Start development on 386BSD 0.0
[unix-history] / .ref-BSD-4_3_Net_2 / usr / src / contrib / isode / others / quipu / photo / old / Makefile
# Instructions to Make, for compilation of QUIPU photo programs
# $Header: /f/osi/others/quipu/photo/RCS/Makefile,v 7.5 90/12/23 18:46:23 mrose Exp $
# $Log: Makefile,v $
# Revision 7.5 90/12/23 18:46:23 mrose
# update
# Revision 7.4 90/09/24 16:25:26 mrose
# touch-up
# Revision 7.3 90/09/24 16:22:11 mrose
# touch-up
# Revision 7.2 90/09/24 16:21:19 mrose
# touch-up
# Revision 7.1 90/03/27 08:52:54 mrose
# pbmplus
# Revision 7.0 89/11/23 22:01:31 mrose
# Release 6.0
# Acquisition, use, and distribution of this module and related
# materials are subject to the restrictions of a license agreement.
# Consult the Preface in the User's Manual for the full terms of
# this agreement.
# should really go in config/CONFIG.make
DISPLAY = ttyphoto hexphoto
# DISPLAY = sunphoto Xphoto ttyphoto hexphoto t4014
DEC = decode.o build_trees.o
ENC = encode.o code_word.o
UTIL = interface.o
all: libphoto.a $(DISPLAY)
lint:; $(LINT) $(LFLAGS) decode.c build_trees.c interface.c d_main.c tty.c \
| grep -v "warning: possible pointer alignment problem"
libphoto.a: $(DEC) $(UTIL)
-rm -f $@
pr2pe: $(ENC) $(UTIL) e_main.o
$(LDCC) $(LDFLAGS) -o pr2pe e_main.o $(ENC) $(UTIL) -lpixrect
sunphoto: libphoto.a d_main.o sunview.o
$(LDCC) $(LDFLAGS) -o sunphoto \
d_main.o libphoto.a sunview.o -lsuntool -lsunwindow -lpixrect
Xphoto: libphoto.a d_main.o winx.o
$(LDCC) $(LDFLAGS) -o Xphoto \
d_main.o libphoto.a winx.o -lX11
t4014: libphoto.a d_main.o t4014.o
$(LDCC) $(LDFLAGS) -o t4014 \
d_main.o libphoto.a t4014.o -l4014 -lm
ttyphoto: libphoto.a d_main.o tty.o
$(LDCC) $(LDFLAGS) -o ttyphoto \
d_main.o libphoto.a tty.o
hexphoto: hexphoto.o d_main.o
$(LDCC) $(LDFLAGS) -o hexphoto hexphoto.o d_main.o
decode.o: decode.c $(HDIR)quipu/photo.h
$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -DFAXDIR=\"$(SBINDIR)g3fax\" $*.c
# some programs for Jef Poskanzer's pbm package
PBMDIR = /usr/src/pbmplus/
LIBPBM = $(PBMDIR)pbm/libpbm.a
pbm: faxtopbm pbmtofax
faxtopbm: faxtopbm.o libphoto.a $(LIBPBM)
$(LDCC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ faxtopbm.o libphoto.a $(LIBPBM) \
$(TOPDIR)libisode.a $(LSOCKET)
faxtopbm.o: faxtopbm.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -I$(PBMDIR) -c faxtopbm.c
pbmtofax: pbmtofax.o encode.o code_word.o interface.o $(LIBPBM)
$(LDCC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ pbmtofax.o encode.o code_word.o \
interface.o $(LIBPBM)
pbmtofax.o: pbmtofax.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -I$(PBMDIR) -c pbmtofax.c
install: inst-all clean
inst-all: $(SBINDIR)g3fax inst-disp
inst-disp: $(DISPLAY) libphoto.a
-mv $(SBINDIR)g3fax/ttyphoto zttyphoto
-cp ttyphoto $(SBINDIR)g3fax/ttyphoto
-mv $(SBINDIR)g3fax/hexphoto zhexphoto
-cp hexphoto $(SBINDIR)g3fax/hexphoto
-mv $(SBINDIR)g3fax/sunphoto zsunphoto
-cp sunphoto $(SBINDIR)g3fax/sunphoto
-mv $(SBINDIR)g3fax/Xphoto zXphoto
-cp Xphoto $(SBINDIR)g3fax/Xphoto
-mv $(SBINDIR)g3fax/t4014 zt4014
-cp t4014 $(SBINDIR)g3fax/t4014
-mv $(SBINDIR)g3fax/faxtopbm zfaxtopbm
-cp faxtopbm $(SBINDIR)g3fax/faxtopbm
-mv $(SBINDIR)g3fax/pbmtofax zpbmtofax
-cp pbmtofax $(SBINDIR)g3fax/pbmtofax
-mv $(SBINDIR)g3fax/pr2pe zpr2pe
-cp pr2pe $(SBINDIR)g3fax/pr2pe
-rm -f $(SBINDIR)g3fax/libphoto.a
cp libphoto.a $(SBINDIR)g3fax/libphoto.a
@$(UTILDIR) $(SYSTEM) $(SBINDIR)g3fax/libphoto.a -ranlib
-@ls -gls $(SBINDIR)g3fax/libphoto.a
-@echo ""
$(SBINDIR)g3fax: g3fax
-rm -rf $@
-cp -r g3fax $(SBINDIR)
rm -f _* *.o *.old *% foo* core z* *.a \
*.orig \
sunphoto hexphoto ttyphoto \
pr2pe Xphoto t4014 \
faxtopbm pbmtofax