BSD 4_4_Lite1 development
[unix-history] / usr / src / contrib / mh-6.8.3a / doc /
FOLDER(1) BSD Reference Manual FOLDER(1)
folder, folders - set/list current folder/message
folder [+folder] [msg] [-all] [-create] [-nocreate]
[-print] [-fast] [-nofast] [-header] [-noheader]
[-recurse] [-norecurse] [-total] [-nototal] [-list]
[-nolist] [-push] [-pop] [-pack] [-nopack] [-verbose]
[-noverbose] [-help]
Since the _\bM_\bH environment is the shell, it is easy to lose
track of the current folder from day to day. When _\bf_\bo_\bl_\bd_\be_\br
is given the `-print' switch (the default), _\bf_\bo_\bl_\bd_\be_\br will
list the current folder, the number of messages in it, the
range of the messages (low-high), and the current message
within the folder, and will flag extra files if they
exist. An example of this summary is:
inbox+ has 16 messages ( 3- 22); cur= 5.
If a `+folder' and/or `msg' are specified, they will
become the current folder and/or message. By comparison,
when a `+folder' argument is given, this corresponds to a
"cd" operation in the _\bs_\bh_\be_\bl_\bl; when no `+folder' argument is
given, this corresponds roughly to a "pwd" operation in
the _\bs_\bh_\be_\bl_\bl.
If the specified (or default) folder doesn't exist, the
default action is to query the user as to whether the
folder should be created; when standard input is not a
tty, the answer to the query is assumed to be "yes".
Specifying `-create' will cause _\bf_\bo_\bl_\bd_\be_\br to create new fold-
ers without any query. (This is the easy way to create an
empty folder for use later.) Specifying `-nocreate' will
cause _\bf_\bo_\bl_\bd_\be_\br to exit without creating a non-existant
M\bMu\bul\blt\bti\bip\bpl\ble\be F\bFo\bol\bld\bde\ber\brs\bs
Specifying `-all' will produce a summary line for each
top-level folder in the user's MH directory, sorted alpha-
betically. (If _\bf_\bo_\bl_\bd_\be_\br is invoked by a name ending with
"s" (e.g., _\bf_\bo_\bl_\bd_\be_\br_\bs ), `-all' is assumed). Specifying
`-recurse' with `-all' will also produce a line for all
sub-folders. These folders are all preceded by the
read-only folders, which occur as "atr-cur-" entries in
the user's _\bM_\bH context. For example,
[mh.6] MH.6.8 1
FOLDER(1) BSD Reference Manual FOLDER(1)
Folder # of messages ( range ) cur msg (other files)
/fsd/rs/m/tacc has 35 messages ( 1- 35); cur= 23.
/rnd/phyl/Mail/EP has 82 messages ( 1-108); cur= 82.
ff has no messages.
inbox+ has 16 messages ( 3- 22); cur= 5.
mh has 76 messages ( 1- 76); cur= 70.
notes has 2 messages ( 1- 2); cur= 1.
ucom has 124 messages ( 1-124); cur= 6; (others).
TOTAL= 339 messages in 7 folders
The "+" after inbox indicates that it is the current
folder. The "(others)" indicates that the folder `ucom'
has files which aren't messages. These files may either
be sub-folders, or files that don't belong under the MH
file naming scheme.
The header is output if either a `-all' or a `-header'
switch is specified; it is suppressed by `-noheader'. A
`-total' switch will produce only the summary line.
If `-fast' is given, only the folder name (or names in the
case of `-all') will be listed. (This is faster because
the folders need not be read.)
If a `+folder' is given along with the `-all' switch,
_\bf_\bo_\bl_\bd_\be_\br will, in addition to setting the current folder,
list the top-level folders for the current folder (with
`-norecurse') or list all sub-folders under the current
folder recursively (with `-recurse'). In this case, if a
`msg' is also supplied, it will become the current message
of `+folder'.
The `-recurse' switch lists each folder recursively, so
use of this option effectively defeats the speed enhance-
ment of the `-fast' option, since each folder must be
searched for subfolders. Nevertheless, the combination of
these options is useful.
C\bCo\bom\bmp\bpa\bac\bct\bti\bin\bng\bg a\ba F\bFo\bol\bld\bde\ber\br
The `-pack' switch will compress the message names in the
designated folders, removing holes in message numbering.
The `-verbose' switch directs _\bf_\bo_\bl_\bd_\be_\br to tell the user the
general actions that it is taking to compress the folder.
T\bTh\bhe\be F\bFo\bol\bld\bde\ber\br S\bSt\bta\bac\bck\bk
The `-push' switch directs _\bf_\bo_\bl_\bd_\be_\br to push the current
folder onto the _\bf_\bo_\bl_\bd_\be_\br_\b-_\bs_\bt_\ba_\bc_\bk, and make the `+folder' argu-
ment the current folder. If `+folder' is not given, the
current folder and the top of the _\bf_\bo_\bl_\bd_\be_\br_\b-_\bs_\bt_\ba_\bc_\bk are
[mh.6] MH.6.8 2
FOLDER(1) BSD Reference Manual FOLDER(1)
exchanged. This corresponds to the "pushd" operation in
the _\bC_\bS_\bh_\be_\bl_\bl.
The `-pop' switch directs _\bf_\bo_\bl_\bd_\be_\br to discard the top of the
_\bf_\bo_\bl_\bd_\be_\br_\b-_\bs_\bt_\ba_\bc_\bk, after setting the current folder to that
value. No `+folder' argument is allowed. This corre-
sponds to the "popd" operation in the _\bC_\bS_\bh_\be_\bl_\bl. The `-push'
switch and the `-pop' switch are mutually exclusive: the
last occurrence of either one overrides any previous
occurrence of the other. Both of these switches also set
`-list' by default.
The `-list' switch directs _\bf_\bo_\bl_\bd_\be_\br to list the contents of
the _\bf_\bo_\bl_\bd_\be_\br_\b-_\bs_\bt_\ba_\bc_\bk. No `+folder' argument is allowed.
After a successful `-push' or `-pop', the `-list' action
is taken, unless a `-nolist' switch follows them on the
command line. This corresponds to the "dirs" operation in
the _\bC_\bS_\bh_\be_\bl_\bl. The `-push', `-pop', and `-list' switches
turn off `-print'.
$HOME/.mh_profile The user profile
P\bPR\bRO\bOF\bFI\bIL\bLE\bE C\bCO\bOM\bMP\bPO\bON\bNE\bEN\bNT\bTS\bS
Path: To determine the user's MH directory
Current-Folder: To find the default current folder
Folder-Protect: To set mode when creating a new folder
Folder-Stack: To determine the folder stack
S\bSE\bEE\bE A\bAL\bLS\bSO\bO
refile(1), mhpath(1)
`+folder' defaults to the current folder
`msg' defaults to none
`-print' is the default if no `-list', `-push', or `-pop' is specified
`-list' is the default if `-push', or `-pop' is specified
If `+folder' and/or `msg' are given, they will become the
current folder and/or message.
In previous versions of _\bM_\bH, the `-fast' switch prevented
context changes from occurring for the current folder.
[mh.6] MH.6.8 3
FOLDER(1) BSD Reference Manual FOLDER(1)
This is no longer the case: if `+folder' is given, then
_\bf_\bo_\bl_\bd_\be_\br will always change the current folder to that.
`-all' forces `-header' and `-total'.
There is no way to restore the default behavior (to ask
the user whether to create a non-existant folder) after
`-create' or `-nocreate' is given.
[mh.6] MH.6.8 4