Fix mbuf handling for unsupported operations
[unix-history] / usr / src / games / trek / klmove.c
#ifndef lint
static char sccsid[] = "@(#)klmove.c 4.2 (Berkeley) %G%";
#endif not lint
# include "trek.h"
** Move Klingons Around
** This is a largely incomprehensible block of code that moves
** Klingons around in a quadrant. It was written in a very
** "program as you go" fashion, and is a prime candidate for
** rewriting.
** The flag `fl' is zero before an attack, one after an attack,
** and two if you are leaving a quadrant. This serves to
** change the probability and distance that it moves.
** Basically, what it will try to do is to move a certain number
** of steps either toward you or away from you. It will avoid
** stars whenever possible. Nextx and nexty are the next
** sector to move to on a per-Klingon basis; they are roughly
** equivalent to Ship.sectx and Ship.secty for the starship. Lookx and
** looky are the sector that you are going to look at to see
** if you can move their. Dx and dy are the increment. Fudgex
** and fudgey are the things you change around to change your
** course around stars.
int fl;
int n;
register struct kling *k;
double dx, dy;
int nextx, nexty;
register int lookx, looky;
int motion;
int fudgex, fudgey;
int qx, qy;
double bigger;
int i;
# ifdef xTRACE
if (Trace)
printf("klmove: fl = %d, Etc.nkling = %d\n", fl, Etc.nkling);
# endif
for (n = 0; n < Etc.nkling; k && n++)
k = &Etc.klingon[n];
i = 100;
if (fl)
i = 100.0 * k->power / Param.klingpwr;
if (ranf(i) >= Param.moveprob[2 * Move.newquad + fl])
/* compute distance to move */
motion = ranf(75) - 25;
motion *= k->avgdist * Param.movefac[2 * Move.newquad + fl];
/* compute direction */
dx = Ship.sectx - k->x + ranf(3) - 1;
dy = Ship.secty - k->y + ranf(3) - 1;
bigger = dx;
if (dy > bigger)
bigger = dy;
if (bigger == 0.0)
bigger = 1.0;
dx = dx / bigger + 0.5;
dy = dy / bigger + 0.5;
if (motion < 0)
motion = -motion;
dx = -dx;
dy = -dy;
fudgex = fudgey = 1;
/* try to move the klingon */
nextx = k->x;
nexty = k->y;
for (; motion > 0; motion--)
lookx = nextx + dx;
looky = nexty + dy;
if (lookx < 0 || lookx >= NSECTS || looky < 0 || looky >= NSECTS)
/* new quadrant */
qx = Ship.quadx;
qy = Ship.quady;
if (lookx < 0)
qx -= 1;
if (lookx >= NSECTS)
qx += 1;
if (looky < 0)
qy -= 1;
if (looky >= NSECTS)
qy += 1;
if (qx < 0 || qx >= NQUADS || qy < 0 || qy >= NQUADS ||
Quad[qx][qy].stars < 0 || Quad[qx][qy].klings > MAXKLQUAD - 1)
if (!damaged(SRSCAN))
printf("Klingon at %d,%d escapes to quadrant %d,%d\n",
k->x, k->y, qx, qy);
motion = Quad[qx][qy].scanned;
if (motion >= 0 && motion < 1000)
Quad[qx][qy].scanned += 100;
motion = Quad[Ship.quadx][Ship.quady].scanned;
if (motion >= 0 && motion < 1000)
Quad[Ship.quadx][Ship.quady].scanned -= 100;
Sect[k->x][k->y] = EMPTY;
Quad[qx][qy].klings += 1;
Etc.nkling -= 1;
bmove(&Etc.klingon[Etc.nkling], k, sizeof *k);
Quad[Ship.quadx][Ship.quady].klings -= 1;
k = 0;
if (Sect[lookx][looky] != EMPTY)
lookx = nextx + fudgex;
if (lookx < 0 || lookx >= NSECTS)
lookx = nextx + dx;
if (Sect[lookx][looky] != EMPTY)
fudgex = -fudgex;
looky = nexty + fudgey;
if (looky < 0 || looky >= NSECTS || Sect[lookx][looky] != EMPTY)
fudgey = -fudgey;
nextx = lookx;
nexty = looky;
if (k && (k->x != nextx || k->y != nexty))
if (!damaged(SRSCAN))
printf("Klingon at %d,%d moves to %d,%d\n",
k->x, k->y, nextx, nexty);
Sect[k->x][k->y] = EMPTY;
Sect[k->x = nextx][k->y = nexty] = KLINGON;