From Bill Nowicki: fixes to the statistics
[unix-history] / usr / src / usr.sbin / sendmail / src / stats.c
** Sendmail
** Copyright (c) 1983 Eric P. Allman
** Berkeley, California
** Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.
** All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement
** specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
#ifndef lint
static char SccsId[] = "@(#)stats.c 5.4 (Berkeley) %G%";
#endif not lint
# include "sendmail.h"
** Statistics structure.
struct statistics
time_t stat_itime; /* file initialization time */
short stat_size; /* size of this structure */
long stat_nf[MAXMAILERS]; /* # msgs from each mailer */
long stat_bf[MAXMAILERS]; /* kbytes from each mailer */
long stat_nt[MAXMAILERS]; /* # msgs to each mailer */
long stat_bt[MAXMAILERS]; /* kbytes to each mailer */
struct statistics Stat;
extern long kbytes(); /* for _bf, _bt */
** MARKSTATS -- mark statistics
markstats(e, to)
register ENVELOPE *e;
register ADDRESS *to;
if (to == NULL)
Stat.stat_bf[e->e_from.q_mailer->m_mno] += kbytes(CurEnv->e_msgsize);
Stat.stat_bt[to->q_mailer->m_mno] += kbytes(CurEnv->e_msgsize);
** POSTSTATS -- post statistics in the statistics file
** Parameters:
** sfile -- the name of the statistics file.
** Returns:
** none.
** Side Effects:
** merges the Stat structure with the sfile file.
char *sfile;
register int fd;
struct statistics stat;
extern off_t lseek();
if (sfile == NULL)
(void) time(&Stat.stat_itime);
Stat.stat_size = sizeof Stat;
fd = open(sfile, 2);
if (fd < 0)
errno = 0;
if (read(fd, (char *) &stat, sizeof stat) == sizeof stat &&
stat.stat_size == sizeof stat)
/* merge current statistics into statfile */
register int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAXMAILERS; i++)
stat.stat_nf[i] += Stat.stat_nf[i];
stat.stat_bf[i] += Stat.stat_bf[i];
stat.stat_nt[i] += Stat.stat_nt[i];
stat.stat_bt[i] += Stat.stat_bt[i];
bcopy((char *) &Stat, (char *) &stat, sizeof stat);
/* write out results */
(void) lseek(fd, (off_t) 0, 0);
(void) write(fd, (char *) &stat, sizeof stat);
(void) close(fd);
** KBYTES -- given a number, returns the number of Kbytes.
** Used in statistics gathering of message sizes to try to avoid
** wraparound (at least for a while.....)
** Parameters:
** bytes -- actual number of bytes.
** Returns:
** number of kbytes.
** Side Effects:
** none.
** Notes:
** This function is actually a ceiling function to
** the nearest K.
** Honestly folks, floating point might be better.
** Or perhaps a "statistical" log method.
long bytes;
return ((bytes + 999) / 1000);