make ANSI C compatible
[unix-history] / usr / src / sys / vax / uba / ts.c
* Copyright (c) 1982, 1986 Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement
* specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
* @(#)ts.c 7.4 (Berkeley) %G%
#include "ts.h"
#if NTS > 0
* TS11 tape driver
* NB: This driver takes advantage of the fact that there is only one
* drive per controller.
* test dump code
#include "param.h"
#include "systm.h"
#include "buf.h"
#include "dir.h"
#include "conf.h"
#include "user.h"
#include "file.h"
#include "map.h"
#include "vm.h"
#include "ioctl.h"
#include "mtio.h"
#include "cmap.h"
#include "uio.h"
#include "tty.h"
#include "syslog.h"
#include "../machine/pte.h"
#include "../vax/cpu.h"
#include "ubareg.h"
#include "ubavar.h"
#include "tsreg.h"
* There is a ctsbuf per tape controller.
* It is used as the token to pass to the internal routines
* to execute tape ioctls.
* In particular, when the tape is rewinding on close we release
* the user process but any further attempts to use the tape drive
* before the rewind completes will hang waiting for ctsbuf.
struct buf ctsbuf[NTS];
* Raw tape operations use rtsbuf. The driver
* notices when rtsbuf is being used and allows the user
* program to continue after errors and read records
* not of the standard length (BSIZE).
struct buf rtsbuf[NTS];
* Driver unibus interface routines and variables.
int tsprobe(), tsslave(), tsattach(), tsdgo(), tsintr();
struct uba_ctlr *tsminfo[NTS];
struct uba_device *tsdinfo[NTS];
struct buf tsutab[NTS];
u_short tsstd[] = { 0772520, 0 };
/* need all these even though controller == drive */
struct uba_driver zsdriver =
{ tsprobe, tsslave, tsattach, tsdgo, tsstd, "ts", tsdinfo, "zs", tsminfo };
/* bits in minor device */
#define TSUNIT(dev) (minor(dev)&03)
#define T_NOREWIND 04
#define T_1600BPI 010
#define INF (daddr_t)1000000L
* Software state per tape transport.
* Also contains hardware state in message packets.
* 1. A tape drive is a unique-open device; we refuse opens when it is already.
* 2. We keep track of the current position on a block tape and seek
* before operations by forward/back spacing if necessary.
* 3. We remember if the last operation was a write on a tape, so if a tape
* is open read write and the last thing done is a write we can
* write a standard end of tape mark (two eofs).
* 4. We remember the status registers after the last command, using
* then internally and returning them to the SENSE ioctl.
struct ts_tsdata { /* data shared with ts11 controller */
struct ts_cmd t_cmd; /* the command packet (must be first) */
struct ts_sts t_sts; /* status packet, for returned status */
struct ts_char t_char; /* characteristics packet */
struct ts_softc {
char sc_openf; /* lock against multiple opens */
char sc_lastiow; /* last op was a write */
short sc_resid; /* copy of last bc */
daddr_t sc_blkno; /* block number, for block device tape */
daddr_t sc_nxrec; /* position of end of tape, if known */
struct ts_tsdata sc_ts;/* command and status packets */
struct ts_tsdata *sc_ubaddr; /* Unibus address of tsdata structure */
u_short sc_uba; /* Unibus addr of cmd pkt for tsdb */
short sc_density; /* value |'ed into char_mode for TC13 density */
struct tty *sc_ttyp; /* record user's tty for errors */
int sc_blks; /* number of I/O operations since open */
int sc_softerrs; /* number of soft I/O errors since open */
} ts_softc[NTS];
* States for um->um_tab.b_active, the per controller state flag.
* This is used to sequence control in the driver.
