BSD 3 development
[unix-history] / usr / doc / troff / m0a
.tr |
.de mx
.h1 \s-1#\s+1 *
*Values separated by "\fB;\fR" are for \*(NR and \*(TR respectively.
\s-1#\s+1Notes are explained at the end of this Summary and Index
General Explanation
Font and Character Size Control
\fB&ps\fI\|\(+-N\fR 10\|point previous E Point size; also \fB\es\fI\(+-N\fR.\(dg
\fB&ss\fI|N\fR 12\(sl36\|em ignored E Space-character size
set to \fIN\fR\(sl36\|em.\(dg
\fB&cs\fI\|F\|N\|M\fR off - P Constant character
space (width)
mode (font \fIF\^\fR\^).\(dg
\fB&bd\fI|F|N\fR off - P Embolden font \fIF\fR by \fIN\fR\(mi1 units.\(dg
\fB&bd|S|\fIF|N\fR off - P Embolden Special Font when current font is \fIF\fR.\(dg
\(dgNo effect in \*(NR.
\fB&ft\fI|F\fR Roman previous E Change to font
\fIF\fR|= \fIx\fR, \fIxx\fR, or 1-4.
Also \fB\ef\fIx\fR,\|\fB\ef(\fIxx\fR,\|\fB\ef\fIN\fR.
\fB&fp\fI|N|F\fR R,I,B,S ignored - Font named \fIF\fR mounted on physical position 1\(<=\fIN\fR\(<=4.
Page Control
\fB&pl\fI\|\(+-N\fR 11\|in 11\|in \fBv\fR Page length.
\fB&bp|\fI\(+-N\fR \fIN\(eq\fR1 - B\(dd,\fBv\fR \
Eject current page; next page number \fIN\fR.
\(ddThe use of "\ \fB\'\fR\ " as control character (instead of "\fB.\fR")
suppresses the break function.
\fB&pn\fI|\(+-N N\(eq\fR1 ignored - Next page number \fIN\fR.
\fB&po\fI|\(+-N\fR 0;|26\(sl27\|in previous \fBv\fR Page offset.
\fB&ne\fI|N\fR - \fIN\(eq\fR1\fIV\fR D,\fBv\fR Need \fIN\fR vertical space (\fIV\fR = vertical spacing).
\fB&mk|\fIR\fR none internal D Mark current vertical place in register \fIR\fR.
\fB&rt\fI|\(+-N\fR none internal D,\fBv\fR Return \fI(upward only)\fR to marked vertical place.
Text Filling, Adjusting, and Centering
\fB&br\fR - - B Break.
\fB&fi\fR \(fill - B,E Fill output lines.
\fB&nf\fR fill - B,E No filling or adjusting of output lines.
\fB&ad\fI|c\fR adj,both adjust E Adjust output lines with mode \fIc\fR.
\fB&na\fR adjust - E No output line adjusting.
\fB&ce\fI|N\fR off \fIN\(eq\fR1 B,E Center following \fIN\fR input text lines.
Vertical Spacing
\fB&vs\fI|N\fR 1\(sl6in;12pts previous E,\fBp\fR Vertical base line spacing (\fIV\fR\^).
\fB&ls\fI|N N\(eq\fR1 previous E Output \fIN\(mi\fR1 \fIV\^\fRs after each text output line.
\fB&sp\fI|N\fR - \fIN\(eq\fR1\fIV\fR B,\fBv\fR Space \
vertical distance \fIN\fR \fIin either direction\fR.
\fB&sv\fI|N\fR - \fIN\(eq\fR1\fIV\fR \fBv\fR Save vertical distance \fIN\fR.
\fB&os\fR - - - Output saved vertical distance.
\fB&ns\fR space - D Turn no-space mode on.
\fB&rs\fR - - D Restore spacing; turn no-space mode off.
Line Length and Indenting
\fB&ll\fI|\(+-N\fR 6.5\|in previous E,\fBm\fR Line length.
