make ANSI C compatible
[unix-history] / usr / src / sys / vax / uba / qduser.h
* *
* Copyright (c) 1986 by *
* Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* This software is furnished under a license and may be used and *
* copied only in accordance with the terms of such license and *
* with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This *
* software or any other copies thereof may not be provided or *
* otherwise made available to any other person. No title to and *
* ownership of the software is hereby transferred. *
* *
* The information in this software is subject to change without *
* notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital *
* Equipment Corporation. *
* *
* Digital assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability *
* of its software on equipment which is not supplied by Digital. *
* *
* This file defines values shared between the driver and a client
* revision history:
* 21 jul 86 ram fixed define of CURSOR_MIN_Y
* 25 nov 85 longo added macro and bit defines for DMA error flags
* 11 nov 85 longo renamed _vs_eventqueue to "qdinput" struct
* 23 oct 85 longo added more defines to the DMA stuff
* 17 oct 85 longo changed "struct rgb" chars to be unsigned
* 16 oct 85 longo added new TABLET support definitions
* 15 oct 85 longo re-wrote DMA queue access macros
* 08 oct 85 longo added status flag manipulation macros to DMA stuff
* 02 oct 85 longo added support for color map write buffer loading
* 26 sep 85 longo removed adder sertup params from DMA request struct
* 23 sep 85 longo added DMA queue access macros
* 30 aug 85 longo fixed crock in "qdiobuf" struct compile-time sizing. Also
* removed DMAcontrol struct from DMA buffer for field test
* 26 aug 85 longo put in conditional include of "qevent.h" for user prg's
* 18 jul 85 longo changed semantics so that head is tail and tail is head
* 12 jul 85 longo moved "mouse_report" struct and defs over to qd_data.c
* 11 jul 85 longo added device coordinate to gate array cursor coordinate
* transformation macros
* 03 jul 85 longo changed kernel typdef's for data types to long-hand
* 10 may 85 longo created
#ifdef KERNEL
#include "qevent.h" /* include event struct defs */
#include <vaxuba/qevent.h>
* QDSS device map */
struct qdmap { /* map of register blocks in QDSS */
char *template;
char *adder;
char *dga;
char *duart;
char *memcsr;
char *red;
char *blue;
char *green;
* DGA CSR bit definitions and register map */
#define DMADONE 0x8000 /* DMA done status */
#define SET_DONE_FIFO 0x4000 /* set DMADONE when FIFO empty.. */
/* ..AND count = 0 */
#define PTOB_ENB 0x0600 /* host-to-bitmap DMA xfer */
#define BTOP_ENB 0x0400 /* bitmap-to-host DMA xfer */
#define DL_ENB 0x0200 /* display list DMA xfer */
#define HALT 0x0000 /* halt DGA */
#define BYTE_DMA 0x0100 /* byte/word DMA xfer */
#define DMA_ERR 0x0080 /* DMA error bits */
#define PARITY_ERR 0x0040 /* memory parity error in DMA */
#define BUS_ERR 0x0020 /* bus timeout error in DMA */
#define GLOBAL_IE 0x0004 /* global interrupt enable */
#define DMA_IE 0x0002 /* DMA interrupt enable */
#define CURS_ENB 0x0001 /* cursor enable */
/* QDSS memcsr bit definitions */
#define UNBLANK 0x0020
#define SYNC_ON 0x0008
struct dga {
unsigned short csr;
unsigned short adrs_lo; /* destination address of bitmap to */
unsigned short adrs_hi; /* host DMA */
unsigned short bytcnt_lo; /* byte length of requested DMA */
