Fix compatiblity problems with 4.2 and 4.3, #ifdef was wrong in version .-1
[unix-history] / usr / src / libexec / bugfiler / bugformat
Subject: Short summary of the problem
Index: folder version
Detailed description of the problem, suggestion, or complaint.
Describe the sequence of events that causes the problem
to occur.
Description of how to fix the problem. If you don't know a
fix for the problem, don't include this section.
-------- Remove this line and what's below it, for reference only. --------
To ensure that your bug report is handled correctly by bugfiler(8),
you must replace both "folder" and "version", on the line above
starting with "Index:", with one of the following values:
folder ::= bin | etc | games | ideas | include | lib | local |
man | misc | new | sys | ucb | usr.bin | usr.lib
version ::= V7 | 2BSD | 4.1BSD | 4.2BSD | 4.3BSD
For example, if your bug concerns the program "/usr/bin/file" and you're
currently running 4.2BSD, you should replace "folder" with "usr.bin", and
"version" with "4.2BSD". The folder "ideas" is for suggestions.