#define SSEEK 1 /* seeking */
#define SIO 2 /* doing seq i/o */
#define SCOM 3 /* sending control command */
#define SREW 4 /* sending a drive rewind */
* Determine if there is a controller for
* a ts at address reg. Our goal is to make the
* device interrupt.
tsprobe(reg, ctlr, um)
caddr_t reg;
int ctlr;
struct uba_ctlr *um;
register int br, cvec; /* must be r11,r10; value-result */
register struct tsdevice *addr = (struct tsdevice *)reg;
register struct ts_softc *sc;
register int i;
int a;
#ifdef lint
br = 0; cvec = br; br = cvec;
addr->tssr = 0; /* initialize subsystem */
if ((addr->tssr & TS_NBA) == 0)
return (0);
* Make it interrupt.
* TS_SETCHR|TS_IE alone refuses to interrupt for me.
sc = &ts_softc[ctlr];
tsmap(sc, numuba, &a);
i = (int)&sc->sc_ubaddr->t_char;
sc->sc_ts.t_cmd.c_loba = i;
sc->sc_ts.t_cmd.c_hiba = (i >> 16) & 3;
sc->sc_ts.t_cmd.c_size = sizeof(struct ts_char);
sc->sc_ts.t_cmd.c_cmd = TS_ACK | TS_SETCHR;
sc->sc_ts.t_char.char_addr = (int)&sc->sc_ubaddr->t_sts;
sc->sc_ts.t_char.char_size = sizeof(struct ts_sts);
sc->sc_ts.t_char.char_mode = 0; /* mode is unimportant */
addr->tsdb = sc->sc_uba;
sc->sc_ts.t_cmd.c_cmd = TS_ACK | TS_CVC | TS_IE | TS_SENSE;
sc->sc_ts.t_cmd.c_repcnt = 1;
addr->tsdb = sc->sc_uba;
/* should have interrupted by now */
if (cvec == 0 || cvec == 0x200) /* no interrupt */
ubarelse(numuba, &a);
return (sizeof (struct tsdevice));
* Map in the command, status, and characteristics packet. We
* make them contiguous to keep overhead down. This also sets
* sc_uba (which then never changes).
tsmap(sc, uban, a)
register struct ts_softc *sc;
int uban, *a;
register int i;
i = uballoc(uban, (caddr_t)&sc->sc_ts, sizeof(sc->sc_ts), 0);
if (a != NULL)
*a = i;
i = UBAI_ADDR(i);
sc->sc_ubaddr = (struct ts_tsdata *)i;
* Note that i == the Unibus address of the command packet,
* and that it is a multiple of 4 (guaranteed by the compiler).
sc->sc_uba = i + ((i >> 16) & 3);
* TS11 only supports one drive per controller;
* check for ui_slave == 0.
tsslave(ui, reg)
struct uba_device *ui;
caddr_t reg;
return (ui->ui_slave == 0); /* non-zero slave not allowed */
* Record attachment of the unit to the controller.
struct uba_device *ui;
/* void */
* Open the device. Tapes are unique open
* devices, so we refuse if it is already open.
tsopen(dev, flag)
dev_t dev;
int flag;
register int tsunit = TSUNIT(dev);
register struct uba_device *ui;
register struct ts_softc *sc;
if (tsunit >= NTS || (ui = tsdinfo[tsunit]) == 0 || ui->ui_alive == 0)
return (ENXIO);
if ((sc = &ts_softc[ui->ui_ctlr])->sc_openf)
return (EBUSY);
sc->sc_openf = 1;
sc->sc_density = (minor(dev) & T_1600BPI) ? TS_NRZI : 0;
tscommand(dev, TS_SENSE, 1);
if (ctsbuf[tsunit].b_flags & B_ERROR)
* Try it again in case it went off-line
tscommand(dev, TS_SENSE, 1);
if (tsinit(ui->ui_ctlr)) {
sc->sc_openf = 0;
return (ENXIO);
if ((sc->sc_ts.t_sts.s_xs0&TS_ONL) == 0) {
sc->sc_openf = 0;
uprintf("ts%d: not online\n", tsunit);
return (EIO);
if ((flag&FWRITE) && (sc->sc_ts.t_sts.s_xs0&TS_WLK)) {
sc->sc_openf = 0;
uprintf("ts%d: no write ring\n", tsunit);
return (EIO);
sc->sc_blkno = (daddr_t)0;
sc->sc_nxrec = INF;
sc->sc_lastiow = 0;
sc->sc_blks = 0;
sc->sc_softerrs = 0;
sc->sc_ttyp = u.u_ttyp;
return (0);
* Close tape device.
