;
nosignal = 1; /* disable signals */
resetscroll(); otradhead();
while (1)
lprcat("\nWhat item do you want to sell to us ["); standout("*");
lprcat(" for list, or "); standout("escape"); lprcat("] ? ");
i=0; while (i>'z' || (i<'a' && i!='*' && i!='\33' && i!='.')) i=getchar();
if (i == '\33')
{ setscroll(); recalc(); drawscreen(); nosignal=0; /* enable signals */ return; }
isub = i - 'a'; j=0;
if (iven[isub]==OSCROLL) if (scrollname[ivenarg[isub]][0]==0)
{ j=1; cnsitm(); } /* can't sell unidentified item */
if (iven[isub]==OPOTION) if (potionname[ivenarg[isub]][0]==0)
{ j=1; cnsitm(); } /* can't sell unidentified item */
if (!j)
if (i=='*') { clear(); qshowstr(); otradhead(); }
else if (iven[isub]==0) lprintf("\nYou don't have item %c!",isub+'a');
for (j=0; j<maxitm; j++)
if ((itm[j].obj == iven[isub]) || (iven[isub] == ODIAMOND) || (iven[isub] == ORUBY) || (iven[isub] == OEMERALD) || (iven[isub] == OSAPPHIRE))
srcount=0; show3(isub); /* show what the item was */
if ((iven[isub] == ODIAMOND) || (iven[isub] == ORUBY)
|| (iven[isub] == OEMERALD) || (iven[isub] == OSAPPHIRE))
value = 20*ivenarg[isub];
if ((itm[j].obj == OSCROLL) || (itm[j].obj == OPOTION)) value = 2*itm[j+ivenarg[isub]].price;
izarg=ivenarg[isub]; value = itm[j].price; /* appreciate if a +n object */
if (izarg >= 0) value *= 2;
while ((izarg-- > 0) && ((value=14*(67+value)/10) < 500000));
lprintf("\nItem (%c) is worth %d gold pieces to us. Do you want to sell it? ",i,(long)value);
if (getyn()=='y')
lprcat("yes\n"); c[GOLD]+=value;
if (c[WEAR] == isub) c[WEAR] = -1;
if (c[WIELD] == isub) c[WIELD] = -1;
if (c[SHIELD] == isub) c[SHIELD] = -1;
else lprcat("no thanks.\n");
j = maxitm+100; /* get out of the inner loop */
if (j <= maxitm+2) lprcat("\nSo sorry, but we are not authorized to accept that item.");
{ lprcat("\nSorry, we can't accept unidentified objects."); }
* for the Larn Revenue Service
register int i,first;
unsigned long amt;
first = nosignal = 1; /* disable signals */
clear(); resetscroll(); cursor(1,4);
lprcat("Welcome to the Larn Revenue Service district office. How can we help you?");
while (1)
if (first) { first=0; goto nxt; }
lprcat("\n\nYour wish? [(");
lprcat(") pay taxes, or ");
lprcat("] "); yrepcount=0;
i=0; while (i!='p' && i!='\33') i=getchar();
case 'p': lprcat("pay taxes\nHow much? "); amt = readnum((long)c[GOLD]);
if (amt<0) { lprcat("\nSorry, but we can't take negative gold\n"); amt=0; } else
if (amt>c[GOLD]) lprcat(" You don't have that much.\n");
else c[GOLD] -= paytaxes((long)amt);
case '\33': nosignal = 0; /* enable signals */
setscroll(); drawscreen(); return;
nxt: cursor(1,6);
if (outstanding_taxes>0)
lprintf("You presently owe %d gp in taxes. ",(long)outstanding_taxes);
lprcat("You do not owe us any taxes. ");
if (c[GOLD]>0)
lprintf("You have %6d gp. ",(long)c[GOLD]);
lprcat("You have no gold pieces. ");