call to mcount must be callf $4,mcount
[unix-history] / usr / src / sys / tahoe / math / Kaddf.s
/* Kaddf.s 1.3 86/01/05 */
#include "../tahoemath/fp.h"
#include "../tahoe/SYS.h"
* _Kaddf(acc_most,acc_least,op_most,op_least,hfs)
ENTRY(Kaddf, R10|R9|R8|R7|R6|R5|R4|R3|R2)
* see which operand has a greater exponent
* The greater one will be fetched into r0,r1,r2,r3.
* r0,r1 - 'pure' fraction, r2 - exponent, r3 - sign).
* The smaller operand will be fetched into r4,r5,r6,r7.
tstl 4(fp) # handle (a+b) where a and/or b = 0.0
jneq next
movl $0,r1
movl 12(fp),r0
tstl 12(fp)
jneq doit
movl $0,r1
movl 4(fp),r0
andl3 $EXPMASK,4(fp),r0
andl3 $EXPMASK,12(fp),r1
cmpl r0,r1
jgtr first_greater
movl 12(fp),r0 # bigger operand to r0,r1
movl 16(fp),r1
movl 4(fp),r4 # smaller operand to r4,r5
movl 8(fp),r5
jmp expo
movl 4(fp),r0 # bigger operand to r0,r1
movl 8(fp),r1
movl 12(fp),r4 # smaller operand to r4,r5
movl 16(fp),r5
#compute exponents:
andl3 $EXPMASK,r0,r2 # r2 will hold the exponent.
shrl $EXPSHIFT,r2,r2
andl3 $EXPMASK,r4,r6 # r6 will hold the exponent.
shrl $EXPSHIFT,r6,r6
#compare the exponents:
subl3 r6,r2,r8
jeql signs
cmpl r8,$MAX_EXP_DIF
jlss signs
ret # return the bigger number.
#remember the signs:
clrl r3
bbc $31,r0,sign2 # if negative remember it.
incl r3
clrl r7
bbc $31,r4,frac # if negative remember it.
incl r7
#compute 'pure' fraction:
# clear the non fraction parts.
andl2 $(0!(EXPMASK | SIGNBIT)),r0
# add the hidden bit.
orl2 $(0!CLEARHID),r0
# clear the non fraction parts.
andl2 $(0!(EXPMASK | SIGNBIT)),r4
# add the hidden bit.
orl2 $(0!CLEARHID),r4
#shift the smaller operand:
shrq r8,r4,r4
cmpl r3,r7
jeql add
bbc $0,r3,negr4r5
#negate the pair r0,r1:
clrl r3
mcoml r1,r1
clrl r9 # r9 - carry flag.
incl r1
bcc comr0
incl r9 # remember the carry.
comr0: mcoml r0,r0
bbc $0,r9,add
incl r0
#add the fractions:
clrl r10 # to remember the sign of the result.
addl2 r5,r1
adwc r4,r0
jgeq norm # if positive go to normelize.
incl r10 # else remember it and negate the result.
#negate the pair r0,r1:
clrl r3
mcoml r1,r1
clrl r9 # r9 - carry flag.
incl r1
bcc comr00
incl r9 # remember the carry.
comr00: mcoml r0,r0
bbc $0,r9,norm
incl r0
norm: pushl 20(fp) # addr of returnen exception.
callf $8,_Kfnorm
#add the sign bit
bbs $0,r10,negative
bbs $0,r3,negative
orl2 $SIGNBIT,r0
#negate the pair r4,r5:
clrl r7
mcoml r5,r5
clrl r9 # r9 - carry flag.
incl r5
bcc comr4
incl r9 # remember the carry.
comr4: mcoml r4,r4
bbc $0,r9,add
incl r4
jmp add
movl r4,r0 # return the smaller operand.
movl r5,r1