added my responsibility for the `cpm' port
[unix-history] / sys / i386 / isa / vector.s
* from: vector.s, 386BSD 0.1 unknown origin
* $Id: vector.s,v 1.6 1994/01/10 23:15:09 ache Exp $
#include "i386/isa/icu.h"
#include "i386/isa/isa.h"
#include "vector.h"
#define ICU_EOI 0x20 /* XXX - define elsewhere */
#define IRQ_BIT(irq_num) (1 << ((irq_num) % 8))
#define IRQ_BYTE(irq_num) ((irq_num) / 8)
#ifdef AUTO_EOI_1
#define ENABLE_ICU1 /* use auto-EOI to reduce i/o */
#define ENABLE_ICU1 \
movb $ICU_EOI,%al ; /* as soon as possible send EOI ... */ \
FASTER_NOP ; /* ... ASAP ... */ \
outb %al,$IO_ICU1 /* ... to clear in service bit */
#ifdef AUTO_EOI_2
* The data sheet says no auto-EOI on slave, but it sometimes works.
#define ENABLE_ICU1_AND_2 \
movb $ICU_EOI,%al ; /* as above */ \
outb %al,$IO_ICU2 ; /* but do second icu first */ \
outb %al,$IO_ICU1 /* then first icu */
#define MAYBE_MOVW_AX_ES movl %ax,%es
#define MAYBE_POPL_ES popl %es
#define MAYBE_PUSHL_ES pushl %es
* We can usually skip loading %es for fastintr handlers. %es should
* only be used for string instructions, and fastintr handlers shouldn't
* do anything slow enough to justify using a string instruction.
* Macros for interrupt interrupt entry, call to handler, and exit.
* XXX - the interrupt frame is set up to look like a trap frame. This is
* usually a waste of time. The only interrupt handlers that want a frame
* are the clock handler (it wants a clock frame), the npx handler (it's
* easier to do right all in assembler). The interrupt return routine
* needs a trap frame for rare AST's (it could easily convert the frame).
* The direct costs of setting up a trap frame are two pushl's (error
* code and trap number), an addl to get rid of these, and pushing and
* popping the call-saved regs %esi, %edi and %ebp twice, The indirect
* costs are making the driver interface nonuniform so unpending of
* interrupts is more complicated and slower (call_driver(unit) would
* be easier than ensuring an interrupt frame for all handlers. Finally,
* there are some struct copies in the npx handler and maybe in the clock
* handler that could be avoided by working more with pointers to frames
* instead of frames.
* XXX - should we do a cld on every system entry to avoid the requirement
* for scattered cld's?
* Coding notes for *.s:
* If possible, avoid operations that involve an operand size override.
* Word-sized operations might be smaller, but the operand size override
* makes them slower on on 486's and no faster on 386's unless perhaps
* the instruction pipeline is depleted. E.g.,
* Use movl to seg regs instead of the equivalent but more descriptive
* movw - gas generates an irelevant (slower) operand size override.
* Use movl to ordinary regs in preference to movw and especially
* in preference to movz[bw]l. Use unsigned (long) variables with the
* top bits clear instead of unsigned short variables to provide more
* opportunities for movl.
* If possible, use byte-sized operations. They are smaller and no slower.
* Use (%reg) instead of 0(%reg) - gas generates larger code for the latter.
* If the interrupt frame is made more flexible, INTR can push %eax first
* and decide the ipending case with less overhead, e.g., by avoiding
* loading segregs.
