added my responsibility for the `cpm' port
[unix-history] / sys / i386 / isa / codrv / co_hdr.h
* General declarations for CO driver
* Copyright 1992 by Holger Veit
* May be freely used with Bill Jolitz's port of
* 386bsd and may be included in a 386bsd collection
* as long as binary and source are available and reproduce the above
* copyright.
* You may freely modify this code and contribute improvements based
* on this code as long as you don't claim to be the original author.
* Commercial use of this source requires permittance of the copyright
* holder. A general license for 386bsd will override this restriction.
* Use at your own risk. The copyright holder or any person who makes
* this code available for the public (administrators of public archives
* for instance) are not responsible for any harm to hardware or software
* that might happen due to wrong application or program faults.
* @(#) $RCSfile: co_hdr.h,v $ $Revision: 1.11 $ (Contributed to 386bsd) $Date: 93/01/23 23:14:39 $
* History: see CO_HISTORY
#ifndef _CO_HDR_H_
#define _CO_HDR_H_
#ifndef GLOBAL
#define GLOBAL extern
#include "param.h"
#include "malloc.h"
#include "conf.h"
#include "ioctl.h"
#include "proc.h"
#include "user.h"
#include "tty.h"
#include "uio.h"
#include "fcntl.h"
#include "i386/isa/isa_device.h"
#include "callout.h"
#include "systm.h"
#include "kernel.h"
#include "vnode.h"
#include "syslog.h"
#include "i386/isa/icu.h"
#include "i386/i386/cons.h"
#include "i386/isa/isa.h"
#include "i386/isa/ic/i8042.h"
#include "i386/isa/kbd.h"
#include "machine/pc/display.h"
#include "machine/psl.h"
#include "machine/frame.h"
#include "ioctl_pc.h"
* user adjustable constants
/*#define NETBSD*/ /* define this if you have NetBSD */
#define SCRSAVER 2 /* 1=standard moving block */
/* 2=moving snake (thanks: Christoph Robitschko) */
#define BLANKTIMEOUT 10*60 /* Default Screen blanking after 10*60 seconds */
#define KBDTIMEOUT 0x15000l /* timeout parameter for a keyboard response
* adjust for slow keyboard at a fast computer
* (e.g. 486DX laptop)
#define KBDRETRIES 5 /* max. no. of tries to reset the keyboard in
* probing loop, avoids hanging forever if
* keyboard does not reply like expected
#define FAT_CURSOR /* full size cursor, undef if to leave unchanged */
/* default screen attributes */
#define DEF_STD_BGAT BG_BLACK /* standard background */
#define DEF_STD_M_FGAT FG_LIGHTGREY /* standard mono foreground */
#define DEF_STD_C_FGAT FG_LIGHTGREY /* standard color foreground */
#define DEF_KERN_BGAT BG_BLACK /* kernelmode background */
#define DEF_KERN_M_FGAT FG_UNDERLINE /* kernelmode mono foreground */
#define DEF_KERN_C_FGAT FG_LIGHTBLUE /* XXX (to distinguish) kernelmode color foreground */
#define DEF_SO_M_AT FG_INTENSE|BG_LIGHTGREY /* standout mono mode */
#define DEF_SO_C_AT FG_YELLOW|BG_BLACK /* standout color mode */
/*****************NO USER DEFINABLE DATA BELOW THIS LINE*******************/
/* this is an anachronism in the moment: there is no ioctl other than CODRV1
* public available. If you want to write a different ioctl set
* based on the core system, read co_codrv1.c as a template.
#define CODRV1 1
/* I dunno why this had to be changed! */
#ifndef NETBSD
#include "ddb.h"
#else /* is NetBSD */
#undef NDDB
#ifdef DDB
#define NDDB 1
#define NDDB 0
#endif /* NetBSD */
#define DEFAULTCOL 80
#define DEFAULTROW 25
#define CHR 2
/* Don't think these locations are true virtual addrs! */
#define MONO_BUF 0xfe0b0000
#define CGA_BUF 0xfe0b8000
#define EGA_BIOS 0xfe0c0000
#define ALTEGA_BIOS 0xfe0e0000 /* alternate video BIOS location */
#define IOPHYSMEM 0xa0000
#define MONO_BASE 0x3b4
#define CGA_BASE 0x3d4
/* 6845 register definitions */
#define M6845_ADDR 0
#define M6845_HTOTAL 0
#define M6845_HDISPL 1
#define M6845_HSYNC 2
#define M6845_SYNCWIDTH 3
#define M6845_VTOTAL 4
#define M6845_VTOTADJ 5
#define M6845_VDISPL 6
#define M6845_VSYNC 7
#define M6845_IMODE 8
#define M6845_MAXSCAN 9
#define M6845_CURSTART 0x0A
#define M6845_CUREND 0x0B
#define M6845_STARTADRH 0x0C
#define M6845_STARTADRL 0x0D
#define M6845_CURSORH 0x0E
#define M6845_CURSORL 0x0F
#define M6845_LPENH 0x10
#define M6845_LPENL 0x11
/* for screentimeout */
#define BLANKSTART 0 /* for reset and change */
#define BLANKSTOP 1 /* temporarily suspend */
#define MAXESCPARAM 10 /* max # of ESC parameters */
/* for fonts */
#define XLAT2PC8 0xFFFE
#define NOFONT 0xFFFD
#define ISOLATIN1 0
/* abbreviation for LED control */
#define leds(vp) ((vp->altgrled ? \
vp->altgrlock : vp->shiftled ? \
vp->shiftlock : vp->caps) << 2 | \
vp->num<<1 | vp->scroll)
* local types
#define KBDMAXOVLKEYSIZE 15 /* excl. zero byte */
#define KBDDEFOVLKEYSIZE 4 /* excl. zero byte */
/* This defines the actually used table for key assignments, and is
* dynamically assigned.
