date and time created 87/05/12 14:20:26 by minshall
[unix-history] / usr / src / usr.bin / tn3270 / distribution / sys_dos / termout.c
* Copyright (c) 1984, 1985, 1986 by the Regents of the
* University of California and by Gregory Glenn Minshall.
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute these
* programs and their documentation for any purpose and
* without fee is hereby granted, provided that this
* copyright and permission appear on all copies and
* supporting documentation, the name of the Regents of
* the University of California not be used in advertising
* or publicity pertaining to distribution of the programs
* without specific prior permission, and notice be given in
* supporting documentation that copying and distribution is
* by permission of the Regents of the University of California
* and by Gregory Glenn Minshall. Neither the Regents of the
* University of California nor Gregory Glenn Minshall make
* representations about the suitability of this software
* for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without
* express or implied warranty.
#ifndef lint
static char sccsid[] = "@(#)outbound.c 3.1 10/29/86";
#endif /* lint */
#if defined(unix)
#include <signal.h>
#include <sgtty.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <curses.h>
#include "../general.h"
#include "terminal.h"
#include "../telnet.ext"
#include "../ctlr/hostctlr.h"
#include "../ctlr/inbound.ext"
#include "../ctlr/options.ext"
#include "../ctlr/outbound.ext"
#include "../ctlr/screen.h"
#include "../keyboard/map3270.ext"
#include "../system/globals.h"
extern void EmptyTerminal();
#define CorrectTerminalCursor() ((TransparentClock == OutputClock)? \
terminalCursorAddress:UnLocked? CursorAddress: HighestScreen())
static int terminalCursorAddress; /* where the cursor is on term */
static int screenInitd; /* the screen has been initialized */
static int screenStopped; /* the screen has been stopped */
#if defined(SLOWSCREEN)
static int max_changes_before_poll; /* how many characters before looking */
/* at terminal and net again */
#endif /* defined(SLOWSCREEN) */
static int needToRing; /* need to ring terinal bell */
static char *bellSequence = "\07"; /* bell sequence (may be replaced by
* VB during initialization)
static WINDOW *bellwin = 0; /* The window the bell message is in */
int bellwinup = 0; /* Are we up with it or not */
#if defined(unix)
static char *KS, *KE;
#endif /* defined(unix) */
#if defined(SLOWSCREEN)
static int inHighlightMode = 0;
ScreenImage Terminal[MAXSCREENSIZE];
#endif /* defined(SLOWSCREEN) */
/* Variables for transparent mode */
#if defined(unix)
static int tcflag = -1; /* transparent mode command flag */
static int savefd[2]; /* for storing fds during transcom */
extern int tin, tout; /* file descriptors */
#endif /* defined(unix) */
#include "disp_asc.out"
* init_screen()
* Initialize variables used by screen.
bellwinup = 0;
#if defined(SLOWSCREEN)
inHighlightMode = 0;
#endif /* defined(SLOWSCREEN) */
/* OurExitString - designed to keep us from going through infinite recursion */
static void
OurExitString(file, string, value)
FILE *file;
char *string;
int value;
static int recursion = 0;
if (!recursion) {
recursion = 1;
ExitString(file, string, value);
/* DoARefresh */
static void
if (ERR == refresh()) {
OurExitString(stderr, "ERR from refresh\n", 1);
static void
GoAway(from, where)
char *from; /* routine that gave error */
int where; /* cursor address */
char foo[100];
sprintf(foo, "ERR from %s at %d (%d, %d)\n",
from, where, ScreenLine(where), ScreenLineOffset(where));
OurExitString(stderr, foo, 1);
#if defined(SLOWSCREEN)
/* What is the screen address of the attribute byte for the terminal */
static int
register int p;
register int i;
i = p;
do {
if (TermIsStartField(i)) {
i = ScreenDec(i);
} while (i != p);
return(LowestScreen()); /* unformatted screen... */
#endif /* defined(SLOWSCREEN) */
* There are two algorithms for updating the screen.
* The first, SlowScreen() optimizes the line between the
* computer and the screen (say a 9600 baud line). To do
* this, we break out of the loop every so often to look
* at any pending input from the network (so that successive
* screens will only partially print until the final screen,
* the one the user possibly wants to see, is displayed
* in its entirety).
* The second algorithm tries to optimize CPU time (by
* being simpler) at the cost of the bandwidth to the
* screen.
* Of course, curses(3X) gets in here also.
