date and time created 91/03/22 14:27:55 by bostic
[unix-history] / usr / src / share / man / man3 / bitstring.3
.\" Copyright (c) 1989 The Regents of the University of California.
.\" All rights reserved.
.\" This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by
.\" Paul Vixie.
.\" @(#)bitstring.3 5.3 (Berkeley) %G%
.UC 4
bit_alloc, bit_clear, bit_decl, bit_ffs, bit_nclear, bit_nset,
bit_set, bitstr_size, bit_test \- bit-string manipulation macros
.ft B
#include <bitstring.h>
name = bit_alloc(nbits)
bitstr_t *name;
int nbits;
bit_decl(name, nbits)
bitstr_t name;
int nbits;
bit_clear(name, bit)
bitstr_t name;
int bit;
bit_ffc(name, nbits, value)
bitstr_t name;
int nbits, *value;
bit_ffs(name, nbits, value)
bitstr_t name;
int nbits, *value;
bit_nclear(name, start, stop)
bitstr_t name;
int start, stop;
bit_nset(name, start, stop)
bitstr_t name;
int start, stop;
bit_set(name, bit)
bitstr_t name;
int bit;
int nbits;
bit_test(name, bit)
bitstr_t name;
int bit;
.ft R
These macros operate on strings of bits.
.I Bit_alloc
returns a pointer of type
.I bitstr_t\ *
to sufficient space to store
.I nbits
bits, or NULL if no space is available.
.I Bit_decl
is a macro for allocating sufficient space to store
.I nbits
bits on the stack.
.I Bitstr_size
returns the number of elements of type
.I bitstr_t
necessary to store
.I nbits
This is useful for copying bit strings.
.I Bit_clear
.I bit_set
clear or set the zero-based numbered bit
.IR bit ,
in the bit string
.IR name .
.I Bit_nset
.I bit_nclear
set or clear the zero-based numbered bits from
.I start
.I stop
in the bit string
.IR name .
.I Bit_test
evaluates to zero if the zero-based numbered bit
.I bit
of bit string
.I name
is set, and non-zero otherwise.
.I Bit_ffs
stores in the location referenced by
.I value
the zero-based number of the first bit set in the array of
.I nbits
bits referenced by
.IR name .
If no bits are set, the location referenced by
.I value
is set to -1.
.I Bit_ffc
stores in the location referenced by
.I value
the zero-based number of the first bit not set in the array of
.I nbits
bits referenced by
.IR name .
If all bits are set, the location referenced by
.I value
is set to -1.
The arguments to these macros are evaluated only once and may safely
have side effects.
.in +5
#include <limits.h>
#include <bitstring.h>
#define LPR_BUSY_BIT 0
#define LPR_FORMAT_BIT 1
#define LPR_MAX_BITS 10
bitstr_t bit_decl(bitlist, LPR_MAX_BITS);
bit_nclear(bitlist, 0, LPR_MAX_BITS - 1);
if (!bit_test(bitlist, LPR_BUSY_BIT)) {
bit_clear(bitlist, LPR_FORMAT_BIT);
bit_clear(bitlist, LPR_DOWNLOAD_BIT);
bit_set(bitlist, LPR_AVAILABLE_BIT);