add -u[user] option to info/check/tell (not clean!)
[unix-history] / usr / src / usr.bin / mail / cmdtab.c
#include "def.h"
* Mail -- a mail program
* Define all of the command names and bindings.
static char *SccsId = "@(#)cmdtab.c 1.4 %G%";
extern int type(), preserve(), delete(), undelete(), next(), shell(), schdir();
extern int save(), help(), headers(), pdot(), strace(), respond(), editor();
extern int edstop(), exit(), pcmdlist(), sendmail(), from();
extern int messize(), psalloc(), deltype(), unset(), set(), source();
extern int pversion(), group(), top(), core(), null(), stouch(), visual();
extern int swrite(), dosh(), file(), echo(), Respond(), scroll(), ifcmd();
extern int elsecmd(), endifcmd();
struct cmd cmdtab[] = {
"next", next, NDMLIST, 0, MMNDEL,
"alias", group, M|RAWLIST, 0, 1000,
"print", type, MSGLIST, 0, MMNDEL,
"type", type, MSGLIST, 0, MMNDEL,
"visual", visual, I|MSGLIST, 0, MMNORM,
"top", top, MSGLIST, 0, MMNDEL,
"touch", stouch, W|MSGLIST, 0, MMNDEL,
"preserve", preserve, W|MSGLIST, 0, MMNDEL,
"delete", delete, W|P|MSGLIST, 0, MMNDEL,
"dp", deltype, W|MSGLIST, 0, MMNDEL,
"dt", deltype, W|MSGLIST, 0, MMNDEL,
"undelete", undelete, P|MSGLIST, MDELETED,MMNDEL,
"unset", unset, M|RAWLIST, 1, 1000,
"mail", sendmail, M|I|STRLIST, 0, 0,
"mbox", stouch, W|MSGLIST, 0, 0,
"!", shell, I|STRLIST, 0, 0,
"chdir", schdir, M|STRLIST, 0, 0,
"cd", schdir, M|STRLIST, 0, 0,
"save", save, STRLIST, 0, 0,
"source", source, M|STRLIST, 0, 0,
"set", set, M|RAWLIST, 0, 1000,
"shell", dosh, I|NOLIST, 0, 0,
"version", pversion, M|NOLIST, 0, 0,
"group", group, M|RAWLIST, 0, 1000,
"write", swrite, STRLIST, 0, 0,
"from", from, MSGLIST, 0, MMNORM,
"file", file, T|M|RAWLIST, 0, 1,
"?", help, M|NOLIST, 0, 0,
"z", scroll, M|STRLIST, 0, 0,
"headers", headers, MSGLIST, 0, MMNDEL,
"help", help, M|NOLIST, 0, 0,
"=", pdot, NOLIST, 0, 0,
"Reply", Respond, I|MSGLIST, 0, MMNDEL,
"Respond", Respond, I|MSGLIST, 0, MMNDEL,
"reply", respond, I|MSGLIST, 0, MMNDEL,
"respond", respond, I|MSGLIST, 0, MMNDEL,
"edit", editor, I|MSGLIST, 0, MMNORM,
"echo", echo, RAWLIST, 0, 1000,
"quit", edstop, NOLIST, 0, 0,
"list", pcmdlist, M|NOLIST, 0, 0,
"xit", exit, M|NOLIST, 0, 0,
"exit", exit, M|NOLIST, 0, 0,
"size", messize, MSGLIST, 0, MMNDEL,
"hold", preserve, W|MSGLIST, 0, MMNDEL,
"if", ifcmd, C|RAWLIST, 1, 1,
"else", elsecmd, C|RAWLIST, 0, 0,
"endif", endifcmd, C|RAWLIST, 0, 0,
"core", core, M|NOLIST, 0, 0,
"#", null, M|NOLIST, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0