* If tape was open for writing or last operation was
* a write, then write two EOF's and backspace over the last one.
* Unless this is a non-rewinding special file, rewind the tape.
* Make the tape available to others.
tsclose(dev, flag)
register dev_t dev;
register int flag;
register struct ts_softc *sc = &ts_softc[TSUNIT(dev)];
if (flag == FWRITE || (flag&FWRITE) && sc->sc_lastiow) {
tscommand(dev, TS_WEOF, 1);
tscommand(dev, TS_WEOF, 1);
tscommand(dev, TS_SREV, 1);
if ((minor(dev)&T_NOREWIND) == 0)
* 0 count means don't hang waiting for rewind complete
* rather ctsbuf stays busy until the operation completes
* preventing further opens from completing by
* preventing a TS_SENSE from completing.
tscommand(dev, TS_REW, 0);
if (sc->sc_blks > 100 && sc->sc_softerrs > sc->sc_blks / 100)
log(LOG_INFO, "ts%d: %d soft errors in %d blocks\n",
TSUNIT(dev), sc->sc_softerrs, sc->sc_blks);
sc->sc_openf = 0;
* Initialize a TS11. Set device characteristics.
register int ctlr;
register struct ts_softc *sc = &ts_softc[ctlr];
register struct uba_ctlr *um = tsminfo[ctlr];
register struct tsdevice *addr = (struct tsdevice *)um->um_addr;
register int i;
if (addr->tssr & (TS_NBA|TS_OFL) || sc->sc_ts.t_sts.s_xs0 & TS_BOT) {
addr->tssr = 0; /* subsystem initialize */
i = (int)&sc->sc_ubaddr->t_char;
sc->sc_ts.t_cmd.c_loba = i;
sc->sc_ts.t_cmd.c_hiba = (i >> 16) & 3;
sc->sc_ts.t_cmd.c_size = sizeof(struct ts_char);
sc->sc_ts.t_cmd.c_cmd = TS_ACK | TS_CVC | TS_SETCHR;
sc->sc_ts.t_char.char_addr = (int)&sc->sc_ubaddr->t_sts;
sc->sc_ts.t_char.char_size = sizeof(struct ts_sts);
sc->sc_ts.t_char.char_mode = TS_ESS | TS_EAI | TS_ERI |
/* TS_ENB | */ sc->sc_density;
addr->tsdb = sc->sc_uba;
if (addr->tssr & TS_NBA)
* Execute a command on the tape drive
* a specified number of times.
tscommand(dev, com, count)
dev_t dev;
int com, count;
register struct buf *bp;
register int s;
int didsleep = 0;
bp = &ctsbuf[TSUNIT(dev)];
s = spl5();
while (bp->b_flags&B_BUSY) {
* This special check is because B_BUSY never
* gets cleared in the non-waiting rewind case.
if (bp->b_repcnt == 0 && (bp->b_flags&B_DONE))
bp->b_flags |= B_WANTED;
sleep((caddr_t)bp, PRIBIO);
didsleep = 1;
bp->b_flags = B_BUSY|B_READ;
if (didsleep)
(void) tsinit(tsdinfo[TSUNIT(dev)]->ui_ctlr);
bp->b_dev = dev;
bp->b_repcnt = count;
bp->b_command = com;
bp->b_blkno = 0;
* In case of rewind from close, don't wait.
