Start development on 386BSD 0.0
[unix-history] / .ref-BSD-4_3_Net_2 / usr / src / contrib / isode / ftam / llib-lftam
/* llib-lftam - lint library for -lftam */
* $Header: /f/osi/ftam/RCS/llib-lftam,v 7.1 91/02/22 09:23:21 mrose Interim $
* $Log: llib-lftam,v $
* Revision 7.1 91/02/22 09:23:21 mrose
* Interim 6.8
* Revision 7.0 89/11/23 21:53:58 mrose
* Release 6.0
* Acquisition, use, and distribution of this module and related
* materials are subject to the restrictions of a license agreement.
* Consult the Preface in the User's Manual for the full terms of
* this agreement.
#include "ftam.h"
/* \f */
int FInit (vecp, vec, fts, tracing, fti)
int vecp;
char **vec;
struct FTAMstart *fts;
IFP tracing;
struct FTAMindication *fti;
return FInit (vecp, vec, fts, tracing, fti);
int FInitializeResponse (sd, state, action, context, respondtitle,
respondaddr, manage, class, units, attrs, sharedASE, fqos, contents,
diag, ndiag, fti)
int sd;
int state,
OID context;
AEI respondtitle;
struct PSAPaddr *respondaddr;
PE sharedASE;
struct FTAMcontentlist *contents;
struct FTAMdiagnostic diag[];
int ndiag;
struct FTAMindication *fti;
return FInitializeResponse (sd, state, action, context, respondtitle,
respondaddr, manage, class, units, attrs, sharedASE, fqos, contents,
diag, ndiag, fti);
int FInitializeRequest (context, callingtitle, calledtitle, callingaddr,
calledaddr, manage, class, units, attrs, sharedASE, fqos, contents,
initiator, account, password, passlen, qos, tracing, ftc, fti)
OID context;
AEI callingtitle,
struct PSAPaddr *callingaddr,
int manage,
PE sharedASE;
struct FTAMcontentlist *contents;
char *initiator,
struct QOStype *qos;
IFP tracing;
struct FTAMconnect *ftc;
struct FTAMindication *fti;
return FInitializeRequest (context, callingtitle, calledtitle, callingaddr,
calledaddr, manage, class, units, attrs, sharedASE, fqos,
contents, initiator, account, password, passlen, qos, tracing,
ftc, fti);
int FTerminateRequest (sd, sharedASE, ftr, fti)
int sd;
PE sharedASE;
struct FTAMrelease *ftr;
struct FTAMindication *fti;
return FTerminateRequest (sd, sharedASE, ftr, fti);
int FTerminateResponse (sd, sharedASE, charging, fti)
int sd;
PE sharedASE;
struct FTAMcharging *charging;
struct FTAMindication *fti;
return FTerminateResponse (sd, sharedASE, charging, fti);
int FUAbortRequest (sd, action, diag, ndiag, fti)
int sd;
int action;
struct FTAMdiagnostic diag[];
int ndiag;
struct FTAMindication *fti;
return FUAbortRequest (sd, action, diag, ndiag, fti);
/* F-WAIT.REQUEST (pseudo) */
int FWaitRequest (sd, secs, fti)
int sd;
int secs;
struct FTAMindication *fti;
return FWaitRequest (sd, secs, fti);
/* F-MANAGE.REQUEST (group) */
int FManageRequest (sd, ftg, fti)
int sd;
struct FTAMgroup *ftg;
struct FTAMindication *fti;
return FManageRequest (sd, ftg, fti);
/* F-MANAGE.RESPONSE (group) */
int FManageResponse (sd, ftg, fti)
int sd;
struct FTAMgroup *ftg;
struct FTAMindication *fti;
return FManageResponse (sd, ftg, fti);
/* F-BULK-BEGIN.REQUEST (group) */
int FBulkBeginRequest (sd, ftg, fti)
int sd;
struct FTAMgroup *ftg;
struct FTAMindication *fti;
return FBulkBeginRequest (sd, ftg, fti);
int FBulkBeginResponse (sd, ftg, fti)
int sd;
struct FTAMgroup *ftg;
struct FTAMindication *fti;
return FBulkBeginResponse (sd, ftg, fti);
/* F-BULK-END.REQUEST (group) */
int FBulkEndRequest (sd, ftg, fti)
int sd;
struct FTAMgroup *ftg;