#if defined(SLOWSCREEN)
#if defined(NOT43)
static int
#else /* defined(NOT43) */
static void
#endif /* defined(NOT43) */
register int pointer;
register int c;
register int fieldattr;
register int columnsleft;
# define SetHighlightMode(p) { \
if (!IsStartField(p) && IsHighlightedAttr(fieldattr)) { \
if (!inHighlightMode) { \
inHighlightMode = 1; \
standout(); \
} \
} else { \
if (inHighlightMode) { \
inHighlightMode = 0; \
standend(); \
} \
} \
# define DoCharacterAt(c,p) { \
SetTerminal(p, c); \
if (p != HighestScreen()) { \
c = TerminalCharacterAttr(disp_asc[c&0xff], p, \
fieldattr); \
if (terminalCursorAddress != p) { \
if (ERR == mvaddch(ScreenLine(p), \
ScreenLineOffset(p), c)) {\
GoAway("mvaddch", p); \
} \
} else { \
if (ERR == addch(c)) {\
GoAway("addch", p); \
} \
} \
terminalCursorAddress = ScreenInc(p); \
} \
/* run through screen, printing out non-null lines */
/* There are two separate reasons for wanting to terminate this
* loop early. One is to respond to new input (either from
* the terminal or from the network [host]). For this reason,
* we expect to see 'HaveInput' come true when new input comes in.
* The second reason is a bit more difficult (for me) to understand.
* Basically, we don't want to get too far ahead of the characters that
* appear on the screen. Ideally, we would type out a few characters,
* wait until they appeared on the screen, then type out a few more.
* The reason for this is that the user, on seeing some characters
* appear on the screen may then start to type something. We would
* like to look at what the user types at about the same 'time'
* (measured by characters being sent to the terminal) that the
* user types them. For this reason, what we would like to do
* is update a bit, then call curses to do a refresh, flush the
* output to the terminal, then wait until the terminal data
* has been sent.
* Note that curses is useful for, among other things, deciding whether
* or not to send :ce: (clear to end of line), so we should call curses
* at end of lines (beginning of next lines).
* The problems here are the following: If we do lots of write(2)s,
* we will be doing lots of context switches, thus lots of overhead
* (which we have already). Second, if we do a select to wait for
* the output to drain, we have to contend with the fact that NOW
* we are scheduled to run, but who knows what the scheduler will
* decide when the output has caught up.
if (Highest == HighestScreen()) {
Highest = ScreenDec(Highest); /* else, while loop will never end */
if (Lowest < LowestScreen()) {
Lowest = LowestScreen(); /* could be -1 in some cases with
* unformatted screens.
if (Highest >= (pointer = Lowest)) {
/* if there is anything to do, do it. We won't terminate
* the loop until we've gone at least to Highest.
while ((pointer <= Highest) && !HaveInput) {
/* point at the next place of disagreement */
pointer += (bunequal(Host+pointer, Terminal+pointer,
(Highest-pointer+1)*sizeof Host[0])/sizeof Host[0]);
/* how many characters to change until the end of the
* current line
columnsleft = NumberColumns - ScreenLineOffset(pointer);
* Make sure we are where we think we are.
move(ScreenLine(pointer), ScreenLineOffset(pointer));
/* what is the field attribute of the current position */
fieldattr = FieldAttributes(WhereAttrByte(pointer));
if ((IsStartField(pointer) != TermIsStartField(pointer)) ||
(IsStartField(pointer) &&
fieldattr != TermAttributes(pointer))) {
int oldterm;
oldterm = TermAttributes(pointer);
if (IsStartField(pointer)) {
TermNewField(pointer, fieldattr);
SetTerminal(pointer, 0);
} else {
/* We always do the first character in a divergent
* field, since otherwise the start of a field in
* the Host structure may leave a highlighted blank
* on the screen, and the start of a field in the
* Terminal structure may leave a non-highlighted
* something in the middle of a highlighted field
* on the screen.
c = GetHost(pointer);
DoCharacterAt(c,pointer); /* MACRO */
if (NotVisuallyCompatibleAttributes
(pointer, fieldattr, oldterm)) {
int j;
j = pointer;
pointer = ScreenInc(pointer);
if (!(--columnsleft)) {
move(ScreenLine(pointer), 0);
columnsleft = NumberColumns;
SetHighlightMode(pointer); /* Turn on highlighting */
while (!IsStartField(pointer) &&
!TermIsStartField(pointer)) {
c = GetHost(pointer);
DoCharacterAt(c,pointer); /* MACRO */
pointer = ScreenInc(pointer);
if (!(--columnsleft)) {
move(ScreenLine(pointer), 0);
columnsleft = NumberColumns;
/* We don't look at HaveInput here, since
* if we leave this loop before the end of
* the 3270 field, we could have pointer
* higher than Highest. This would cause
* us to end the highest "while" loop,
* but we may, in fact, need to go around the
* screen once again.
