Clear the envelope in the child in server SMTP to insure that our oh so
[unix-history] / usr / src / usr.sbin / sendmail / src / daemon.c
# include <errno.h>
# include "sendmail.h"
# include <sys/mx.h>
#ifndef DAEMON
SCCSID(@(#)daemon.c 3.35 %G% (w/o daemon mode));
# include <sys/socket.h>
# include <net/in.h>
# include <wait.h>
SCCSID(@(#)daemon.c 3.35 %G% (with daemon mode));
** DAEMON.C -- routines to use when running as a daemon.
** This entire file is highly dependent on the 4.2 BSD
** interprocess communication primitives. No attempt has
** been made to make this file portable to Version 7,
** Version 6, MPX files, etc. If you should try such a
** thing yourself, I recommend chucking the entire file
** and starting from scratch. Basic semantics are:
** getrequests()
** Opens a port and initiates a connection.
** Returns in a child. Must set InChannel and
** OutChannel appropriately.
** makeconnection(host, port, outfile, infile)
** Make a connection to the named host on the given
** port. Set *outfile and *infile to the files
** appropriate for communication. Returns zero on
** success, else an exit status describing the
** error.
** The semantics of both of these should be clean.
static FILE *MailPort; /* port that mail comes in on */
** GETREQUESTS -- open mail IPC port and get requests.
** Parameters:
** none.
** Returns:
** none.
** Side Effects:
** Waits until some interesting activity occurs. When
** it does, a child is created to process it, and the
** parent waits for completion. Return from this
** routine is always in the child.
# define MAXCONNS 4 /* maximum simultaneous sendmails */
union wait status;
int numconnections = 0;
struct wh wbuf;
wbuf.index = index;
wbuf.count = 0;
wbuf.ccount = cnt; = buf;
write(MailPort, &wbuf, sizeof wbuf);
** GETCONNECTION -- make a connection with the outside world
** This routine is horribly contorted to try to get around a bunch
** of 4.1a IPC bugs. There appears to be nothing we can do to make
** it "right" -- the code to interrupt accepts just doesn't work
** right. However, this is an attempt to minimize the probablity
** of problems.
** Parameters:
** none.
** Returns:
** The port for mail traffic.
** Side Effects:
** Waits for a connection.
#define IPPORT_PLAYPORT 3055 /* random number */
struct sockaddr_in SendmailAddress = { AF_INET, IPPORT_SMTP };
int s;
#ifdef NVMUNIX
int t;
#endif NVMUNIX
struct sockaddr otherend;
** Set up the address for the mailer.
SendmailAddress.sin_addr.s_addr = 0;
SendmailAddress.sin_port = IPPORT_SMTP;
# ifdef DEBUG
if (tTd(15, 15))
SendmailAddress.sin_port = IPPORT_PLAYPORT;
# endif DEBUG
SendmailAddress.sin_port = htons(SendmailAddress.sin_port);
** Try to actually open the connection.
# ifdef DEBUG
if (tTd(15, 1))
# endif DEBUG
for (;;)
int i;
/* get a socket for the SMTP connection */
#ifdef NVMUNIX
s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0, 0);
bind(s, &SendmailAddress, sizeof SendmailAddress, 0);
listen(s, 10);
/* do loop is to avoid 4.1b kernel bug (?) */
i = 60;
s = socket(SOCK_STREAM, 0, &SendmailAddress, SO_ACCEPTCONN);
if (s < 0)
} while (--i > 0 && s < 0);
#endif NVMUNIX
if (s < 0)
/* probably another daemon already */
syserr("getconnection: can't create socket");
return (-1);
# ifdef DEBUG
if (tTd(15, 1))
printf("getconnection: %d\n", s);
# endif DEBUG
/* wait for a connection */
/* contorted code is due to a 4.1a kernel bug */
errno = 0;
if (accept(s, &otherend) >= 0)
return (s);
if (errno != EINTR)
syserr("getconnection: accept");
(void) close(s);
** MAKECONNECTION -- make a connection to an SMTP socket on another machine.
** Parameters:
** host -- the name of the host.
** port -- the port number to connect to.
** outfile -- a pointer to a place to put the outfile
** descriptor.
** infile -- ditto for infile.
** Returns:
** An exit code telling whether the connection could be
** made and if not why not.
** Side Effects:
** none.
makeconnection(host, port, outfile, infile)
char *host;
u_short port;
FILE **outfile;
FILE **infile;
register int s;
** Set up the address for the mailer.
** Accept "[a.b.c.d]" syntax for host name.
if (host[0] == '[')
long hid = 0;
int i, j;
register char *p = host;
for (i = 3; i >= 0 && *p != ']' && *p != '\0'; i--)
j = 0;
while (isdigit(*++p))
j = j * 10 + (*p - '0');
if (*p != (i == 0 ? ']' : '.') || j > 255 || j < 0)
hid |= j << ((3 - i) * 8);
if (i >= 0 || *p != ']' || *++p != '\0')
usrerr("Invalid numeric domain spec \"%s\"", host);
return (EX_NOHOST);
SendmailAddress.sin_addr.s_addr = hid;
else if ((SendmailAddress.sin_addr.s_addr = rhost(&host)) == -1)
return (EX_NOHOST);
if (port == 0)
SendmailAddress.sin_port = htons(port);
** Try to actually open the connection.
# ifdef DEBUG
if (tTd(16, 1))
printf("makeconnection (%s)\n", host);
# endif DEBUG
#ifdef NVMUNIX
s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0, 0);
s = socket(SOCK_STREAM, 0, (struct sockaddr_in *) 0, 0);
#endif NVMUNIX
if (s < 0)
syserr("makeconnection: no socket");
goto failure;
# ifdef DEBUG
if (tTd(16, 1))
printf("makeconnection: %d\n", s);
# endif DEBUG
(void) fflush(CurEnv->e_xfp); /* for debugging */
#ifdef NVMUNIX
bind(s, &SendmailAddress, sizeof SendmailAddress, 0);
if (connect(s, &SendmailAddress, sizeof SendmailAddress, 0) < 0)
if (connect(s, &SendmailAddress) < 0)
#endif NVMUNIX
/* failure, decide if temporary or not */
switch (errno)
/* there are others, I'm sure..... */
return (EX_TEMPFAIL);
/* connection ok, put it into canonical form */
*outfile = fdopen(s, "w");
*infile = fdopen(s, "r");
return (0);
#endif DAEMON