passes basic checks with rewritten floating point
[unix-history] / usr / src / lib / libc / stdio / vfprintf.c
* Copyright (c) 1988 Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
* provided that this notice is preserved and that due credit is given
* to the University of California at Berkeley. The name of the University
* may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
* software without specific prior written permission. This software
* is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty.
#if defined(LIBC_SCCS) && !defined(lint)
static char sccsid[] = "@(#)vfprintf.c 5.8 (Berkeley) %G%";
#endif /* LIBC_SCCS and not lint */
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <varargs.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#define MAXBUF 120
#define DEFPREC 6
#define PUTC(ch, fd) {++cnt; putc(ch, fd);}
#define EFORMAT 0x01
#define FFORMAT 0x02
#define GFORMAT 0x04
#define LONGINT 0x01
#define LONGDBL 0x02
#define SHORTINT 0x04
#define GETARG(r) \
r = argsize&LONGINT ? va_arg(argp, long) : \
argsize&SHORTINT ? va_arg(argp, short) : va_arg(argp, int);
static int alternate;
static char printsign;
x_doprnt(fmt, argp, fp)
register char *fmt;
va_list argp;
register FILE *fp;
register u_long reg_ulong;
register long reg_long;
register int base;
register char *digs, *bp, *t, padc;
double _double;
char argsize, *_cvt(), buf[MAXBUF];
int cnt, n, ladjust, width, prec, size;
digs = "0123456789abcdef";
for (cnt = 0; *fmt; ++fmt) {
if (*fmt != '%') {
PUTC(*fmt, fp);
alternate = ladjust = width = 0;
prec = -1;
padc = ' ';
argsize = printsign = '\0';
flags: switch (*++fmt) {
case '#':
alternate = 1;
goto flags;
case '*':
* ``A negative field width argument is taken as a
* - flag followed by a positive field width.''
* -- ANSI X3J11
* They don't exclude field widths read from args.
if ((width = va_arg(argp, int)) >= 0)
goto flags;
width = -width;
case '-':
ladjust = 1;
goto flags;
case '+':
printsign = '+';
goto flags;
case '.':
if (*++fmt == '*')
prec = va_arg(argp, int);
else if (isdigit(*fmt)) {
prec = 0;
do {
prec = 10 * prec + *fmt - '0';
} while isdigit(*++fmt);
else {
prec = 0;
goto flags;
if (prec < 0)
prec = -1;
goto flags;
case '0':
padc = '0';
case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
do {
width = 10 * width + *fmt - '0';
} while isdigit(*++fmt);
case 'L':
argsize |= LONGDBL;
goto flags;
case 'h':
argsize |= SHORTINT;
goto flags;
case 'l':
argsize |= LONGINT;
goto flags;
case '%': /* "%#%" prints as "%" */
PUTC('%', fp);
case 'c': {
char ch;
ch = va_arg(argp, int);
PUTC(ch, fp);
case 'd':
case 'i':
if (reg_long < 0) {
reg_ulong = -reg_long;
printsign = '-';
else {
reg_ulong = reg_long;
if (printsign)
PUTC(printsign, fp);
base = 10;
goto num1;
case 'E':
case 'e':
_double = va_arg(argp, double);
bp = _cvt(_double, prec, EFORMAT, buf,
buf + sizeof(buf), *fmt);
goto pbuf;
case 'f':
_double = va_arg(argp, double);
bp = _cvt(_double, prec, FFORMAT, buf,
buf + sizeof(buf), 'f');
goto pbuf;
case 'G':
case 'g':
_double = va_arg(argp, double);
bp = _cvt(_double, prec, GFORMAT, buf,
buf + sizeof(buf), *fmt - 2);
pbuf: size = bp - buf;
if (size < width && !ladjust)
do {
PUTC(padc, fp);
} while (--width > size);
for (t = buf; t < bp; ++t)
PUTC(*t, fp);
for (; width > size; --width)
PUTC(padc, fp);
case 'n':
*(va_arg(argp, int *)) = cnt;
case 'o':
base = 8;
if (!reg_ulong || !alternate)
goto num1;
bp = buf + sizeof(buf) - 1;
do {
*bp-- = digs[reg_ulong % base];
reg_ulong /= base;
} while(reg_ulong);
size = &buf[sizeof(buf) - 1] - bp;
if (size < --width && !ladjust)
do {
PUTC(padc, fp);
} while (--width > size);
PUTC('0', fp);
goto num2;
case 'p':
case 's':
if (!(bp = va_arg(argp, char *)))
bp = "(null)";
if (width > 0 && !ladjust) {
char *savep;
savep = bp;
for (n = 0; *bp && (prec < 0 || n < prec);
n++, bp++);
bp = savep;
while (n++ < width)
PUTC(' ', fp);
for (n = 0; *bp; ++bp) {
if (++n > prec && prec >= 0)
PUTC(*bp, fp);
if (n < width && ladjust)
do {
PUTC(' ', fp);
} while (++n < width);
case 'u':
base = 10;
goto num1;
case 'X':
digs = "0123456789ABCDEF";
case 'x':
if (alternate && reg_ulong) {
PUTC('0', fp);
PUTC(*fmt, fp);
base = 16;
num1: bp = buf + sizeof(buf) - 1;
do {
*bp-- = digs[reg_ulong % base];
reg_ulong /= base;
} while(reg_ulong);
size = &buf[sizeof(buf) - 1] - bp;
for (; size < prec; *bp-- = '0', ++size);
if (size < width && !ladjust)
do {
PUTC(padc, fp);
} while (--width > size);
num2: while (++bp != &buf[MAXBUF])
PUTC(*bp, fp);
for (; width > size; --width)
PUTC(padc, fp);
digs = "0123456789abcdef";
case '\0': /* "%?" prints ?, unless ? is NULL */
return(ferror(fp) ? -1 : cnt);
PUTC(*fmt, fp);
return(ferror(fp) ? -1 : cnt);
char *
_cvt(number, prec, format, startp, endp, fmtch)
double number;
int prec, format;
char *startp, *endp, fmtch;
register char *p;
double fract, integer, tmp, modf();
int decpt, expcnt;
char *savep;
if (prec == -1) /* set default precision */
prec = DEFPREC;
p = endp - 1;
if (number < 0) { /* set sign */
*startp++ = '-';
number = -number;
else if (printsign)
*startp++ = '+';
* if the alternate flag is set, or, at least one digit of precision
* was requested, add a decimal point, unless it's the g/G format
* in which case we require two digits of precision, since it counts
* precision differently.