unsigned short bytcnt_hi; /* (WO = bytcnt) (RO = fifo count) */
unsigned short fifo; /* FIFO register */
unsigned short x_cursor; /* cursor position registers */
unsigned short y_cursor;
unsigned short ivr; /* interrupt vector register */
unsigned short memadr; /* memory base address register */
* macros to transform device coordinates to hardware cursor coordinates */
#define CURS_MIN_X 232 /* device coordinate x = 0 */
#define CURS_MIN_Y 16 /* device coordinate y = 0 */
#define TRANX(x) ( -(((int)(x)+CURS_MIN_X) & ~0x0003) | \
(((int)(x)+CURS_MIN_X) & 0x0003) )
#define TRANY(y) ( -((y)+CURS_MIN_Y) )
* most of the event queue definitions are found in "qevent.h". But a
* few things not found there are here. */
/* The event queue header */
typedef struct qdinput {
struct _vs_eventqueue header; /* event queue ring handling */
/* for VS100 and QVSS compatability reasons, additions to this
* structure must be made below this point. */
struct _vs_cursor curs_pos; /* current mouse position */
struct _vs_box curs_box; /* cursor reporting box */
/* vse_key field. definitions for mouse buttons */
/* vse_key field. definitions for mouse buttons */
* These are the macros to be used for loading and extracting from the event
* queue. It is presumed that the macro user will only use the access macros
* if the event queue is non-empty ( ISEMPTY(eq) == FALSE ), and that the
* driver will only load the event queue after checking that it is not full
* ( ISFULL(eq) == FALSE ). ("eq" is a pointer to the event queue header.)
* Before an event access session for a particular event, the macro users
* must use the xxxBEGIN macro, and the xxxEND macro after an event is through
* with. As seen below, the xxxBEGIN and xxxEND macros maintain the event
* queue access mechanism.
* First, the macros to be used by the event queue reader
#define ISEMPTY(eq) ((eq)->header.head == (eq)->header.tail)
#define GETBEGIN(eq) (&(eq)->[(eq)->header.head])
#define GET_X(event) ((event)->vse_x) /* get x position */
#define GET_Y(event) ((event)->vse_y) /* get y position */
#define GET_TIME(event) ((event)->vse_time) /* get time */
#define GET_TYPE(event) ((event)->vse_type) /* get entry type */
#define GET_KEY(event) ((event)->vse_key) /* get keycode */
#define GET_DIR(event) ((event)->vse_direction) /* get direction */
#define GET_DEVICE(event) ((event)->vse_device) /* get device */
#define GETEND(eq) (++(eq)->header.head >= (eq)->header.size ? \
(eq)->header.head = 0 : 0 )
* macros to be used by the event queue loader */
/* ISFULL yields TRUE if queue is full */
#define ISFULL(eq) ((eq)->header.tail+1 == (eq)->header.head || \
((eq)->header.tail+1 == (eq)->header.size && \
(eq)->header.head == 0))
/* get address of the billet for NEXT event */
#define PUTBEGIN(eq) (&(eq)->[(eq)->header.tail])
#define PUT_X(event, value) ((event)->vse_x = value) /* put X pos */
#define PUT_Y(event, value) ((event)->vse_y = value) /* put Y pos */
#define PUT_TIME(event, value) ((event)->vse_time = value) /* put time */
#define PUT_TYPE(event, value) ((event)->vse_type = value) /* put type */
#define PUT_KEY(event, value) ((event)->vse_key = value) /* put input key */
#define PUT_DIR(event, value) ((event)->vse_direction = value) /* put dir */
#define PUT_DEVICE(event, value) ((event)->vse_device = value) /* put dev */
#define PUTEND(eq) (++(eq)->header.tail >= (eq)->header.size ? \