\fB&in\fI|\(+-N\fR \fIN\(eq\fR\^0 previous B,E,\fBm\fR Indent.
\fB&ti\fI|\(+-N\fR - ignored B,E,\fBm\fR Temporary indent.
Macros, Strings, Diversion, and Position Traps
\fB&de\fI|xx|yy\fR - \fI.yy=\fB..\fR - Define or redefine macro \fIxx;\fR end at call of \fIyy\fR.
\fB&am\fI|xx|yy\fR - \fI.yy=\fB..\fR - Append to a macro.
\fB&ds\fI|xx|string\fR - ignored - Define a string \fIxx\fR containing \fIstring\fR.
\fB&as\fI|xx|string\fR - ignored - Append \fIstring\fR to string \fIxx\fR.
\fB&rm\fI|xx\fR - ignored - Remove request, macro, or string.
\fB&rn\fI|xx|yy\fR - ignored - Rename request, macro, or string \fIxx\fR to \fIyy\fR.
\fB&di\fI|xx\fR - end D Divert output to macro \fIxx\fR.
\fB&da\fI|xx\fR - end D Divert and append to \fIxx\fR.
\fB&wh\fI|N|xx\fR - - \fBv\fR Set location trap; negative is w.r.t. page bottom.
\fB&ch\fI|xx|N\fR - - \fBv\fR Change trap location.
\fB&dt\fI|N|xx\fR - off D,\fBv\fR Set a diversion trap.
\fB&it\fI|N|xx\fR - off E Set an input-line count trap.
\fB&em\fI|xx\fR none none - End macro is \fIxx\fI.
Number Registers
\fB&nr\fI|R|\(+-N|M\fR - \fBu\fR Define and set number register \fIR\fR; auto-increment by \fIM\fR.
\fB&af\fI|R|c\fR arabic - - Assign format to register \fIR\fR (\fIc=\fB1\fR, \fBi\fR, \fBI\fR, \fBa\fR, \fBA\fR).
\fB&rr\fI|R\fR - - - Remove register \fIR\fR.
Tabs, Leaders, and Fields
\fB&ta\fI|Nt|...\fR 0.8;|0.5in none E,\fBm\fR Tab settings; \fIleft\fR type, unless \fIt=\fBR\fR(right), \fBC\fR(centered).
\fB&tc\fI|c\fR none none E Tab repetition character.
\fB&lc\fI|c\fR \fB.\fR none E Leader repetition character.
\fB&fc\fI|a|b\fR off off - Set field delimiter \fIa\fR and pad character \fIb\fR.
Input and Output Conventions and Character Translations
\fB&ec\fI|c\fR \e \e - Set escape character.
\fB&eo\fR on - - Turn off escape character mechanism.
\fB&lg\fI|N\fR -;\|on on - Ligature mode
on if \fIN\fR>0.
\fB&ul\fI|N\fR off \fIN\(eq\fR1 E Underline (italicize in \*(TR) \fIN\fR input lines.
\fB&cu\fI|N\fR off \fIN\(eq\fR1 E Continuous underline in \*(NR; like \fBul\fR in \*(TR.
\fB&uf\fI|F\fR Italic Italic - Underline font set to \fIF\fR (to be switched to by \fBul\fR).
\fB&cc\fI|c\fR \fB. .\fR E Set control character to \fIc\fR.
\fB&c2\fI|c\fR \fB\' \'\fR E Set nobreak control character to \fIc\fR.
\fB&tr\fI|abcd....\fR none - O Translate \fIa\fR to \fIb\fR, etc. on output.
Local Horizontal and Vertical Motions, and the Width Function
Overstrike, Bracket, Line-drawing, and Zero-width Functions
\fB&nh\fR hyphenate - E No hyphenation.
\fB&hy\fI|N\fR hyphenate hyphenate E Hyphenate; \fIN =\fR mode.