* This is the only case where count can be 0.
if (count == 0)
if (bp->b_flags&B_WANTED)
bp->b_flags &= B_ERROR;
* Queue a tape operation.
register struct buf *bp;
register int tsunit = TSUNIT(bp->b_dev);
register struct uba_ctlr *um;
register struct buf *dp;
int s;
* Put transfer at end of controller queue
bp->av_forw = NULL;
um = tsdinfo[tsunit]->ui_mi;
dp = &tsutab[tsunit];
s = spl5();
if (dp->b_actf == NULL)
dp->b_actf = bp;
dp->b_actl->av_forw = bp;
dp->b_actl = bp;
um->um_tab.b_actf = um->um_tab.b_actl = dp;
* If the controller is not busy, get
* it going.
if (um->um_tab.b_active == 0)
* Start activity on a ts controller.
register struct uba_ctlr *um;
register struct buf *bp;
register struct tsdevice *addr = (struct tsdevice *)um->um_addr;
register struct ts_softc *sc;
register struct uba_device *ui;
register int tsunit;
int cmd;
daddr_t blkno;
* Start the controller if there is something for it to do.
if ((bp = um->um_tab.b_actf->b_actf) == NULL) {
um->um_tab.b_active = 0;
tsunit = TSUNIT(bp->b_dev);
ui = tsdinfo[tsunit];
sc = &ts_softc[tsunit];
* Default is that last command was NOT a write command;
* if we finish a write command we will notice this in tsintr().
sc->sc_lastiow = 0;
if (sc->sc_openf < 0 || (addr->tssr&TS_OFL)) {
* Have had a hard error on a non-raw tape
* or the tape unit is now unavailable
* (e.g. taken off line).
bp->b_flags |= B_ERROR;
goto next;
if (bp == &ctsbuf[tsunit]) {
* Execute control operation with the specified count.
um->um_tab.b_active =
bp->b_command == TS_REW ? SREW : SCOM;
sc->sc_ts.t_cmd.c_repcnt = bp->b_repcnt;
goto dobpcmd;
* For raw I/O, save the current block
* number in case we have to retry.
if (bp == &rtsbuf[tsunit]) {
if (um->um_tab.b_errcnt == 0)
sc->sc_blkno = bdbtofsb(bp->b_blkno);
} else {
* Handle boundary cases for operation
* on non-raw tapes.
if (bdbtofsb(bp->b_blkno) > sc->sc_nxrec) {
* Can't read past known end-of-file.
bp->b_flags |= B_ERROR;
bp->b_error = ENXIO;
goto next;
if (bdbtofsb(bp->b_blkno) == sc->sc_nxrec &&
bp->b_flags&B_READ) {
* Reading at end of file returns 0 bytes.
bp->b_resid = bp->b_bcount;
goto next;
if ((bp->b_flags&B_READ) == 0)
* Writing sets EOF
sc->sc_nxrec = bdbtofsb(bp->b_blkno) + 1;
* If the data transfer command is in the correct place,
* set up all the registers except the csr, and give
* control over to the UNIBUS adapter routines, to
* wait for resources to start the i/o.
if ((blkno = sc->sc_blkno) == bdbtofsb(bp->b_blkno)) {
sc->sc_ts.t_cmd.c_size = bp->b_bcount;
if ((bp->b_flags&B_READ) == 0)
cmd = TS_WCOM;
cmd = TS_RCOM;
if (um->um_tab.b_errcnt)
cmd |= TS_RETRY;
um->um_tab.b_active = SIO;
sc->sc_ts.t_cmd.c_cmd = TS_ACK | TS_CVC | TS_IE | cmd;
(void) ubago(ui);
* Tape positioned incorrectly;
* set to seek forwards or backwards to the correct spot.
* This happens for raw tapes only on error retries.
um->um_tab.b_active = SSEEK;
if (blkno < bdbtofsb(bp->b_blkno)) {
bp->b_command = TS_SFORW;
sc->sc_ts.t_cmd.c_repcnt = bdbtofsb(bp->b_blkno) - blkno;
} else {
bp->b_command = TS_SREV;
sc->sc_ts.t_cmd.c_repcnt = blkno - bdbtofsb(bp->b_blkno);
* Do the command in bp.
sc->sc_ts.t_cmd.c_cmd = TS_ACK | TS_CVC | TS_IE | bp->b_command;
addr->tsdb = sc->sc_uba;
* Done with this operation due to error or
* the fact that it doesn't do anything.
