date and time created 90/11/08 20:14:43 by bill
[unix-history] / usr / src / sys / i386 / isa / isa.h
* Copyright (c) 1990 The Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved.
* This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by
* William Jolitz.
* %sccs.include.noredist.c%
* @(#)isa.h 5.4 (Berkeley) %G%
* ISA Bus conventions
#ifndef LOCORE
unsigned char inb(), rtcin();
void outb();
* Input / Output Port Assignments
#ifndef IO_BEGIN
#define IO_ISABEGIN 0x000 /* 0x000 - Beginning of I/O Registers */
/* CPU Board */
#define IO_DMA0 0x000 /* 8237A DMA Controller #1 */
#define IO_ICU0 0x020 /* 8259A Interrupt Controller #1 */
#define IO_TIMER0 0x040 /* 8252 Timer #1 */
#define IO_TIMER1 0x048 /* 8252 Timer #2 */
#define IO_KBD 0x060 /* 8042 Keyboard */
#define IO_RTC 0x070 /* RTC */
#define IO_NMI IO_RTC /* NMI Control */
#define IO_DMAPG 0x080 /* DMA Page Registers */
#define IO_ICU1 0x0A0 /* 8259A Interrupt Controller #2 */
#define IO_DMA1 0x0C0 /* 8237A DMA Controller #2 */
#define IO_NPX 0x0F0 /* Numeric Coprocessor */
/* Cards */
/* 0x100 - 0x16F Open */
#define IO_WD1 0x170 /* Secondary Fixed Disk Controller */
/* 0x178 - 0x1EF Open */
#define IO_WD0 0x1f0 /* Primary Fixed Disk Controller */
#define IO_GAME 0x200 /* Game Controller */
/* 0x208 - 0x277 Open */
#define IO_LPT1 0x278 /* Parallel Port #2 */
/* 0x280 - 0x2F7 Open */
#define IO_COM1 0x2f8 /* COM2 i/o address */
/* 0x300 - 0x36F Open */
#define IO_FD1 0x370 /* secondary base i/o address */
#define IO_LPT0 0x378 /* Parallel Port #1 */
/* 0x380 - 0x3AF Open */
#define IO_MDA 0x3B0 /* Monochome Adapter */
#define IO_LPT2 0x3BC /* Monochome Adapter Printer Port */
#define IO_VGA 0x3C0 /* E/VGA Ports */
#define IO_CGA 0x3D0 /* CGA Ports */
/* 0x3E0 - 0x3EF Open */
#define IO_FD0 0x3f0 /* primary base i/o address */
#define IO_COM0 0x3f8 /* COM1 i/o address */
#define IO_ISAEND 0x3FF /* - 0x3FF End of I/O Registers */
* Input / Output Memory Physical Addresses
#ifdef IOM_BEGIN
#define IOM_BEGIN 0xa0000 /* Start of I/O Memory "hole" */
#define IOM_END 0xFFFFF /* End of I/O Memory "hole" */
#endif IOM_BEGIN
* RAM Physical Address Space (ignoring the above mentioned "hole")
#ifdef RAM_BEGIN
#define RAM_BEGIN 0x000000 /* Start of RAM Memory */
#define IOM_END 0xFFFFFF /* End of RAM Memory */
#endif IOM_BEGIN
* Oddball Physical Memory Addresses
#define COMPAQ_RAMRELOC 0x80c00000 /* Compaq RAM relocation/diag */
#define COMPAQ_RAMSETUP 0x80c00002 /* Compaq RAM setup */
#define WEITEK_FPU 0xC0000000 /* WTL 2167 */
#define CYRIX_EMC 0xC0000000 /* Cyrix EMC */