/* The loop needs to be protected
* from the situation where there had been only
* one field on the Terminal, and none on the Host.
* In this case, we have just deleted our last
* field. Hence, the break.
if (j == pointer) {
if (IsStartField(pointer) && !TermIsStartField(pointer)) {
/* Remember what the terminal looked like */
TermNewField(pointer, oldterm);
* The danger here is that the current position may
* be the start of a Host field. If so, and the
* field is highlighted, and our terminal was
* highlighted, then we will leave a highlighted
* blank at this position.
c = GetHost(pointer);
/* We could be in the situation of needing to exit.
* This could happen if the current field wrapped around
* the end of the screen.
if (j > pointer) {
} else {
c = GetHost(pointer);
/* We always do the first character in a divergent
* field, since otherwise the start of a field in
* the Host structure may leave a highlighted blank
* on the screen, and the start of a field in the
* Terminal structure may leave a non-highlighted
* something in the middle of a highlighted field
* on the screen.
} else {
* The following will terminate at least when we get back
* to the original 'pointer' location (since we force
* things to be equal).
while (((c = GetHost(pointer)) != GetTerminal(pointer)) &&
!IsStartField(pointer) && !TermIsStartField(pointer)) {
DoCharacterAt(c, pointer);
pointer = ScreenInc(pointer);
if (!(--columnsleft)) {
if (HaveInput) { /* if input came in, take it */
move(ScreenLine(pointer), 0);
columnsleft = NumberColumns;
Lowest = pointer;
if (Lowest > Highest) { /* if we finished input... */
Lowest = HighestScreen()+1;
Highest = LowestScreen()-1;
terminalCursorAddress = CorrectTerminalCursor();
if (ERR == move(ScreenLine(terminalCursorAddress),
ScreenLineOffset(terminalCursorAddress))) {
GoAway("move", terminalCursorAddress);
if (needToRing) {
needToRing = 0;
EmptyTerminal(); /* move data along */
#endif /* defined(SLOWSCREEN) */
#if defined(NOT43)
static int
#else /* defined(NOT43) */
static void
#endif /* defined(NOT43) */
#if defined(MSDOS)
#define SaveCorner 0
#else /* defined(MSDOS) */
#define SaveCorner 1
#endif /* defined(MSDOS) */
#define DoAttribute(a) if (IsHighlightedAttr(a)) { \
standout(); \
} else { \
standend(); \
} \
if (IsNonDisplayAttr(a)) { \
a = 0; /* zero == don't display */ \
} \
if (!FormattedScreen()) { \
a = 1; /* one ==> do display on unformatted */\
ScreenImage *p, *upper;
int fieldattr; /* spends most of its time == 0 or 1 */
/* OK. We want to do this a quickly as possible. So, we assume we
* only need to go from Lowest to Highest. However, if we find a
* field in the middle, we do the whole screen.
* In particular, we separate out the two cases from the beginning.
if ((Highest != HighestScreen()) || (Lowest != LowestScreen())) {
register int columnsleft;
move(ScreenLine(Lowest), ScreenLineOffset(Lowest));
p = &Host[Lowest];
#if !defined(MSDOS)
if (Highest == HighestScreen()) {
Highest = ScreenDec(Highest);
#endif /* !defined(MSDOS) */
upper = &Host[Highest];
fieldattr = FieldAttributes(Lowest);
DoAttribute(fieldattr); /* Set standout, non-display status */
columnsleft = NumberColumns-ScreenLineOffset(p-Host);
while (p <= upper) {
if (IsStartFieldPointer(p)) { /* New field? */
Highest = HighestScreen();
Lowest = LowestScreen();
FastScreen(); /* Recurse */
} else if (fieldattr) { /* Should we display? */
addch(disp_asc[p->data]); /* Display translated data */
} else {
addch(' '); /* Display a blank */
/* If the physical screen is larger than what we
* are using, we need to make sure that each line
* starts at the beginning of the line. Otherwise,
* we will just string all the lines together.