* Release UBA resources (if any), dequeue
* the transfer and continue processing this slave.
if (um->um_ubinfo)
um->um_tab.b_errcnt = 0;
um->um_tab.b_actf->b_actf = bp->av_forw;
goto loop;
* The UNIBUS resources we needed have been
* allocated to us; start the device.
register struct uba_ctlr *um;
register struct ts_softc *sc = &ts_softc[um->um_ctlr];
register int i;
* The uba code uses byte-offset mode if using bdp;
* mask off the low bit here.
i = UBAI_ADDR(um->um_ubinfo);
if (UBAI_BDP(um->um_ubinfo))
i &= ~1;
sc->sc_ts.t_cmd.c_loba = i;
sc->sc_ts.t_cmd.c_hiba = (i >> 16) & 3;
((struct tsdevice *)um->um_addr)->tsdb = sc->sc_uba;
* Ts interrupt routine.
register int tsunit;
register struct buf *bp;
register struct uba_ctlr *um;
register struct tsdevice *addr;
register struct ts_softc *sc;
register int state;
#if VAX630
(void) spl5();
um = tsdinfo[tsunit]->ui_mi;
if ((bp = um->um_tab.b_actf->b_actf) == NULL)
addr = (struct tsdevice *)um->um_addr;
* If last command was a rewind, and tape is still
* rewinding, wait for the rewind complete interrupt.
if (um->um_tab.b_active == SREW) {
um->um_tab.b_active = SCOM;
if ((addr->tssr&TS_SSR) == 0)
* An operation completed... record status
sc = &ts_softc[um->um_ctlr];
if ((bp->b_flags & B_READ) == 0)
sc->sc_lastiow = 1;
state = um->um_tab.b_active;
* Check for errors.
if (addr->tssr&TS_SC) {
switch (addr->tssr & TS_TC) {
case TS_UNREC: /* unrecoverable */
case TS_FATAL: /* fatal error */
case TS_RECNM: /* recoverable, no motion */
case TS_ATTN: /* attention */
if (sc->sc_ts.t_sts.s_xs0 & TS_VCK) {
/* volume check - may have changed tapes */
bp->b_flags |= B_ERROR;
goto ignoreerr;
case TS_SUCC: /* success termination */
printf("ts%d: success\n", tsunit);
goto ignoreerr;
case TS_ALERT: /* tape status alert */
* If we hit the end of the tape file,
* update our position.
if (sc->sc_ts.t_sts.s_xs0 & (TS_TMK|TS_EOT)) {
tsseteof(bp); /* set blkno and nxrec */
state = SCOM; /* force completion */
* Stuff bc so it will be unstuffed correctly
* later to get resid.
sc->sc_ts.t_sts.s_rbpcr = bp->b_bcount;
goto opdone;
* If we were reading raw tape and the record was too
* long or too short, we don't consider this an error.
if (bp == &rtsbuf[tsunit] && bp->b_flags&B_READ &&
goto ignoreerr;
case TS_RECOV: /* recoverable, tape moved */
* If this was an i/o operation retry up to 8 times.
if (state == SIO) {
if (++um->um_tab.b_errcnt < 7) {
goto opcont;
} else
} else {
* Non-i/o errors on non-raw tape
* cause it to close.
if (sc->sc_openf > 0 && bp != &rtsbuf[tsunit])
sc->sc_openf = -1;
case TS_REJECT: /* function reject */
if (state == SIO && sc->sc_ts.t_sts.s_xs0 & TS_WLE)
tprintf(sc->sc_ttyp, "ts%d: write locked\n",
if ((sc->sc_ts.t_sts.s_xs0 & TS_ONL) == 0)
tprintf(sc->sc_ttyp, "ts%d: offline\n",
* Couldn't recover error
tprintf(sc->sc_ttyp, "ts%d: hard error bn%d tssr=%b xs0=%b",
tsunit, bp->b_blkno, addr->tssr, TSSR_BITS,
sc->sc_ts.t_sts.s_xs0, TSXS0_BITS);
if (sc->sc_ts.t_sts.s_xs1)
tprintf(sc->sc_ttyp, " xs1=%b", sc->sc_ts.t_sts.s_xs1,
if (sc->sc_ts.t_sts.s_xs2)
tprintf(sc->sc_ttyp, " xs2=%b", sc->sc_ts.t_sts.s_xs2,
if (sc->sc_ts.t_sts.s_xs3)
tprintf(sc->sc_ttyp, " xs3=%b", sc->sc_ts.t_sts.s_xs3,
tprintf(sc->sc_ttyp, "\n");
bp->b_flags |= B_ERROR;
goto opdone;
* Advance tape control FSM.