#define FAST_INTR(unit, irq_num, id_num, handler, enable_icus) \
pushl %eax ; /* save only call-used registers */ \
pushl %ecx ; \
pushl %edx ; \
pushl %ds ; \
movl $KDSEL,%eax ; \
movl %ax,%ds ; \
pushl $unit ; \
call handler ; /* do the work ASAP */ \
enable_icus ; /* (re)enable ASAP (helps edge trigger?) */ \
addl $4,%esp ; \
incl _cnt+V_INTR ; /* book-keeping can wait */ \
incl _intrcnt_actv + (id_num) * 4 ; \
movl _cpl,%eax ; /* are we unmasking pending HWIs or SWIs? */ \
notl %eax ; \
andl _ipending,%eax ; \
jne 1f ; /* yes, handle them */ \
popl %ds ; \
popl %edx ; \
popl %ecx ; \
popl %eax ; \
iret ; \
; \
1: ; \
movl _cpl,%eax ; \
movl $HWI_MASK|SWI_MASK,_cpl ; /* limit nesting ... */ \
sti ; /* ... to do this as early as possible */ \
MAYBE_POPL_ES ; /* discard most of thin frame ... */ \
popl %ecx ; /* ... original %ds ... */ \
popl %edx ; \
xchgl %eax,(1+ACTUALLY_PUSHED)*4(%esp) ; /* orig %eax; save cpl */ \
pushal ; /* build fat frame (grrr) ... */ \
pushl %ecx ; /* ... actually %ds ... */ \
pushl %es ; \
movl $KDSEL,%eax ; \
movl %ax,%es ; \
movl (2+8+0)*4(%esp),%ecx ; /* ... %ecx from thin frame ... */ \
movl %ecx,(2+6)*4(%esp) ; /* ... to fat frame ... */ \
movl (2+8+1)*4(%esp),%eax ; /* ... cpl from thin frame */ \
pushl %eax ; \
subl $4,%esp ; /* junk for unit number */ \
jmp _doreti
#define INTR(unit, irq_num, id_num, mask, handler, icu, enable_icus, reg, stray) \
pushl $0 ; /* dumby error code */ \
pushl $0 ; /* dumby trap type */ \
pushal ; \
pushl %ds ; /* save our data and extra segments ... */ \
pushl %es ; \
movl $KDSEL,%eax ; /* ... and reload with kernel's own ... */ \
movl %ax,%ds ; /* ... early for obsolete reasons */ \
movl %ax,%es ; \
movb _imen + IRQ_BYTE(irq_num),%al ; \
orb $IRQ_BIT(irq_num),%al ; \
movb %al,_imen + IRQ_BYTE(irq_num) ; \
outb %al,$icu+1 ; \
enable_icus ; \
incl _cnt+V_INTR ; /* tally interrupts */ \
movl _cpl,%eax ; \
testb $IRQ_BIT(irq_num),%reg ; \
jne 2f ; \
1: ; \
FAKE_MCOUNT(12*4(%esp)) ; /* XXX late to avoid double count */ \
incl _intrcnt_actv + (id_num) * 4 ; \
movl _cpl,%eax ; \
pushl %eax ; \
pushl $unit ; \
orl mask,%eax ; \
movl %eax,_cpl ; \
sti ; \
call handler ; \
movb _imen + IRQ_BYTE(irq_num),%al ; \
andb $~IRQ_BIT(irq_num),%al ; \
movb %al,_imen + IRQ_BYTE(irq_num) ; \
outb %al,$icu+1 ; \
/* We could usually avoid the following jmp by inlining some of */ \
/* _doreti, but it's probably better to use less cache. */ \
jmp _doreti ; \
; \
2: ; \
/* XXX skip mcounting here to avoid double count */ \
movl $1b,%eax ; /* register resume address */ \
/* XXX - someday do it at attach time */ \
movl %eax,ihandlers + (irq_num) * 4 ; \
orb $IRQ_BIT(irq_num),_ipending + IRQ_BYTE(irq_num) ; \
popl %es ; \
popl %ds ; \
popal ; \
addl $4+4,%esp ; \
* vector.h has defined a macro 'BUILD_VECTORS' containing a big list of info
* about vectors, including a submacro 'BUILD_VECTOR' that operates on the
* info about each vector. We redefine 'BUILD_VECTOR' to expand the info
* in different ways. Here we expand it to a list of interrupt handlers.
* This order is of course unimportant. Elsewhere we expand it to inline
* linear search code for which the order is a little more important and
* concatenating the code with no holes is very important.
* XXX - now there is BUILD_FAST_VECTOR as well as BUILD_VECTOR.
* The info consists of the following items for each vector:
* name (identifier): name of the vector; used to build labels
* unit (expression): unit number to call the device driver with
* irq_num (number): number of the IRQ to handled (0-15)
* id_num (number): uniq numeric id for handler (assigned by config)
* mask (blank-ident): priority mask used
* handler (blank-ident): interrupt handler to call
* icu_num (number): (1 + irq_num / 8) converted for label building
* icu_enables (number): 1 for icu_num == 1, 1_AND_2 for icu_num == 2
* reg (blank-ident): al for icu_num == 1, ah for icu_num == 2
* 'irq_num' is converted in several ways at config time to get around
* limitations in cpp. The macros have blanks after commas iff they would
* not mess up identifiers and numbers.