if (--columnsleft == 0) {
int i = p-Host;
move(ScreenLine(i), 0);
columnsleft = NumberColumns;
} else { /* Going from Lowest to Highest */
unsigned char tmpbuf[MAXNUMBERCOLUMNS+1];
ScreenImage *End = &Host[ScreenSize]-1-SaveCorner;
register unsigned char *tmp = tmpbuf, *tmpend = tmpbuf+NumberColumns;
*tmpend = 0; /* terminate from the beginning */
p = Host;
fieldattr = FieldAttributes(LowestScreen());
DoAttribute(fieldattr); /* Set standout, non-display status */
while (p <= End) {
if (IsStartFieldPointer(p)) { /* New field? */
if (tmp != tmpbuf) {
*tmp++ = 0; /* close out */
tmp = tmpbuf;
tmpend = tmpbuf + NumberColumns - ScreenLineOffset(p-Host);
fieldattr = FieldAttributesPointer(p); /* Get attributes */
DoAttribute(fieldattr); /* Set standout, non-display */
*tmp++ = ' ';
} else {
if (fieldattr) { /* Should we display? */
/* Display translated data */
*tmp++ = disp_asc[p->data];
} else {
*tmp++ = ' ';
/* If the physical screen is larger than what we
* are using, we need to make sure that each line
* starts at the beginning of the line. Otherwise,
* we will just string all the lines together.
if (tmp == tmpend) {
int i = p-Host; /* Be sure the "p++" happened first! */
*tmp++ = 0;
tmp = tmpbuf;
move(ScreenLine(i), 0);
tmpend = tmpbuf + NumberColumns;
if (tmp != tmpbuf) {
*tmp++ = 0;
tmp = tmpbuf;
Lowest = HighestScreen()+1;
Highest = LowestScreen()-1;
terminalCursorAddress = CorrectTerminalCursor();
if (ERR == move(ScreenLine(terminalCursorAddress),
ScreenLineOffset(terminalCursorAddress))) {
GoAway("move", terminalCursorAddress);
if (needToRing) {
needToRing = 0;
EmptyTerminal(); /* move data along */
/* TryToSend - send data out to user's terminal */
#if defined(NOT43)
#else /* defined(NOT43) */
#endif /* defined(NOT43) */
(*TryToSend)() = FastScreen;
/* InitTerminal - called to initialize the screen, etc. */
#if defined(unix)
struct sgttyb ourttyb;
static int speeds[] = { 0, 50, 75, 110, 134, 150, 200, 300, 600, 1200, 1800,
2400, 4800, 9600 };
InitMapping(); /* Go do mapping file (MAP3270) first */
if (!screenInitd) { /* not initialized */
#if defined(unix)
char KSEbuffer[2050];
char *lotsofspace = KSEbuffer;
extern int abort();
extern char *tgetstr();
#endif /* defined(unix) */
#if defined(SLOWSCREEN)
#endif /* defined(SLOWSCREEN) */
terminalCursorAddress = SetBufferAddress(0,0);
#if defined(unix)
signal(SIGHUP, abort);
TryToSend = FastScreen;
#if defined(unix) && defined(SLOWSCREEN)
ioctl(1, TIOCGETP, (char *) &ourttyb);
if ((ourttyb.sg_ospeed < 0) || (ourttyb.sg_ospeed > B9600)) {
max_changes_before_poll = 1920;
} else {
max_changes_before_poll = speeds[ourttyb.sg_ospeed]/10;
if (max_changes_before_poll < 40) {
max_changes_before_poll = 40;
TryToSend = SlowScreen;
HaveInput = 1; /* get signals going */
#endif /* defined(unix) && defined(SLOWSCREEN) */
* By now, initscr() (in curses) has been called (from telnet.c),
* and the screen has been initialized.
#if defined(unix)
/* the problem is that curses catches SIGTSTP to
* be nice, but it messes us up.
