BSD 4_4 development
[unix-history] / usr / src / contrib / kermit-5A.188 / ckcasc.h
Mnemonics for ASCII control characters (and Space) for use with C-Kermit.
Author: Frank da Cruz (, FDCCU@CUVMA.BITNET),
Columbia University Center for Computing Activities.
First released January 1985.
Copyright (C) 1985, 1992, Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New
York. Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use this
software as long as it is not sold for profit. This copyright notice must be
retained. This software may not be included in commercial products without
written permission of Columbia University.
#ifndef CKCASC_H
#define CKCASC_H
#define NUL '\0' /* Null */
#define SOH 001 /* Start of header */
#define STX 002 /* Ctrl-B */
#define ENQ 005 /* ENQ */
#define BEL 007 /* Bell (Beep) */
#define BS 010 /* Backspace */
#define HT 011 /* Horizontal Tab */
#define LF 012 /* Linefeed */
#define NL '\n' /* Newline */
#define FF 014 /* Formfeed */
#define CR 015 /* Carriage Return */
#define SO 016 /* Shift Out */
#define SI 017 /* Shift In */
#define DLE 020 /* Datalink Escape */
#define ESC 033 /* Escape */
#define XON 021 /* XON */
#define XOFF 023 /* XOFF */
#define SUB 032 /* SUB */
#define XGS '\x1D' /* Group Separator, Ctrl-Rightbracket */
#define US '\x1F' /* Unit Separator, Ctrl-Underscore */
#define XFS '\x1C' /* Field Separator, Ctrl-Backslash */
#define XRS 036 /* Record Separator, Ctrl-Circumflex */
#define SYN '\x16' /* SYN, Ctrl-V */
#define CAN 030 /* CAN, Ctrl-X */
#define SP 040 /* Space */
#define DEL 0177 /* Delete (Rubout) */
#define RUB 0177 /* Delete (Rubout) */
#ifdef COMMENT
These aren't needed yet, so let's not cause any unnecessary conflicts.
#define CSI 0233 /* 8-bit Control Sequence Introducer */
#define SS2 0216 /* 8-bit Single Shift 2 */
#define SS3 0217 /* 8-bit Single Shift 3 */
#define DCS 0220 /* 8-bit Device Control String Introducer */
#define ST8 0234 /* 8-bit String Terminator */
#define OSC 0235 /* 8-bit Operating System Command */
#define PM8 0236 /* 8-bit Privace Message */
#define APC 0237 /* 8-bit Application Program Command */
#endif /* COMMENT */
#endif /* CKCASC_H */