switch (state) {
case SIO:
* Read/write increments tape block number
if (um->um_tab.b_errcnt)
goto opdone;
case SCOM:
* For forward/backward space record update current position.
if (bp == &ctsbuf[tsunit])
switch ((int)bp->b_command) {
case TS_SFORW:
sc->sc_blkno += bp->b_repcnt;
case TS_SREV:
sc->sc_blkno -= bp->b_repcnt;
goto opdone;
case SSEEK:
sc->sc_blkno = bdbtofsb(bp->b_blkno);
goto opcont;
* Reset error count and remove
* from device queue.
um->um_tab.b_errcnt = 0;
um->um_tab.b_actf->b_actf = bp->av_forw;
bp->b_resid = sc->sc_ts.t_sts.s_rbpcr;
if (um->um_tab.b_actf->b_actf == 0) {
um->um_tab.b_active = 0;
register struct buf *bp;
register int tsunit = TSUNIT(bp->b_dev);
register struct ts_softc *sc = &ts_softc[tsdinfo[tsunit]->ui_ctlr];
if (bp == &ctsbuf[tsunit]) {
if (sc->sc_blkno > bdbtofsb(bp->b_blkno)) {
/* reversing */
sc->sc_nxrec = bdbtofsb(bp->b_blkno) -
sc->sc_blkno = sc->sc_nxrec;
} else {
/* spacing forward */
sc->sc_blkno = bdbtofsb(bp->b_blkno) +
sc->sc_nxrec = sc->sc_blkno - 1;
/* eof on read */
sc->sc_nxrec = bdbtofsb(bp->b_blkno);
tsread(dev, uio)
dev_t dev;
struct uio *uio;
return (physio(tsstrategy, &rtsbuf[TSUNIT(dev)], dev, B_READ, minphys, uio));
tswrite(dev, uio)
dev_t dev;
struct uio *uio;
return (physio(tsstrategy, &rtsbuf[TSUNIT(dev)], dev, B_WRITE, minphys, uio));
int uban;
register struct uba_ctlr *um;
register struct uba_device *ui;
register struct buf *dp;
register int ts11, i;
for (ts11 = 0; ts11 < NTS; ts11++) {
if ((um = tsminfo[ts11]) == 0 || um->um_alive == 0 ||
um->um_ubanum != uban)
printf(" ts%d", ts11);
um->um_tab.b_active = 0;
um->um_tab.b_actf = um->um_tab.b_actl = 0;
if (ts_softc[ts11].sc_openf > 0)
ts_softc[ts11].sc_openf = -1;
if (um->um_ubinfo) {
printf("<%d>", UBAI_BDP(um->um_ubinfo));
um->um_ubinfo = 0;
* tsdinfo should be 1-to-1 with tsminfo, but someone
* might have screwed up the config file:
for (i = 0; i < NTS; i++) {
if ((ui = tsdinfo[i]) != NULL &&
ui->ui_alive && ui->ui_mi == um) {
um->um_tab.b_actf = um->um_tab.b_actl =
tsmap(&ts_softc[ts11], uban, (int *)NULL);
(void) tsinit(ts11);
tsioctl(dev, cmd, data, flag)
caddr_t data;
dev_t dev;
int tsunit = TSUNIT(dev);
register struct ts_softc *sc = &ts_softc[tsdinfo[tsunit]->ui_ctlr];
register struct buf *bp = &ctsbuf[TSUNIT(dev)];
register int callcount;
int fcount;
struct mtop *mtop;
struct mtget *mtget;
/* we depend of the values and order of the MT codes here */
static int tsops[] =
switch (cmd) {
case MTIOCTOP: /* tape operation */
mtop = (struct mtop *)data;
switch (mtop->mt_op) {
case MTWEOF:
