386BSD 0.1 development
[unix-history] / usr / othersrc / public / less-177 / lesskey.man
L\bL\bL\bLE\bE\bE\bES\bS\bS\bSS\bS\bS\bSK\bK\bK\bKE\bE\bE\bEY\bY\bY\bY(\b(\b(\b(1\b1\b1\b1)\b)\b)\b) U\bU\bU\bUN\bN\bN\bNI\bI\bI\bIX\bX\bX\bX 5\b5\b5\b5.\b.\b.\b.0\b0\b0\b0 L\bL\bL\bLE\bE\bE\bES\bS\bS\bSS\bS\bS\bSK\bK\bK\bKE\bE\bE\bEY\bY\bY\bY(\b(\b(\b(1\b1\b1\b1)\b)\b)\b)
lesskey - specify key bindings for less
l\bl\bl\ble\be\be\bes\bs\bs\bss\bs\bs\bsk\bk\bk\bke\be\be\bey\by\by\by [\b[\b[\b[-\b-\b-\b-o\bo\bo\bo o\bo\bo\bou\bu\bu\but\bt\bt\btp\bp\bp\bpu\bu\bu\but\bt\bt\bt]\b]\b]\b] [\b[\b[\b[i\bi\bi\bin\bn\bn\bnp\bp\bp\bpu\bu\bu\but\bt\bt\bt]\b]\b]\b]
_\bL_\be_\bs_\bs_\bk_\be_\by is used to specify a set of key bindings to be used
by _\bl_\be_\bs_\bs. The input file is a text file which describes the
key bindings, and the output file is a binary file which is
used by _\bl_\be_\bs_\bs. If no input file is specified, standard input
is used. If no output file is specified, $HOME/.less is
The input file consists of lines of the form:
string <whitespace> action [extra-string] <newline>
Whitespace is any sequence of one or more spaces and/or
tabs. The "string" is the command key(s) which invoke the
action. The string may be a single command key, or a
sequence of up to 15 keys. The "action" is the name of the
less action, from the list below. The characters in the
"string" may appear literally, or be prefixed by a carat to
indicate a control key. A backslash may be used to cause
the following character to be taken literally. Characters
which must be preceded by backslash include carat, space,
tab and the backslash itself. A backslash followed by one
to three octal digits may be used to specify a character by
its octal value. Blank lines and lines which start with a
pound sign (#) are ignored.
An action may be followed by an extra string. This string
is parsed after the command is entered, just as if it were
entered on the command line. This feature can be used in
certain cases to extend the functionality of a command. For
example, these entries would create a pair of commands to
turn on/off line numbers using _\bv_\bi syntax:
:set\ nu toggle-option -N
:set\ nonu toggle-option +N
See also the ":ta" command in the example below.
The following input file describes the set of default
command keys used by less:
r forw-line
n forw-line
e forw-line
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L\bL\bL\bLE\bE\bE\bES\bS\bS\bSS\bS\bS\bSK\bK\bK\bKE\bE\bE\bEY\bY\bY\bY(\b(\b(\b(1\b1\b1\b1)\b)\b)\b) U\bU\bU\bUN\bN\bN\bNI\bI\bI\bIX\bX\bX\bX 5\b5\b5\b5.\b.\b.\b.0\b0\b0\b0 L\bL\bL\bLE\bE\bE\bES\bS\bS\bSS\bS\bS\bSK\bK\bK\bKE\bE\bE\bEY\bY\bY\bY(\b(\b(\b(1\b1\b1\b1)\b)\b)\b)
j forw-line
^E forw-line
^N forw-line
k back-line
y back-line
^Y back-line
^K back-line
^P back-line
J forw-line-force
K back-line-force
Y back-line-force
d forw-scroll
^D forw-scroll
u back-scroll
^U back-scroll
' back-scroll
\40 forw-screen
f forw-screen
^F forw-screen
^V forw-screen
b back-screen
^B back-screen
\33v back-screen
z forw-window
w back-window
F forw-forever
R repaint-flush
r repaint
^R repaint
^L repaint
g goto-line
< goto-line
\33< goto-line
p percent
% percent
{ forw-bracket {}
} back-bracket {}
( forw-bracket ()
) back-bracket ()
[ forw-bracket []
] back-bracket []
\33^F forw-bracket
\33^B back-bracket
G goto-end
\33> goto-end
> goto-end
P goto-end
= status
^G status
:f status
/ forw-search
? back-search
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L\bL\bL\bLE\bE\bE\bES\bS\bS\bSS\bS\bS\bSK\bK\bK\bKE\bE\bE\bEY\bY\bY\bY(\b(\b(\b(1\b1\b1\b1)\b)\b)\b) U\bU\bU\bUN\bN\bN\bNI\bI\bI\bIX\bX\bX\bX 5\b5\b5\b5.\b.\b.\b.0\b0\b0\b0 L\bL\bL\bLE\bE\bE\bES\bS\bS\bSS\bS\bS\bSK\bK\bK\bKE\bE\bE\bEY\bY\bY\bY(\b(\b(\b(1\b1\b1\b1)\b)\b)\b)
\33/ forw-search *
\33? back-search *
n repeat-search
\33n repeat-search-all
N reverse-search
\33N reverse-search-all
m set-mark
' goto-mark
^X^X goto-mark
E examine
:e examine
^X^V examine
:n next-file
:p prev-file
:x index-file
- toggle-option
:t toggle-option t
s toggle-option o
_ display-option
| pipe
v visual
! shell
+ firstcmd
H help
h help
V version
q quit
:q quit
:Q quit
ZZ quit
\33\33 quit
Commands specified by _\bl_\be_\bs_\bs_\bk_\be_\by take precedence over the
default commands. A default command key may be disabled by
including it in the key file with the action "invalid".
S\bS\bS\bSE\bE\bE\bEE\bE\bE\bE A\bA\bA\bAL\bL\bL\bLS\bS\bS\bSO\bO\bO\bO
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