Bell 32V development
[unix-history] / usr / man / man0 / tocx1
ac(1m) ac: login accounting.
adb(1) adb: debugger.
ar(1) ar: archive and library maintainer.
ar11(1) ar11: PDP-11 compatible archive and library maintainer.
arcv(1m) arcv: convert archives to new format.
as(1) as: assembler.
at(1) at: execute commands at a later time.
awk(1) awk: pattern scanning and processing language.
basename(1) basename: strip filename affixes.
bc(1) bc: arbitrary-precision arithmetic language.
cal(1) cal: print calendar.
calendar(1) calendar: reminder service.
call(1c) call: ring a telephone.
cat(1) cat: catenate and print.
cb(1) cb: C program beautifier.
cc(1) cc: C compiler.
cd(1) cd: change working directory.
chmod(1) chmod: change mode.
chown(1) chown, chgrp: change owner or group.
clri(1m) clri: clear i-node.
cmp(1) cmp: compare two files.
col(1) col: filter reverse line feeds.
comm(1) comm: select or reject lines common to two sorted files.
cp(1) cp: copy.
cron(1m) cron: clock daemon.
crypt(1) crypt: encode/decode.
cu(1c) cu: call UNIX.
date(1) date: print and set the date.
dc(1) dc: desk calculator.
dcheck(1m) dcheck: file system directory consistency check.
dd(1) dd: convert and copy a file.
deroff(1) deroff: remove nroff, troff, tbl and eqn constructs.
df(1m) df: disk free.
diff(1) diff: differential file comparator.
diff3(1) diff3: 3-way differential file comparison.
du(1) du: summarize disk usage.
dump(1m) dump: incremental file system dump.
dumpdir(1m) dumpdir: print the names of files on a dump tape.
echo(1) echo: echo arguments.
ed(1) ed: text editor.
eqn(1) eqn, neqn, checkeq: typeset mathematics.
expr(1) expr: evaluate arguments as an expression.
f77(1) f77: Fortran 77 compiler.
file(1) file: determine file type.
find(1) find: find files.
graph(1g) graph: draw a graph.
grep(1) grep, egrep, fgrep: search a file for a pattern.
icheck(1m) icheck: file system storage consistency check.
intro(1) intro: introduction to commands.
iostat(1m) iostat: report I/O statistics.
join(1) join: relational database operator.
kill(1) kill: terminate a process with extreme prejudice.
ld(1) ld: link editor.
learn(1) learn: computer aided instruction about UNIX.
lex(1) lex: generator of lexical analysis programs.
lint(1) lint: a C program verifier.
ln(1) ln: make a link.
login(1) login: sign on.
look(1) look: find lines in a sorted list.
lorder(1) lorder: find ordering relation for an object library.
lpr(1) lpr, vpr: line printer spooler.
ls(1) ls: list contents of directory.
m4(1) m4: macro processor.
mail(1) mail: send or receive mail among users.
make(1) make: maintain program groups.
man(1) man: print sections of this manual.
mesg(1) mesg: permit or deny messages.
mkdir(1) mkdir: make a directory.
mkfs(1m) mkfs: construct a file system.
mknod(1m) mknod: build special file.
mount(1m) mount, umount: mount and dismount file system.
mv(1) mv: move or rename files.
ncheck(1m) ncheck: generate names from i-numbers.
newgrp(1) newgrp: log in to a new group.
nice(1) nice, nohup: run a command at low priority.
nm(1) nm: print name list.
nohup(1) nohup: run a command immune to hangups.
number(1) number: convert Arabic numerals to English.
od(1) od: octal dump.
passwd(1) passwd: change login password.
plot(1g) plot: graphics filters.
pr(1) pr: print file.
prof(1) prof: display profile data.
ps(1) ps: process status.
pstat(1m) pstat: print system facts.
ptx(1) ptx: permuted index.
pwd(1) pwd: working directory name.
quot(1m) quot: summarize file system ownership.
ratfor(1) ratfor: rational Fortran dialect.
rc(1) rc: Ratfor compiler.
refer(1) refer, lookbib: find and insert literature references in documents.
restor(1m) restor: incremental file system restore.
rev(1) rev: reverse lines of a file.
rm(1) rm, rmdir: remove (unlink) files.
sa(1m) sa, accton: system accounting.
sdb(1) sdb: C symbolic debugger.
sed(1) sed: stream editor.
sh(1) sh, for, case, if, while, \fB:\fP, \fB.\fP, break, continue, cd, eval, exec, exit, export, login, newgrp, read, readonly, set, shift, times, trap, umask, wait: command language.
size(1) size: size of an object file.
sleep(1) sleep: suspend execution for an interval.
sort(1) sort: sort or merge files.
spell(1) spell, spellin, spellout: find spelling errors.
spline(1g) spline: interpolate smooth curve.
split(1) split: split a file into pieces.
strip(1) strip: remove symbols and relocation bits.
struct(1) struct: structure Fortran programs.
stty(1) stty: set terminal options.
su(1) su: substitute user id temporarily.
sum(1) sum: sum and count blocks in a file.
sync(1m) sync: update the super block.
tabs(1) tabs: set terminal tabs.
tail(1) tail: deliver the last part of a file.
tar(1) tar: tape archiver.
tbl(1) tbl: format tables for nroff or troff.
tc(1) tc: photypesetter simulator.
tee(1) tee: pipe fitting.
test(1) test: condition command.
time(1) time: time a command.
tk(1) tk: paginator for the Tektronix 4014.
touch(1) touch: update date last modified of a file.
tp(1) tp: manipulate tape archive.
tr(1) tr: translate characters.
troff(1) troff, nroff: text formatting and typesetting.
true(1) true, false: provide truth values.
tsort(1) tsort: topological sort.
tty(1) tty: get terminal name.
uniq(1) uniq: report repeated lines in a file.
units(1) units: conversion program.
uucp(1c) uucp, uulog: unix to unix copy.
uudiff(1c) uudiff: directory comparison between machines.
uulog(1c) uulog: uucp user log inquiry.
uux(1c) uux: unix to unix command execution.
wait(1) wait: await completion of process.
wall(1m) wall: write to all users.
wc(1) wc: word count.
who(1) who: who is on the system.
write(1) write: write to another user.
xsend(1) xsend, xget, enroll: secret mail.
yacc(1) yacc: yet another compiler-compiler.