\fB&hc\fI|c\fR \fB\e% \e%\fR E Hyphenation indicator character \fIc\fR.
\fB&hw\fI|word1|...\fR ignored - Exception words.
Three Part Titles.
\fB&tl\fI|\'left\|\'center\|\'right\|\'\fR - - Three part title.
\fB&pc\fI|c\fR \fB%\fR off - Page number character.
\fB&lt\fI|\(+-N\fR 6.5\|in previous E,\fBm\fR Length of title.
Output Line Numbering.
\fB&nm\fI|\(+-N|M|S|I\fR off E Number mode on or off, set parameters.
\fB&nn\fI|N\fR - \fIN\(eq\fR1 E Do not number next \fIN\fR lines.
Conditional Acceptance of Input
\fB&if\fI|c|anything\fR - - If condition \fIc\fR true, accept \fIanything\fR as input,
for multi-line use \fI\e{anything\|\e}\fR.
\fB&if|!\fIc|anything\fR - - If condition \fIc\fR false, accept \fIanything\fR.
\fB&if\fI|N|anything\fR - \fBu\fR If expression \fIN\fR > 0, accept \fIanything\fR.
\fB&if|!\fIN|anything\fR - \fBu\fR If expression \fIN\fR \(<= 0, accept \fIanything\fR.
\fB&if\fI|\|\'string1\|\'string2\|\'|anything\fR - If \fIstring1\fR identical to \fIstring2\fR,
accept \fIanything\fR.
\fB&if|!\fI\|\'string1\|\'string2\|\'|anything\fR - If \fIstring1\fR not identical to \fIstring2\fR,
accept \fIanything\fR.
\fB&ie\fI|c|anything\fR - \fBu\fR If portion of if-else; all above forms (like \fBif\fR).
\fB&el\fI|anything\fR - - Else portion of if-else.
Environment Switching.
\fB&ev\fI|N\fR \fIN\(eq\fR0 previous - Environment switched (\fIpush down\fR).
Insertions from the Standard Input
\fB&rd\fI|prompt\fR\fR - \fIprompt=\s-1\fRBEL\s+1 - Read insertion.
\fB&ex\fR - - - \
Exit from \*(NR\(sl\*(TR.
Input\(slOutput File Switching
\fB&so\fI|filename\fR - - Switch source file \fI(push down)\fR.
\fB&nx\fI|filename\fR end-of-file - Next file.
\fB&pi\fI|program\fR - - Pipe output to \fIprogram\fR (\*(NR only).
\fB&mc\fI|c|N\fR - off E,\fBm\fR Set margin character \fIc\fR and separation \fIN\fR.
\fB&tm\fI|string\fR - newline - Print \fIstring\fR on terminal \
(\s-1UNIX\s+1 standard message output).
\fB&ig\fI|yy\fR - \fI.yy=\fB..\fR - Ignore till call of \fIyy\fR.
\fB&pm\fI|t\fR - all - Print macro names and sizes;
if \fIt\fR present, print only total of sizes.
\fB&fl\fR - - B Flush output buffer.
Output and Error Messages
.rm mx
.ta .3iC .6i
B Request normally causes a break.
D Mode or relevant parameters associated with current diversion level.
E Relevant parameters are a part of the current environment.
O Must stay in effect until logical output.
P Mode must be still or again in effect at the time of physical output.
\fBv\fR,\fBp\fR,\fBm\fR,\fBu\fR Default scale indicator; if not specified, scale indicators are \fIignored\fR.