(eq)->header.tail = 0 : 0)
* The DMA request queue is implemented as a ring buffer of "DMAreq"
structures. The queue is accessed using ring indices located in the
"DMAreq_header" structure. Access is implemented using access macros
similar to the event queue access macros above. */
struct DMAreq {
short DMAtype; /* DMA type code (for QDSS) */
short DMAdone; /* DMA done parameter */
char *bufp; /* virtual adrs of buffer */
int length; /* transfer buffer length */
/* DMA type command codes */
#define DISPLIST 1 /* display list DMA */
#define PTOB 2 /* 1 plane Qbus to bitmap DMA */
#define BTOP 3 /* 1 plane bitmap to Qbus DMA */
/* DMA done notification code */
#define FIFO_EMPTY 0x01 /* DONE when FIFO becomes empty */
#define COUNT_ZERO 0x02 /* DONE when count becomes zero */
#define WORD_PACK 0x04 /* program the gate array for word packing */
#define BYTE_PACK 0x08 /* program gate array for byte packing */
#define REQUEST_DONE 0x100 /* clear when driver has processed request */
#define HARD_ERROR 0x200 /* DMA hardware error occurred */
/* DMA request queue is a ring buffer of request structures */
struct DMAreq_header {
int QBAreg; /* cookie Qbus map reg for this buffer */
short status; /* master DMA status word */
int shared_size; /* size of shared memory in bytes */
struct DMAreq *DMAreq; /* start address of request queue */
int used; /* # of queue entries currently used */
int size; /* # of "DMAreq"'s in the request queue */
int oldest; /* index to oldest queue'd request */
int newest; /* index to newest queue'd request */
/* bit definitions for DMAstatus word in DMAreq_header */
#define DMA_ACTIVE 0x0004 /* DMA in progress */
#define DMA_ERROR 0x0080 /* DMA hardware error */
#define DMA_IGNORE 0x0002 /* flag to ignore this interrupt */
* macros for DMA request queue fiddling */
/* DMA status set/check macros */
#define DMA_SETACTIVE(header) ((header)->status |= DMA_ACTIVE)
#define DMA_CLRACTIVE(header) ((header)->status &= ~DMA_ACTIVE)
#define DMA_ISACTIVE(header) ((header)->status & DMA_ACTIVE)
#define DMA_SETERROR(header) ((header)->status |= DMA_ERROR)
#define DMA_CLRERROR(header) ((header)->status &= ~DMA_ERROR)
#define DMA_ISERROR(header) ((header)->status & DMA_ERROR)
#define DMA_SETIGNORE(header) ((header)->status |= DMA_IGNORE)
#define DMA_CLRIGNORE(header) ((header)->status &= ~DMA_IGNORE)
#define DMA_ISIGNORE(header) ((header)->status & DMA_IGNORE)
/* yields TRUE if queue is empty (ISEMPTY) or full (ISFULL) */
#define DMA_ISEMPTY(header) ((header)->used == 0)
#define DMA_ISFULL(header) ((header)->used >= (header)->size)
/* returns address of the billet for next (PUT)
* or oldest (GET) request */
#define DMA_PUTBEGIN(header) (&(header)->DMAreq[(header)->newest])
#define DMA_GETBEGIN(header) (&(header)->DMAreq[(header)->oldest])
/* does queue access pointer maintenance */
#define DMA_GETEND(header) (++(header)->oldest >= (header)->size \
? (header)->oldest = 0 : 0); \
#define DMA_PUTEND(header) (++(header)->newest >= (header)->size \
? (header)->newest = 0 : 0); \
struct rgb {
unsigned char offset; /* color map address for load */
unsigned char red; /* data for red map */
unsigned char green; /* data for green map */
unsigned char blue; /* data for blue map */
struct color_buf {
char status; /* load request/service status */
short count; /* number of entries to br loaded */
struct rgb rgb[256];