#define BUILD_FAST_VECTOR(name, unit, irq_num, id_num, mask, handler, \
icu_num, icu_enables, reg) \
.globl handler ; \
.text ; \
.globl _V/**/name ; \
_V/**/name: ; \
FAST_INTR(unit, irq_num,id_num, handler, ENABLE_ICU/**/icu_enables)
#define BUILD_VECTOR(name, unit, irq_num, id_num, mask, handler, \
icu_num, icu_enables, reg) \
.globl handler ; \
.text ; \
.globl _V/**/name ; \
_V/**/name: ; \
INTR(unit,irq_num, id_num, mask, handler, IO_ICU/**/icu_num, \
ENABLE_ICU/**/icu_enables, reg,)
/* hardware interrupt catcher (IDT 32 - 47) */
.globl _isa_strayintr
#define STRAYINTR(irq_num, icu_num, icu_enables, reg) \
IDTVEC(intr/**/irq_num) ; \
INTR(irq_num,irq_num,irq_num, _high_imask, _isa_strayintr, \
IO_ICU/**/icu_num, ENABLE_ICU/**/icu_enables, reg,stray)
* XXX - the mask (1 << 2) == IRQ_SLAVE will be generated for IRQ 2, instead
* of the mask IRQ2 (defined as IRQ9 == (1 << 9)). But IRQ 2 "can't happen".
* In fact, all stray interrupts "can't happen" except for bugs. The
* "stray" IRQ 7 is documented behaviour of the 8259. It happens when there
* is a glitch on any of its interrupt inputs. Does it really interrupt when
* IRQ 7 is masked?
* XXX - unpend doesn't work for these, it sends them to the real handler.
* XXX - the race bug during initialization may be because I changed the
* order of switching from the stray to the real interrupt handler to before
* enabling interrupts. The old order looked unsafe but maybe it is OK with
* the stray interrupt handler installed. But these handlers only reduce
* the window of vulnerability - it is still open at the end of
* isa_configure().
* XXX - many comments are stale.
STRAYINTR(0,1,1, al)
STRAYINTR(1,1,1, al)
STRAYINTR(2,1,1, al)
STRAYINTR(3,1,1, al)
STRAYINTR(4,1,1, al)
STRAYINTR(5,1,1, al)
STRAYINTR(6,1,1, al)
STRAYINTR(7,1,1, al)
STRAYINTR(8,2,1_AND_2, ah)
STRAYINTR(9,2,1_AND_2, ah)
STRAYINTR(10,2,1_AND_2, ah)
STRAYINTR(11,2,1_AND_2, ah)
STRAYINTR(12,2,1_AND_2, ah)
STRAYINTR(13,2,1_AND_2, ah)
STRAYINTR(14,2,1_AND_2, ah)
STRAYINTR(15,2,1_AND_2, ah)
#if 0
INTRSTRAY(255, _highmask, 255) ; call _isa_strayintr ; INTREXIT2
* These are the interrupt counters, I moved them here from icu.s so that
* they are with the name table. rgrimes
* There are now lots of counters, this has been redone to work with
* Bruce Evans intr-0.1 code, which I modified some more to make it all
* work with vmstat.
ihandlers: /* addresses of interrupt handlers */
.space NHWI*4 /* actually resumption addresses for HWI's */
.long swi_tty, swi_net, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
.long 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, swi_clock, swi_ast
imasks: /* masks for interrupt handlers */
.space NHWI*4 /* padding; HWI masks are elsewhere */
.long SWI_TTY_MASK, SWI_NET_MASK, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
.long 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWI_CLOCK_MASK, SWI_AST_MASK
.globl _intrcnt
_intrcnt: /* used by vmstat to calc size of table */
.globl _intrcnt_bad7
_intrcnt_bad7: .space 4 /* glitches on irq 7 */
.globl _intrcnt_bad15
_intrcnt_bad15: .space 4 /* glitches on irq 15 */
.globl _intrcnt_stray
_intrcnt_stray: .space 4 /* total count of stray interrupts */
.globl _intrcnt_actv
_intrcnt_actv: .space NR_REAL_INT_HANDLERS * 4 /* active interrupts */
.globl _eintrcnt
_eintrcnt: /* used by vmstat to calc size of table */
* Build the interrupt name table for vmstat
#define BUILD_VECTOR(name, unit, irq_num, id_num, mask, handler, \
icu_num, icu_enables, reg) \
.ascii "name irq" ; \
.asciz "irq_num"
* XXX - use the __STRING and __CONCAT macros from <sys/cdefs.h> to stringize
* and concatenate names above and elsewhere. Note that __CONCAT doesn't
* work when nested.
.globl _intrnames, _eintrnames