decpt = alternate || prec > 1 || !(format&GFORMAT) && prec;
expcnt = 0;
fract = modf(number, &integer);
if (integer) {
register char *p2;
/* get integer part of number; count decimal places */
for (; integer; ++expcnt) {
tmp = modf(integer / 10, &integer);
*p-- = (int)((tmp + .03) * 10) + '0';
/* copy, in reverse order, to start of buffer */
p2 = startp;
*p2++ = *++p;
* if the format is g/G, and the resulting exponent will be
* greater than the precision, use e/E format. If e/E format,
* put in a decimal point as needed, and decrement precision
* count for each digit after the decimal point.
if (format&GFORMAT && expcnt - 1 > prec || format&EFORMAT) {
if (format&GFORMAT) {
format |= EFORMAT;
/* first digit is precision for g/G format */
if (prec)
if (decpt)
*p2++ = '.';
for (; ++p < endp && prec; --prec, *p2++ = *p);
/* precision ran out; round number */
if (p < endp) {
if (*p > '4') {
for (savep = p2--;; *p2-- = '0') {
if (*p2 == '.')
if (++*p2 <= '9')
p2 = savep;
fract = 0;
* g/G in f format; if run out of precision, replace digits
* with zeroes, note, have to round first, otherwise lose
* rounding point.
else if (format&GFORMAT) {
for (; ++p < endp && prec; --prec, *p2++ = *p);
/* precision ran out; round and then add zeroes */
if (p < endp) {
if (*p > '4') {
for (savep = p2--; ++*p2 > '9';
*p2-- = '0');
p2 = savep;
do {
*p2++ = '0';
} while (++p < endp);
fract = 0;
if (decpt)
*p2++ = '.';
/* f format */
else {
for (; ++p < endp; *p2++ = *p);
if (decpt)
*p2++ = '.';
p = p2;
* it's unclear from the ANSI X3J11 spec if the g/G format should
* just result in an empty string, because it's supposed to remove
* trailing zeroes. That seems counter-intuitive, so here it does
* what f and e/E do; if no fraction, the number was zero, and if
* no precision can't show anything after the decimal point.
else if (!fract || !prec) {
*startp++ = '0';
if (decpt)
*startp++ = '.';
*startp++ = '\0';
* if the format is g/G, and the resulting exponent will be less than
* -4 use e/E format. If e/E format, compute exponent value.
else if (format&GFORMAT && fract < .0001 || format&EFORMAT) {
format |= EFORMAT;
if (fract)
for (p = startp; fract;) {
fract = modf(fract * 10, &tmp);
if (!tmp) {
*p++ = (int)tmp + '0';
*p++ = '0';
/* g/G format, decrement precision for first digit */
if (format&GFORMAT && prec)
/* add decimal after first non-zero digit */
if (decpt)
*p++ = '.';
* f format or g/G printed as f format; don't worry about decimal
* point, if g/G format doesn't need it, will get stripped later.
else {
p = startp;
*p++ = '0';
*p++ = '.';
/* finish out requested precision from fractional value */
while (prec--)
if (fract) {
fract = modf(fract * 10, &tmp);
*p++ = (int)tmp + '0';
*p++ = '0';
* if any fractional value left, "round" it back up to the beginning
* of the number, fixing the exponent as necessary, and avoiding the
* decimal point.
if (fract) {
(void)modf(fract * 10, &tmp);
if (tmp > 4) {
for (savep = p--;; *p-- = '0') {
if (*p == '.')
if (p == startp) {
*p = '1';
if (++*p <= '9')
p = savep;
* if a g/G format and not alternate flag, lose trailing zeroes,
* if e/E or g/G format, and last char is decimal point, lose it.
if (!alternate) {
if (format&GFORMAT)
for (; p[-1] == '0'; --p);
if (format&(GFORMAT|EFORMAT) && p[-1] == '.')
/* if an e/E format, add exponent */
if (format&EFORMAT) {
*p++ = fmtch;
if (--expcnt < 0) {
expcnt = -expcnt;
*p++ = '-';
*p++ = '+';
*p++ = expcnt / 10 + '0';
*p++ = expcnt % 10 + '0';