typedef struct kbd_ovlkey Ovl_tbl;
/* This defines the default table for key assignments. This table does
* not have entries for META, ALTGR, SHIFTALTGR like the overloaded key
* table
typedef struct {
u_short type; /* type of key */
Ovl_tbl *ovlptr; /* -vak pointer into overload table */
XCHAR unshift[KBDDEFOVLKEYSIZE+1]; /* default codes */
} Keycap_def;
#define XC0 { 0,1,1,1 }
#define XC1(a) { a,0,1,1 }
#define XC2(a,b) { a,b,0,1 }
#define XC3(a,b,c) { a,b,c,0 }
#define XC4(a,b,c,d) { a,b,c,d }
#define XE3(a,b) { '\033',a,b,0 }
#if XCHAR == u_char
#define xc_bcopy(src,dst,sz) bcopyb(src,dst,sz)
#define xc_char2xc(X) (X)
ERROR! CHANGE xc_bcopy!!!!!!
/* This is the special functions lookup table (local version of
* struct kbd_special
#define MAXNROFSPEC 30 /* so many keys may have special functions */
typedef struct {
u_short key;
u_short modifier;
u_short scan;
u_short function;
} Spec_tbl;
/* noise, noise, noise (local structure) */
struct kbd_sound {
int pitch; /* Frequency in Hz */
int duration; /* Time in msec */
* global variables
GLOBAL struct consinfo cons_capabilities;
GLOBAL volatile char vtswsema;
extern u_short *Crtat; /* only absolute address in video area */
extern Keycap_def kbd_keytab[];
GLOBAL struct consoftc {
int cs_mymajor;
int cs_flags;
#define CO_INITRB 0x001
#define CO_INITTTY 0x002
#define CO_OPEN 0x004 /* cs_opencnt != 0 */
#define CO_OPENRAW 0x008
#define CO_POLLING 0x010 /* polling for input */
#define CO_ACTIVE 0x020 /* timeout active (unused) */
#define CO_ASYNC 0x040 /* Async I/O mode */
#define CO_RDWAIT 0x080 /* blocked on read */
int cs_timo; /* timeouts since interrupt (unused) */
u_long cs_wedgecnt; /* times restarted (unused)*/
u_long cs_ovfl; /* buffer overflows */
struct proc *cs_selp; /* Process waiting for select call */
pid_t cs_rsel; /* Process waiting for select call */
int cs_pgid; /* Process group for ASYNC I/O */
/*XXX*/ struct tty *cs_constty; /* used to restore constty if */
/* anyone dares to steal CONSOLE during raw open */
struct vty *cs_actvty; /* active vty which owns the /dev/kbd */
int cs_opencnt; /* counter for opens from vtys */
} consoftc;
GLOBAL struct kbdstate {
int pitch; /* default pitch of beep */
int duration; /* default duration of beep */
/* XXX could be bitfields. But why? */
u_char m0flag; /* clear META-map flag */
u_char c0flag; /* clear CRTL-map flag */
u_char a0flag; /* clear ALT-map flag */
u_char ledstate; /* current state of kbd LEDS */
u_char shift_down; /* shift pressed */
u_char ctrl_down; /* ctrl pressed */
u_char meta_down; /* meta pressed */
u_char altgr_down; /* altgr pressed */
u_char repeat; /* allow key repetition */
u_char id; /* keyboard id */
int tpmrate; /* repetition rate/delay */
} kbs; /* kbd state */
GLOBAL struct videostate {
char blanking;
char color;
char f89bit; /* 8/9 bit flag */
short cardtype; /* set by device probe */
short cardsubtype; /* chipset version */
short ram; /* set by whoami */
int iobase;
int scrtimeout; /* Timeout for screenblanker */
u_short encoding[2]; /* font encoding */
short _atiext; /* ATI VGA special regs */
} vds;
/* poor man's C++. The usage of these attributes is NOT FOR NONSENSE */
#define PRIVATE
#define PUBLIC
/* VT central data structure */
struct vty {
PRIVATE u_short *Crtat; /* ptr to virtual video page */
PRIVATE u_short *crtat; /* ptr to virtual cursor position */
PRIVATE u_short *vbuf; /* video buffer */
PUBLIC char so; /* in standout mode? */
PUBLIC char vtynum; /* to get vt# from vtyptr */
PUBLIC u_short ttycnt; /* open reference counter */
PUBLIC struct tty *ttyp; /* pointer to virtual tty information */