#define LOAD_COLOR_MAP 0x0001
struct scroll {
short status;
short viper_constant;
short y_scroll_constant;
short y_offset;
short x_index_pending;
short y_index_pending;
#define LOAD_REGS 0x0001
#define LOAD_INDEX 0x0002
* LK201 programmming definitions */
#define LK_UPDOWN 0x86 /* bits for setting lk201 modes */
#define LK_AUTODOWN 0x82
#define LK_DOWN 0x80
#define LK_DEFAULTS 0xD3 /* reset (some) default settings */
#define LK_AR_ENABLE 0xE3 /* global auto repeat enable */
#define LK_CL_ENABLE 0x1B /* keyclick enable */
#define LK_KBD_ENABLE 0x8B /* keyboard enable */
#define LK_BELL_ENABLE 0x23 /* the bell */
#define LK_RING_BELL 0xA7 /* ring keyboard bell */
#define LK_LED_ENABLE 0x13 /* light led */
#define LK_LED_DISABLE 0x11 /* turn off led */
#define LED_1 0x81 /* led bits */
#define LED_2 0x82
#define LED_3 0x84
#define LED_4 0x88
#define LED_ALL 0x8F
#define LK_LED_HOLD LED_4
#define LK_LED_LOCK LED_3
#define LK_LED_WAIT LED_1
#define LK_KDOWN_ERROR 0x3D /* key down on powerup error */
#define LK_POWER_ERROR 0x3E /* keyboard failure on powerup test */
#define LK_OUTPUT_ERROR 0xB5 /* keystrokes lost during inhibit */
#define LK_INPUT_ERROR 0xB6 /* garbage command to keyboard */
#define LK_LOWEST 0x56 /* lowest significant keycode */
#define LK_DIV6_START 0xAD /* start of div 6 */
#define LK_DIV5_END 0xB2 /* end of div 5 */
#define LAST_PARAM 0x80 /* "no more params" bit */
struct prgkbd {
short cmd; /* LK201 command opcode */
short param1; /* 1st cmd parameter (can be null) */
short param2; /* 2nd cmd parameter (can be null) */
* "special" LK-201 keys */
#define SHIFT 174
#define LOCK 176
#define REPEAT 180
#define CNTRL 175
#define ALLUP 179
* cursor programming structure */
struct prg_cursor {
unsigned short acc_factor; /* cursor aceleration factor */
unsigned short threshold; /* threshold to trigger acc at */
* mouse definitions */
#define INC_STREAM_MODE 'R' /* stream mode reports (55 hz) */
#define PROMPT_MODE 'D' /* report when prompted */
#define REQUEST_POS 'P' /* request position report */
#define SELF_TEST 'T' /* request self test */
#define MOUSE_ID 0x2 /* mouse ID in lo 4 bits */
#define START_FRAME 0x80 /* start of report frame bit */
#define X_SIGN 0x10 /* position sign bits */
#define Y_SIGN 0x08
#define RIGHT_BUTTON 0x01 /* mouse buttons */
#define MIDDLE_BUTTON 0x02
#define LEFT_BUTTON 0x04
/* mouse report structure definition */
struct mouse_report {
char state; /* buttons and sign bits */
short dx; /* delta X since last change */
short dy; /* delta Y since last change */
char bytcnt; /* mouse report byte count */
* tablet command/interface definitions */
#define T_STREAM 'R' /* continuous stream report mode */
#define T_POINT 'D' /* enter report-on-request mode */
#define T_REQUEST 'P' /* request position report */
#define T_BAUD 'B' /* increase baud to 9600 from 4800 */
#define T_RATE_55 'K' /* report rate: 55/sec */
#define T_RATE_72 'L' /* report rate: 72/sec */
#define T_RATE_120 'M' /* report rate: 120/sec (9600 only) */
#define T_TEST SELF_TEST /* do self test */
#define TABLET_ID 0x4 /* tablet ID in lo 4 bits */
#define T_START_FRAME 0x80 /* start of report frame bit */
#define T_PROXIMITY 0x01 /* state pointer in proximity */
#define T_LEFT_BUTTON 0x02 /* puck buttons */
#define T_FRONT_BUTTON 0x04
#define T_RIGHT_BUTTON 0x08
#define T_BACK_BUTTON 0x10
#define T_BARREL_BUTTON T_LEFT_BUTTON /* stylus buttons */