if ((KS = tgetstr("ks", &lotsofspace)) != 0) {
KS = strsave(KS);
if ((KE = tgetstr("ke", &lotsofspace)) != 0) {
KE = strsave(KE);
if (tgetstr("md", &lotsofspace) && tgetstr("me", &lotsofspace)) {
SO = strsave(tgetstr("md", &lotsofspace));
SE = strsave(tgetstr("me", &lotsofspace));
if (VB && *VB) {
bellSequence = VB; /* use visual bell */
screenInitd = 1;
screenStopped = 0; /* Not stopped */
Initialized = 1;
/* StopScreen - called when we are going away... */
int doNewLine;
if (screenInitd && !screenStopped) {
move(NumberLines-1, 1);
#if defined(SLOWSCREEN)
inHighlightMode = 0;
#endif /* defined(SLOWSCREEN) */
#if defined(unix)
if (KE) {
#endif /* defined(unix) */
if (doNewLine) {
screenStopped = 1; /* This is stopped */
/* RefreshScreen - called to cause the screen to be refreshed */
clearok(curscr, TRUE);
/* ConnectScreen - called to reconnect to the screen */
if (screenInitd) {
#if defined(unix)
if (KS) {
#endif /* defined(unix) */
screenStopped = 0;
/* LocalClearScreen() - clear the whole ball of wax, cheaply */
outputPurge(); /* flush all data to terminal */
clear(); /* clear in curses */
#if defined(SLOWSCREEN)
#endif /* defined(SLOWSCREEN) */
Lowest = HighestScreen()+1; /* everything in sync... */
Highest = LowestScreen()+1;
if (bellwinup) {
bellwin = 0;
bellwinup = 0;
Lowest = MIN(Lowest, LINES/2);
Highest = MAX(Highest, (LINES/2)+3);
#if defined(SLOWSCREEN)
memset(Terminal+LINES/2, 0, (sizeof Terminal[0])*(3*COLS));
#endif /* defined(SLOWSCREEN) */
char *s;
needToRing = 1;
if (s) {
int len = strlen(s);
if (len > COLS-2) {
len = COLS-2;
if ((bellwin = newwin(3, len+2, LINES/2, 0)) == NULL) {
OurExitString(stderr, "Error from newwin in RingBell", 1);
box(bellwin, '|', '-');
if (wmove(bellwin, 1, 1) == ERR) {
OurExitString(stderr, "Error from wmove in RingBell", 1);
while (len--) {
if (waddch(bellwin, *s++) == ERR) {
OurExitString(stderr, "Error from waddch in RingBell", 1);
if (wrefresh(bellwin) == ERR) {
OurExitString(stderr, "Error from wrefresh in RingBell", 1);
bellwinup = 1;
/* returns a 1 if no more output available (so, go ahead and block),
or a 0 if there is more output available (so, just poll the other
sources/destinations, don't block).
/* called just before a select to conserve IO to terminal */
if (!Initialized) {
return 1; /* No output if not initialized */
if ((Lowest <= Highest) || needToRing ||
(terminalCursorAddress != CorrectTerminalCursor())) {
if (Lowest > Highest) {
return 1; /* no more output now */
} else {
return 0; /* more output for future */
* The following are defined to handle transparent data.
#if defined(unix)
if (tcflag == 0) {
tcflag = -1;
(void) signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL);
} else if (tcflag > 0) {
(void) close(tin);
(void) close(tout);
tin = savefd[0];
tout = savefd[1];
tcflag = -1;
(void) signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL);
#endif /* defined(unix) */
TransOut(buffer, count)
unsigned char *buffer;
int count;
#if defined(unix)
extern char *transcom;
int inpipefd[2], outpipefd[2], savemode;
void aborttc();
#endif /* defined(unix) */
while (DoTerminalOutput() == 0) {
#if defined(unix)
HaveInput = 0;
#endif /* defined(unix) */
#if defined(unix)
if (transcom && tcflag == -1) {
while (1) { /* go thru once */
if (pipe(outpipefd) < 0) {
if (pipe(inpipefd) < 0) {
if ((tcflag = fork()) == 0) {
(void) close(outpipefd[1]);
(void) close(0);
if (dup(outpipefd[0]) < 0) {
(void) close(outpipefd[0]);
(void) close(inpipefd[0]);
(void) close(1);
if (dup(inpipefd[1]) < 0) {
(void) close(inpipefd[1]);
if (execl("/bin/csh", "csh", "-c", transcom, (char *) 0)) {
(void) close(inpipefd[1]);
(void) close(outpipefd[0]);
savefd[0] = tin;
savefd[1] = tout;
tin = inpipefd[0];
tout = outpipefd[1];
(void) signal(SIGCHLD, aborttc);
tcflag = 1;
if (tcflag < 1) {
tcflag = 0;
#endif /* defined(unix) */
(void) DataToTerminal(buffer, count);
#if defined(unix)
static void
int savemode;
(void) close(tin);
(void) close(tout);
tin = savefd[0];
tout = savefd[1];
tcflag = 0;
#endif /* defined(unix) */