PUBLIC u_short so_at; /* standout attribute */
PUBLIC struct outmode {
u_short fg_at,bg_at; /* kernel attributes */
u_short def_at; /* default attribute */
char f2; /* select second font */
char escstate; /* escape state */
char parcnt; /* param count */
int param[MAXESCPARAM]; /* ESC parameters */
} om[2]; /* 0 = std, 1 = kernel */
PUBLIC struct outmode *op; /* pointer to actual set */
PUBLIC short row, col; /* current cursor position */
PUBLIC short nrow, ncol; /* current screen geometry */
PUBLIC short size; /* size of video space */
PUBLIC u_char visible; /* =1 is visible */
PUBLIC u_char scroll; /* =1, scrolllock active */
PUBLIC u_char caps; /* caps lock active */
PUBLIC u_char num; /* num lock active */
PUBLIC u_char shiftlock; /* shift lock active */
PUBLIC u_char altgrlock; /* altgr lock active */
PUBLIC u_char altgrled; /* -vak- CAPS led is ALTGR-LOCK */
PUBLIC u_char shiftled; /* -vak- CAPS led is CAPS-LOCK */
PUBLIC int pitch; /* vty dependent sound */
PUBLIC int duration;
/* TTY structure for virtual terminals */
extern struct vty vtys[]; /* vty data */
extern struct tty pccons[]; /* vty-tty buffers */
extern int nvty; /* # of available vtys */
extern struct tty *constty; /* console tty */
GLOBAL struct vty *actvty; /* pointer to actual vty */
/* Ring buffer of the raw co device */
GLOBAL struct ringb co_buf;
* prototypes
/* in co_cons.c */
extern struct tty *dev2tty(dev_t dev);
extern int pcopen(dev_t dev, int flag, int mode, struct proc*);
extern int pcclose(dev_t dev, int flag, int mode, struct proc*);
extern int pcread(dev_t dev, struct uio *uio, int flag);
extern int pcwrite(dev_t dev, struct uio *uio, int flag);
extern int pcioctl(dev_t dev, int cmd, caddr_t data, int flag);
extern int pcstart(struct tty *tp);
extern void pccnprobe(struct consdev *cp);
extern void pccninit(struct consdev *cp);
extern void pccnputc(dev_t dev, int c);
extern int pccngetc(dev_t dev);
extern int pcparam(struct tty*,struct termios*);
extern int pcpoll(int onoff);
extern int pg(char *p,int q,int r,int s,int t,int u,int v,int w,int x,int y,int z);
extern int getchar();
/* in co_kbd.c */
extern void reset_kbd_flags();
extern int coopen(dev_t dev, int flag, int mode, struct proc *p);
extern int coclose(dev_t dev, int flag, int mode, struct proc *p);
extern int coread(dev_t dev, struct uio *uio, int flag);
extern void cointr(dev_t dev, int irq, int cpl);
extern void cowakeup();
extern int coselect(dev_t dev, int rw, struct proc *p);
extern int coioctl(dev_t dev, int cmd, caddr_t data, int flag);
extern int comap(dev_t dev, int offset, int nprot);
extern int coprobe(struct isa_device *dev);
extern void kbd_setleds(int ledval);
extern void kbd_ovlinit();
extern int kbd_getokeydef(u_int key,Ovl_tbl *thisdef);
extern int kbd_getckeydef(u_int key,Ovl_tbl *thisdef);
extern int kbd_getspecial(struct kbd_hotkey *data);
extern int kbd_setspecial(struct kbd_hotkey *data);
extern int sgetc(int noblock); /* compatibility */
extern XCHAR *kbd_sgetc(int noblock);
extern void kbd_settpmrate(int rate);
extern int kbd_rmkeydef(u_int key);
extern int kbd_setkeydef(Ovl_tbl *data);
extern int kbd_cvtsound(int ipitch, int *opitch, int idur, int *odur);
/* in co_vga.c */
extern void cons_highlight();
extern void cons_normal();
extern int coattach(struct isa_device *dev);
extern void vga_setcursorpos(int pos);
extern void vga_cursor(int a);
extern void vga_doblanking(int fct);
extern void sput(int vtynum, XCHAR c, int ka);
extern void consinit();
extern void vga_whoami();
extern int vga_setcshape(struct cursorshape *data);
extern int vga_getcshape(struct cursorshape *data);
