hopefully makes a 6250 tape (I want it on distribution), but may not work
[unix-history] / usr / src / sys / vax / dist / maketape
# Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.
# All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement
# specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
# @(#)maketape 4.20 (Berkeley) %G%
# maketape [ 6250 | 1600 [ tapename [ remotetapemachine ] ] ]
if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then type=$1; fi
if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then tape=$2; fi
if [ $# -gt 2 ]; then remote=$3; tartape='-'; fi
trap "rm -f /tmp/tape.$$; exit" 0 1 2 3 13 15
$remote mt -t ${tape} rew
umount /dev/hp2g
umount /dev/hp2a
mount -r /dev/hp2a /nbsd
mount -r /dev/hp2g /nbsd/usr
cd /nbsd/tp
tp cmf /tmp/tape.$$ boot copy format
cd /nbsd/sys/mdec
echo "Build 1st level boot block file"
cat tsboot htboot tmboot mtboot utboot noboot noboot /tmp/tape.$$ | \
$remote dd of=${tape} obs=512 conv=sync
cd /nbsd
echo "Add dump of mini-root file system"
eval dd if=/dev/r${miniroot} count=205 bs=20b ${remote+"| $remote dd obs=20b"} \
of=${tape} conv=sync
echo "Add full dump of real file system"
/etc/${remote+r}dump 0uf $remote${remote+:}${tape} /nbsd
echo "Add tar image of system sources"
cd /nbsd/sys; eval tar cf ${tartape} . \
${remote+'| $remote /usr/local/20b ">" $tape'}
echo "Add tar image of /usr"
cd /nbsd/usr; eval tar cf ${tartape} adm bin dict doc games \
guest hosts include lib local man mdec msgs new \
preserve pub spool tmp ucb \
${remote+'| $remote /usr/local/20b ">" $tape'}
echo "Add varian fonts"
cd /usr/lib/vfont; eval tar cf ${tartape} . \
${remote+'| $remote /usr/local/20b ">" $tape'}
if [ ${type} != '6250' ]
echo "Done, rewinding first tape"
$remote mt -t ${tape} rew &
echo "Mount second tape and hit return when ready"
echo "(or type name of next tape drive)"
read x
if [ $x != "" ]
then tape=$x
echo "Add user source code"
cd /nbsd/usr/src; eval tar cf ${tartape} . \
${remote+'| $remote /usr/local/20b ">" $tape'}
echo "Add user contributed software"
cd /nbsd/usr/src/new; eval tar cf ${tartape} . \
${remote+'| $remote /usr/local/20b ">" $tape'}
echo "Add ingres source"
cd /nbsd/usr/ingres; eval tar cf ${tartape} . \
${remote+'| $remote /usr/local/20b ">" $tape'}
echo "Done, rewinding tape"
$remote mt -t ${tape} rew &