must use -B option to tar
[unix-history] / usr / src / sys / netinet / in.h
* Copyright (c) 1982 Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement
* specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
* @(#)in.h 6.6 (Berkeley) %G%
* Constants and structures defined by the internet system,
* Per RFC 790, September 1981.
* Protocols
#define IPPROTO_ICMP 1 /* control message protocol */
#define IPPROTO_GGP 2 /* gateway^2 (deprecated) */
#define IPPROTO_TCP 6 /* tcp */
#define IPPROTO_EGP 8 /* exterior gateway protocol */
#define IPPROTO_PUP 12 /* pup */
#define IPPROTO_UDP 17 /* user datagram protocol */
#define IPPROTO_RAW 255 /* raw IP packet */
#define IPPROTO_MAX 256
* Ports < IPPORT_RESERVED are reserved for
* privileged processes (e.g. root).
#define IPPORT_RESERVED 1024
* Link numbers
#define IMPLINK_IP 155
* Internet address (a structure for historical reasons)
struct in_addr {
u_long s_addr;
* Definitions of bits in internet address integers.
* On subnets, the decomposition of addresses to host and net parts
* is done according to subnet mask, not the masks here.
#define IN_CLASSA(i) ((((long)(i))&0x80000000)==0)
#define IN_CLASSA_NET 0xff000000
#define IN_CLASSA_HOST 0x00ffffff
#define IN_CLASSA_MAX 128
#define IN_CLASSB(i) ((((long)(i))&0xc0000000)==0x80000000)
#define IN_CLASSB_NET 0xffff0000
#define IN_CLASSB_HOST 0x0000ffff
#define IN_CLASSB_MAX 65536
#define IN_CLASSC(i) ((((long)(i))&0xc0000000)==0xc0000000)
#define IN_CLASSC_NET 0xffffff00
#define IN_CLASSC_HOST 0x000000ff
#define INADDR_ANY 0x00000000
#define INADDR_BROADCAST 0xffffffff /* must be masked */
* Socket address, internet style.
struct sockaddr_in {
short sin_family;
u_short sin_port;
struct in_addr sin_addr;
char sin_zero[8];
#if !defined(vax)
* Macros for number representation conversion.
#define ntohl(x) (x)
#define ntohs(x) (x)
#define htonl(x) (x)
#define htons(x) (x)
#ifdef KERNEL
extern struct domain inetdomain;
extern struct protosw inetsw[];
struct in_addr in_makeaddr();