extern int vga_getvideoinfo(struct videoinfo *data);
extern void vga_enablecg();
extern void vga_disablecg();
extern int vga_xlatiso646(struct vty *vp,u_short *at,u_short *sat,int c);
/* emulator support */
extern void vga_cursorup(struct vty *vp, int n);
extern void vga_cursordown(struct vty *vp, int n);
extern void vga_cursorleft(struct vty *vp, int n);
extern void vga_cursorright(struct vty *vp, int n, int wrap);
extern void vga_scrollup(struct vty *vp,int n, int cm);
extern void vga_scrolldown(struct vty *vp, int n);
extern void vga_cursormove(struct vty *vp, int x, int y);
extern void vga_cursorrelative(struct vty *vp, int dx, int dy);
extern void vga_clearcursor(struct vty *vp, int mode);
extern void vga_clearline(struct vty *vp, int mode);
extern void vga_deleteline(struct vty *vp, int n);
extern void vga_insertline(struct vty *vp, int n);
extern void vga_deletechars(struct vty *vp, int n);
extern void vga_insertchars(struct vty *vp, int n);
extern void vga_setattributes(struct vty *vp, int mode, int attr);
extern void vga_selectfont(struct vty *vp,int fontnr);
extern void vga_wrtchar(struct vty *vp, u_int c, u_int at);
extern int vga_checkcursor(struct vty *vp);
extern void vga_sendchar(struct vty *vp, XCHAR c);
extern void vga_initvideo();
/* in co_pc3.c */
extern void vtemul_init(); /* initialize terminal emulator */
extern void vtemul_exec(struct vty*,XCHAR); /* process data */
/* in co_vty.c */
extern struct vty *dev2vty(dev_t dev);
extern void vty_init(int first);
extern void vty_setactive(int vtyno,int sw);
extern void vty_next();
extern void vty_previous();
extern void vty_broadcast(const char *fmt,...);
/* in co_codrv1.c/co_codrv2.c, etc. */
extern void coioctl_init();
extern int consioctl(dev_t dev, int cmd, caddr_t data, int flag);
extern int kbdioctl(dev_t dev, int cmd, caddr_t data, int flag);
extern int vgaioctl(dev_t dev, int cmd, caddr_t data, int flag);
* The video console multiplexer (not yet)
/* in future this will be a struct of pointers to functions, and
* will be filled by a "module_init call
#define emul_cursorup gfx_cursorup
#define emul_cursordown gfx_cursordown
#define emul_cursorleft gfx_cursorleft
#define emul_cursorright gfx_cursorright
#define emul_scrollup gfx_scrollup
#define emul_scrolldown gfx_scrolldown
#define emul_cursormove gfx_cursormove
#define emul_cursorrelative gfx_cursorrelative
#define emul_clearcursor gfx_clearcursor
#define emul_clearline gfx_clearline
#define emul_deleteline gfx_deleteline
#define emul_insertline gfx_insertline
#define emul_deletechars gfx_deletechars
#define emul_insertchars gfx_insertchars
#define emul_setattributes gfx_setattributes
#define emul_selectfont gfx_selectfont
#define emul_wrtchar gfx_wrtchar
#define emul_checkcursor gfx_checkcursor
#define emul_sendchar gfx_sendchar
#define emul_initvideo gfx_initvideo
#define emul_cursorup vga_cursorup
#define emul_cursordown vga_cursordown
#define emul_cursorleft vga_cursorleft
#define emul_cursorright vga_cursorright
#define emul_scrollup vga_scrollup
#define emul_scrolldown vga_scrolldown
#define emul_cursormove vga_cursormove
#define emul_cursorrelative vga_cursorrelative
#define emul_clearcursor vga_clearcursor
#define emul_clearline vga_clearline
#define emul_deleteline vga_deleteline
#define emul_insertline vga_insertline
#define emul_deletechars vga_deletechars
#define emul_insertchars vga_insertchars
#define emul_setattributes vga_setattributes
#define emul_selectfont vga_selectfont
#define emul_wrtchar vga_wrtchar
#define emul_checkcursor vga_checkcursor
#define emul_sendchar vga_sendchar
#define emul_initvideo vga_initvideo
#endif /* _CO_HDR_H_