BSD 4_4 development
[unix-history] / usr / share / man / cat3 / ispunct.0
ISPUNCT(3) BSD Programmer's Manual ISPUNCT(3)
i\bis\bsp\bpu\bun\bnc\bct\bt - punctuation character test
#\b#i\bin\bnc\bcl\blu\bud\bde\be <\b<c\bct\bty\byp\bpe\be.\b.h\bh>\b>
i\bis\bsp\bpu\bun\bnc\bct\bt(_\bi_\bn_\bt _\bc);
The i\bis\bsp\bpu\bun\bnc\bct\bt() function tests for any printing character except for space
(' ') or a character for which isalnum(3) is true. In the ASCII charac-
ter set, this includes the following characters:
041 ``!'' 042 ``"'' 043 ``#'' 044 ``$'' 045 ``%''
046 ``&'' 047 ``''' 050 ``('' 051 ``)'' 052 ``*''
053 ``+'' 054 ``,'' 055 ``-'' 056 ``.'' 057 ``/''
072 ``:'' 073 ``;'' 074 ``<'' 075 ``='' 076 ``>''
077 ``?'' 100 ``@'' 133 ``['' 134 ``'' 135 ``]''
136 ``^'' 137 ``_'' 140 ```'' 173 ``{'' 174 ``|''
175 ``}'' 176 ``~''
R\bRE\bET\bTU\bUR\bRN\bN V\bVA\bAL\bLU\bUE\bES\bS
The i\bis\bsp\bpu\bun\bnc\bct\bt() function returns zero if the character tests false and re-
turns non-zero if the character tests true.
S\bSE\bEE\bE A\bAL\bLS\bSO\bO
ctype(3), ascii(7)
The i\bis\bsp\bpu\bun\bnc\bct\bt() function conforms to ANSI C X3.159-1989 (``ANSI C '').
4.4BSD June 4, 1993 1