struct FTAMindication *fti;
return FBulkEndRequest (sd, ftg, fti);
/* F-BULK-END.RESPONSE (group) */
int FBulkEndResponse (sd, ftg, fti)
int sd;
struct FTAMgroup *ftg;
struct FTAMindication *fti;
return FBulkEndResponse (sd, ftg, fti);
int FAccessRequest (sd, operation, identity, fti)
int sd;
int operation;
struct FADUidentity *identity;
struct FTAMindication *fti;
return FAccessRequest (sd, operation, identity, fti);
int FAccessResponse (sd, action, identity, diag, ndiag, fti)
int sd;
int action;
struct FADUidentity *identity; /* F-LOCATE.RESPONSE only */
struct FTAMdiagnostic diag[];
int ndiag;
struct FTAMindication *fti;
return FAccessResponse (sd, action, identity, diag, ndiag, fti);
int FReadWriteRequest (sd, operation, identity, context, level, lock, fti)
int sd;
int operation;
struct FADUidentity *identity;
int context, /* F-READ.REQUEST only */
level, /* .. */
struct FTAMindication *fti;
return FReadWriteRequest (sd, operation, identity, context, level, lock,
int FDataRequest (sd, fadus, nfadu, fti)
int sd;
PE fadus[];
int nfadu;
struct FTAMindication *fti;
return FDataRequest (sd, fadus, nfadu, fti);
int FDataEndRequest (sd, action, diag, ndiag, fti)
int sd;
int action;
struct FTAMdiagnostic diag[];
int ndiag;
struct FTAMindication *fti;
return FDataEndRequest (sd, action, diag, ndiag, fti);
int FCancelRequest (sd, action, sharedASE, diag, ndiag, fti)
int sd;
int action;
PE sharedASE;
struct FTAMdiagnostic diag[];
int ndiag;
struct FTAMindication *fti;
return FCancelRequest (sd, action, sharedASE, diag, ndiag, fti);
int FCancelResponse (sd, action, sharedASE, diag, ndiag, fti)
int sd;
int action;
PE sharedASE;
struct FTAMdiagnostic diag[];
int ndiag;
struct FTAMindication *fti;
return FCancelResponse (sd, action, sharedASE, diag, ndiag, fti);
int FTransEndRequest (sd, sharedASE, fti)
int sd;
PE sharedASE;
struct FTAMindication *fti;
return FTransEndRequest (sd, sharedASE, fti);
int FTransEndResponse (sd, action, sharedASE, diag, ndiag, fti)
int sd;
int action;
PE sharedASE;
struct FTAMdiagnostic diag[];
int ndiag;
struct FTAMindication *fti;
return FTransEndResponse (sd, action, sharedASE, diag, ndiag, fti);
/* define vector for INDICATION events */
int FSetIndications (sd, indication, fti)
int sd;
IFP indication;
struct FTAMindication *fti;
return FSetIndications (sd, indication, fti);
/* map ftam descriptors for select() */
int FSelectMask (sd, mask, nfds, fti)
int sd;
fd_set *mask;
int *nfds;
struct FTAMindication *fti;
return FSelectMask (sd, mask, nfds, fti);
/* set tracing */
int FHookRequest (sd, tracing, fti)
int sd;
IFP tracing;
struct FTAMindication *fti;
return FHookRequest (sd, tracing, fti);
/* user-defined tracing */
int FTraceHook (sd, event, fpdu, pe, rw)
int sd;
char *event,
PE pe;
int rw;
return FTraceHook (sd, event, fpdu, pe, rw);
/* return FTAM error code in string form */
char *FErrString (code)
int code;
return FErrString (code);
/* free list of attributes */
void FAFREE (fa)
struct FTAMattributes *fa;
FAFREE (fa);
/* isodocuments routines */
int setisodocument (f)
int f;
return setisodocument (f);
int endisodocument ()
return endisodocument ();
struct isodocument *getisodocument ()
return getisodocument ();
struct isodocument *getisodocumentbyentry (entry)
char *entry;
return getisodocumentbyentry (entry);
struct isodocument *getisodocumentbytype (type)
OID type;
return getisodocumentbytype (type);