callcount = mtop->mt_count;
fcount = 1;
case MTFSF: case MTBSF:
case MTFSR: case MTBSR:
callcount = 1;
fcount = mtop->mt_count;
case MTREW: case MTOFFL: case MTNOP:
callcount = 1;
fcount = 1;
return (ENXIO);
if (callcount <= 0 || fcount <= 0)
return (EINVAL);
while (--callcount >= 0) {
tscommand(dev, tsops[mtop->mt_op], fcount);
if ((mtop->mt_op == MTFSR || mtop->mt_op == MTBSR) &&
return (EIO);
if ((bp->b_flags&B_ERROR) ||
return (geterror(bp));
mtget = (struct mtget *)data;
mtget->mt_dsreg = 0;
mtget->mt_erreg = sc->sc_ts.t_sts.s_xs0;
mtget->mt_resid = sc->sc_resid;
mtget->mt_type = MT_ISTS;
return (ENXIO);
return (0);
#define DBSIZE 20
dev_t dev;
register struct uba_device *ui;
register struct uba_regs *uba;
register struct tsdevice *addr;
register int i;
register struct pte *io;
int blk, num, unit, reg, start;
u_short db;
struct ts_tsdata *tc, *tc_ubaddr;
unit = TSUNIT(dev);
if (unit >= NTS)
return (ENXIO);
#define phys(a,b) ((b)((int)(a)&0x7fffffff))
ui = phys(tsdinfo[unit], struct uba_device *);
if (ui->ui_alive == 0)
return (ENXIO);
uba = phys(ui->ui_hd, struct uba_hd *)->uh_physuba;
addr = (struct tsdevice *)ui->ui_physaddr;
/* map a ts_tsdata structure */
tc = phys(&ts_softc[0].sc_ts, struct ts_tsdata *);
num = btoc(sizeof(struct ts_tsdata)) + 1;
io = &uba->uba_map[reg = NUBMREG - num];
for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
*(int *)io++ = UBAMR_MRV | (btop(tc) + i);
i = (((int)tc & PGOFSET) | (reg << 9));
tc_ubaddr = (struct ts_tsdata *)i;
db = i + ((i >> 16) & 3);
/* init the drive */
addr->tssr = 0;
if ((addr->tssr & (TS_NBA|TS_OFL)) != TS_NBA)
return (EFAULT);
/* set characteristics */
i = (int)&tc_ubaddr->t_char;
tc->t_cmd.c_loba = i;
tc->t_cmd.c_hiba = (i >> 16) & 3;
tc->t_cmd.c_size = sizeof(struct ts_char);
tc->t_cmd.c_cmd = TS_ACK | TS_CVC | TS_SETCHR;
tc->t_char.char_addr = (int)&tc_ubaddr->t_sts;
tc->t_char.char_size = sizeof(struct ts_sts);
tc->t_char.char_mode = TS_ESS;
addr->tsdb = db;
if (addr->tssr & TS_NBA)
return (ENXIO);
/* dump */
tc->t_cmd.c_cmd = TS_ACK | TS_WCOM;
tc->t_cmd.c_repcnt = 1;
num = maxfree;
for (start = 0, num = maxfree; num > 0; start += blk, num -= blk) {
blk = num > DBSIZE ? DBSIZE : num;
io = uba->uba_map;
for (i = 0; i < blk; i++)
*(int *)io++ = UBAMR_MRV | (1 << UBAMR_DPSHIFT) |
(start + i);
*(int *)io = 0;
addr->tsdb = db;
/* eof */
tc->t_cmd.c_cmd = TS_WEOF;
addr->tsdb = db;
addr->tsdb = db;
if (addr->tssr&TS_SC)
return (EIO);
addr->tssr = 0;
return (0);
register struct tsdevice *addr;
while ((addr->tssr & TS_SSR) == 0)
/* void */;
#endif /* NTS > 0 */