new options to "window": shell, pty, frame
[unix-history] / usr / src / usr.bin / window / context.h
* @(#)context.h 3.4 84/03/03
#include <stdio.h>
struct context {
struct context *x_link; /* nested contexts */
char x_type; /* tag for union */
union {
struct { /* input is a file */
char *X_filename; /* input file name */
FILE *X_fp; /* input stream */
short X_lineno; /* current line number */
char X_bol; /* at beginning of line */
char X_noerr; /* don't report errors */
struct ww *X_errwin; /* error window */
} x_f;
struct { /* input is a buffer */
char *X_buf; /* input buffer */
char *X_bufp; /* current position in buf */
} x_b;
} x_un;
/* holding place for current token */
int x_token; /* the token */
struct value x_val; /* values associated with token */
/* parser error flags */
unsigned x_erred :1; /* had an error */
unsigned x_synerred :1; /* had syntax error */
unsigned x_abort :1; /* fatal error */
#define x_buf x_un.x_b.X_buf
#define x_bufp x_un.x_b.X_bufp
#define x_filename x_un.x_f.X_filename
#define x_fp x_un.x_f.X_fp
#define x_lineno x_un.x_f.X_lineno
#define x_bol x_un.x_f.X_bol
#define x_errwin x_un.x_f.X_errwin
#define x_noerr x_un.x_f.X_noerr
/* x_type values, 0 is reserved */
#define X_FILE 1 /* input is a file */
#define X_BUF 2 /* input is a buffer */
struct context cx; /* the current context */