date and time created 80/10/30 00:32:42 by mckusick
[unix-history] / usr / src / usr.bin / error / error.h
* @(#)error.h 1.1 (Berkeley) %G%
typedef int boolean;
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
* Descriptors for the various languages we know about.
* If you touch these, also touch lang_table
#define INUNKNOWN 0
#define INCPP 1
#define INCC 2
#define INAS 3
#define INLD 4
#define INLINT 5
#define INF77 6
#define INPI 7
#define INPC 8
#define INFRANZ 9
#define INLISP 10
#define INVAXIMA 11
#define INRATFOR 12
#define INLEX 13
#define INYACC 14
#define INAPL 15
#define INMAKE 16
#define INRI 17
extern int language;
* We analyze each line in the error message file, and
* attempt to categorize it by type, as well as language.
* Here are the type descriptors.
typedef int Errorclass;
#define C_FIRST 0 /* first error category */
#define C_UNKNOWN 0 /* must be zero */
#define C_IGNORE 1 /* ignore the message; used for pi */
#define C_SYNC 2 /* synchronization errors */
#define C_DISCARD 3 /* touches dangerous files, so discard */
#define C_NONSPEC 4 /* not specific to any file */
#define C_THISFILE 5 /* specific to this file, but at no line */
#define C_NULLED 6 /* refers to special func; so null */
#define C_TRUE 7 /* fits into true error format */
#define C_DUPL 8 /* sub class only; duplicated error message */
#define C_LAST 9 /* last error category */
#define SORTABLE(x) (!(NOTSORTABLE(x)))
#define NOTSORTABLE(x) (x <= C_NONSPEC)
* Resources to count and print out the error categories
extern char *class_table[];
extern int class_count[];
#define nunknown class_count[C_UNKNOWN]
#define nignore class_count[C_IGNORE]
#define nsyncerrors class_count[C_SYNC]
#define ndiscard class_count[C_DISCARD]
#define nnonspec class_count[C_NONSPEC]
#define nthisfile class_count[C_THISFILE]
#define nnulled class_count[C_NULLED]
#define ntrue class_count[C_TRUE]
#define ndupl class_count[C_DUPL]
/* places to put the error complaints */
#define TOTHEFILE 1 /* touch the file */
#define TOSTDOUT 2 /* just print them out (ho-hum) */
FILE *errorfile; /* where error file comes from */
FILE *queryfile; /* where the query responses from the user come from*/
extern char *currentfilename;
extern char *processname;
extern char *scriptname;
extern boolean query;
* Describes attributes about a language
struct lang_desc{
char *lang_name;
char *lang_incomment; /* one of the following defines */
char *lang_outcomment; /* one of the following defines */
extern struct lang_desc lang_table[];
#define CINCOMMENT "/*###"
#define COUTCOMMENT "%%%*/\n"
#define FINCOMMENT "C###"
#define FOUTCOMMENT "%%%\n"
#define NEWLINE "%%%\n"
#define PIINCOMMENT "(*###"
#define PIOUTCOMMENT "%%%*)\n"
#define LISPINCOMMENT ";###"
#define ASINCOMMENT "####"
* Defines and resources for determing if a given line
* is to be discarded because it refers to a file not to
* be touched, or if the function reference is to a
* function the user doesn't want recorded.
#define IG_FILE1 "llib-lc"
#define IG_FILE2 "llib-port"
#define IG_FILE3 "/usr/lib/llib-lc"
#define IG_FILE4 "/usr/lib/llib-port"
#define ERRORNAME "/.errorrc"
int nignored;
char **names_ignored;
* Structure definition for a full error
struct error_desc{
struct error_desc *error_next; /*linked together*/
int error_lgtext; /* how many on the right hand side*/
char **error_text; /* the right hand side proper*/
Errorclass error_e_class; /* error category of this error*/
Errorclass error_s_class; /* sub descriptor of error_e_class*/
int error_language; /* the language for this error*/
int error_position; /* oridinal position */
int error_line; /* discovered line number*/
int error_no; /* sequence number on input */
* Resources for the true errors
extern int nerrors;
extern struct error_desc *er_head;
extern struct error_desc **errors;
* Resources for each of the files mentioned
extern int nfiles;
extern struct error_desc ***files; /* array of pointers into errors*/
boolean *touchedfiles; /* which files we touched */
* The langauge the compilation is in, as intuited from
* the flavor of error messages analyzed.
extern int langauge;
extern char *currentfilename;
* Functional forwards
char *Calloc();
char *strsave();
char *clobberfirst();
char lastchar();
char firstchar();
char next_lastchar();
char **wordvsplice();
int wordvcmp();
boolean persperdexplode();