.nr zz 11
.de cl
.ie \\n+(cl<\n(zz \{\
. po +\\n(.lu/\n(zzu
. rt\}
.el \{.po 26i/27u\}
.nr cl 0 1
.di zz
.ta .3iR
.ps 8
.vs 10
ad 4
af 8
am 7
as 7
bd 2
bp 3
br 4
c2 10
cc 10
ce 4
ch 7
cs 2
cu 10
da 7
de 7
di 7
ds 7
dt 7
ec 10
el 16
em 7
eo 10
ev 17
ex 18
fc 9
fi 4
fl 20
fp 2
ft 2
hc 13
hw 13
hy 13
ie 16
if 16
ig 20
in 6
it 7
lc 9
lg 10
li 10
ll 6
ls 5
lt 14
mc 20
mk 3
na 4
ne 3
nf 4
nh 13
nm 15
nn 15
nr 8
ns 5
nx 19
os 5
pc 14
pi 19
pl 3
pm 20
pn 3
po 3
ps 2
rd 18
rm 7
rn 7
rr 8
rs 5
rt 3
so 19
sp 5
ss 2
sv 5
ta 9
tc 9
ti 6
tl 14
tm 20
tr 10
uf 10
ul 10
vs 5
wh 7
.nr aa \n(dn/\n(zz
.ne \\n(aau+10p
Alphabetical Request and Section Number Cross Reference
.wh \n(nlu+\n(aau cl
.nr qq \n(nlu+\n(aau
.sp \n(.tu
.ch cl 12i
Escape Sequences for Characters, Indicators, and Functions
.bd I 3
Section Escape
Reference Sequence Meaning
.bd I
10.1 \fB\e\e\fR \e (to prevent or delay the interpretation of \e\|)
10.1 \fB\ee\fR Printable version of the \fIcurrent\fR escape character.
2.1 \fB\e\'\fR \' (acute accent); equivalent to \fB\e(aa\fR
2.1 \fB\e\`\fR \` (grave accent); equivalent to \fB\e(ga\fR
2.1 \fB\e\-\fR \- Minus sign in the \fIcurrent\fR font
7 \fB\e\^.\fR Period (dot) (see \fBde\fR)
11.1 \fB\e\fR(space) Unpaddable space-size space character
11.1 \fB\e0\fR Digit width space
.tr ||
11.1 \fB\e\||\fR 1\(sl6\|em narrow space character (zero width in \*(NR)
.tr |
11.1 \fB\e^\fR 1\(sl12\|em half-narrow space character (zero width in \*(NR)
.tr &&
4.1 \fB\e&\fR Non-printing, zero width character
.tr &.
10.6 \fB\e!\fR Transparent line indicator
10.7 \fB\e"\fR Beginning of comment
7.3 \fB\e$\fIN\fR Interpolate argument 1\(<=\fIN\fR\(<=9
13 \fB\e%\fR Default optional hyphenation character
2.1 \fB\e(\fIxx\fR Character named \fIxx\fR
7.1 \fB\e\(**\fIx\fR,|\fB\e\(**(\fIxx\fR Interpolate string \fIx\fR or \fIxx\fR
9.1 \fB\ea\fR Non-interpreted leader character
12.3 \fB\eb\fI\'abc...\|\'\fR Bracket building function
4.2 \fB\ec\fR Interrupt text processing
11.1 \fB\ed\fR Forward (down) 1\(sl2\|em vertical motion (1\(sl2 line in \*(NR)
2.2 \fB\ef\fIx\fR,\fB\ef(\fIxx\fR,\fB\ef\fIN\fR Change to font named \fIx\fR or \fIxx\fR, or position \fIN\fR
11.1 \fB\eh\fI\'N|\'\fR Local horizontal motion; move right \fIN\fR \fI(negative left)\fR
11.3 \fB\ek\fIx\fR Mark horizontal \fIinput\fR place in register \fIx\fR
12.4 \fB\el\fI\|\'Nc\|\'\fR Horizontal line drawing function (optionally with \fIc\fR\|)
12.4 \fB\eL\fI\'Nc\|\'\fR Vertical line drawing function (optionally with \fIc\fR\|)
8 \fB\en\fIx\fR,\fB\en(\fIxx\fR Interpolate number register \fIx\fR or \fIxx\fR
12.1 \fB\eo\fI\'abc...\|\'\fR Overstrike characters \fIa, b, c, ...\fR
4.1 \fB\ep\fR Break and spread output line
11.1 \fB\er\fR Reverse 1\|em vertical motion (reverse line in \*(NR)
2.3 \fB\es\fIN\fR,\|\fB\es\fI\(+-N\fR Point-size change function
