(By Sklower) checkpoint the current state of Cherenson's work.
[unix-history] / usr / src / sys / netinet / igmp_var.h
* Copyright (c) 1988 Stephen Deering.
* Copyright (c) 1992 Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved.
* This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by
* Stephen Deering of Stanford University.
* %sccs.include.redist.c%
* @(#)igmp_var.h 7.2 (Berkeley) %G%
* Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP),
* implementation-specific definitions.
* Written by Steve Deering, Stanford, May 1988.
struct igmpstat {
u_long igps_rcv_total; /* total IGMP messages received */
u_long igps_rcv_tooshort; /* received with too few bytes */
u_long igps_rcv_badsum; /* received with bad checksum */
u_long igps_rcv_queries; /* received membership queries */
u_long igps_rcv_badqueries; /* received invalid queries */
u_long igps_rcv_reports; /* received membership reports */
u_long igps_rcv_badreports; /* received invalid reports */
u_long igps_rcv_ourreports; /* received reports for our groups */
u_long igps_snd_reports; /* sent membership reports */
#ifdef KERNEL
struct igmpstat igmpstat;
* Macro to compute a random timer value between 1 and (IGMP_MAX_REPORTING_
* DELAY * countdown frequency). We generate a "random" number by adding
* the total number of IP packets received, our primary IP address, and the
* multicast address being timed-out. The 4.3 random() routine really
* ought to be available in the kernel!
#define IGMP_RANDOM_DELAY(multiaddr) \
/* struct in_addr multiaddr; */ \
( (ipstat.ips_total + \
ntohl(IA_SIN(in_ifaddr)->sin_addr.s_addr) + \
ntohl((multiaddr).s_addr) \
) \
void igmp_init __P(());
void igmp_input __P((struct mbuf *, struct ifnet *));
void igmp_joingroup __P((struct in_multi *));
void igmp_leavegroup __P((struct in_multi *));
void igmp_fasttimo __P(());