[unix-history] / usr / src / libexec / bugfiler / bugfiler.8
.\" Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.
.\" All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement
.\" specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
.\" @(#)bugfiler.8 6.2 (Berkeley) %G%
.UC 5
bugfiler \- file bug reports in folders automatically
.B bugfiler
[ mail directory ]
.I Bugfiler
is a program to automatically intercept bug reports, summarize them and
store them in the appropriate sub directories of the mail directory
specified on the command line or the (system dependent) default.
It is designed to be compatible with the Rand MH mail system.
.I Bugfiler
is normally invoked by the mail delivery program through
.IR aliases (5)
with a line such as the following in /usr/lib/aliases.
bugs:"|bugfiler /usr/bugs/mail"
It reads the message from the standard input or the named file, checks
the format and returns mail acknowledging receipt or a message
indicating the proper format. Valid reports are then summarized and
filed in the appropriate folder; improperly formatted messages
are filed in a folder named ``errors.''
Program maintainers can then log onto the system and
check the summary file for bugs that pertain to them.
Bug reports should be submitted in RFC822 format and
aremust contain the following header lines to be properly indexed:
Date: <date the report is received>
From: <valid return address>
Subject: <short summary of the problem>
Index: <source directory>/<source file> <version> [Fix]
In addition, the body of the message must contain a line which
begins with ``Description:'' followed by zero or more lines describing the
problem in detail and a line beginning with ``Repeat-By:'' followed by zero or
more lines describing how to repeat the problem.
If the keyword `Fix' is specified in the `Index' line, then there must
also be a line beginning with ``Fix:'' followed by a diff of the old and new
source files or a description of what was done to fix the problem.
The `Index' line is the key to the filing mechanism. The source directory
name must match one of the folder names in the mail directory.
The message is then filed in this folder
and a line appended to the summary file in the following format:
<folder name>/<message number> <Index info>
<Subject info>
The bug report may also be redistributed according to the index.
If the file
.IR maildir /.redist
exists, it is examined for a line beginning with the index name
followed with a tab.
The remainder of this line contains a comma-separated list of mail addresses
which should receive copies of bugs with this index.
The list may be continued onto multiple lines by ending each but the last
with a backslash (`\e').
.ta 2.5i
/usr/lib/sendmail mail delivery program
/usr/lib/unixtomh converts unix mail format to mh format
maildir/.ack the message sent in acknowledgement
maildir/.format the message sent when format errors are detected
maildir/.redist the redistribution list
maildir/summary the summary file
maildir/Bf?????? temporary copy of the input message
maildir/Rp?????? temporary file for the reply message.
Since mail can be forwarded in a number of different ways,
.I bugfiler
does not recognize forwarded mail and will reply/complain to the
forwarder instead of the original sender unless there is a `Reply-To'
field in the header.
Duplicate messages should be discarded or recognized and put somewhere