9.1 \fB\et\fR Non-interpreted horizontal tab
11.1 \fB\eu\fR Reverse (up) 1\(sl2\|em vertical motion (1\(sl2 line in \*(NR)
11.1 \fB\ev\fI\'N\|\|\'\fR Local vertical motion; move down \fIN\fR \fI(negative up)\fR
11.2 \fB\ew\fI\'string\|\'\fR Interpolate width of \fIstring\fR
5.2 \fB\ex\fI\'N\|\|\'\fR Extra line-space function \fI(negative before, positive after)\fR
12.2 \fB\ez\fIc\fR Print \fIc\fR with zero width (without spacing)
16 \fB\e{\fR Begin conditional input
16 \fB\e}\fR End conditional input
10.7 \fB\e\fR(newline) Concealed (ignored) newline
- \fB\e\fIX\fR \fIX\fR, any character \fInot\fR listed above
The escape sequences
\fB\e\fR(newline) are interpreted in \fIcopy mode\fR (\(sc7.2).
Predefined General Number Registers
.bd I 3
Section Register
Reference Name Description
.bd I
3 \fB%\fR Current page number.
11.2 \fBct\fR Character type (set by \fIwidth\fR function).
7.4 \fBdl\fR Width (maximum) of last completed diversion.
7.4 \fBdn\fR Height (vertical size) of last completed diversion.
- \fBdw\fR Current day of the week (1-7).
- \fBdy\fR Current day of the month (1-31).
11.3 \fBhp\fR Current horizontal place on \fIinput\fR line.
15 \fBln\fR Output line number.
- \fBmo\fR Current month (1-12).
4.1 \fBnl\fR Vertical position of last printed text base-line.
11.2 \fBsb\fR Depth of string below base line (generated by \fIwidth\fR function).
11.2 \fBst\fR Height of string above base line (generated by \fIwidth\fR function).
- \fByr\fR Last two digits of current year.
Predefined Read-Only Number Registers
.bd I 3
Section Register
Reference Name Description
.bd I
7.3 \fB&$\fR Number of arguments available at the current macro level.
- \fB&A\fR Set to 1 in \*(TR, if \fB\-a\fR option used; always 1 in \*(NR.
11.1 \fB&H\fR Available horizontal resolution in basic units.
- \fB&T\fR Set to 1 in \*(NR, if \fB\-T\fR option used; always 0 in \*(TR.
11.1 \fB&V\fR Available vertical resolution in basic units.
5.2 \fB&a\fR Post-line extra line-space most recently utilized \
using \fB\ex\fI\'N\|\'\fR.
- \fB&c\fR Number of \fIlines\fR read from current input file.
7.4 \fB&d\fR Current vertical place in current diversion; equal to \fBnl\fR, if no diversion.
2.2 \fB&f\fR Current font as physical quadrant (1-4).
4 \fB&h\fR Text base-line high-water mark on current page or diversion.
6 \fB&i\fR Current indent.
6 \fB&l\fR Current line length.
4 \fB&n\fR Length of text portion on previous output line.
3 \fB&o\fR Current page offset.
3 \fB&p\fR Current page length.
2.3 \fB&s\fR Current point size.
7.5 \fB&t\fR Distance to the next trap.
4.1 \fB&u\fR Equal to 1 in fill mode and 0 in nofill mode.
5.1 \fB&v\fR Current vertical line spacing.
11.2 \fB&w\fR Width of previous character.
- \fB&x\fR Reserved version-dependent register.
- \fB&y\fR Reserved version-dependent register.
7.4 \fB&z\fR Name of current diversion.