add ID keywords
[unix-history] / usr / src / usr.sbin / sendmail / src / conf.c
# include <stdio.h>
# include <pwd.h>
# include "dlvrmail.h"
static char SccsId[] = "@(#)conf.c 1.3 %G%";
# include <whoami.h>
** CONF.C -- Delivermail Configuration Tables.
** Defines the configuration of this installation.
** The first table describes available mailers. This is
** just a list of argument vectors, with the following
** codes embedded:
** $u -- insert the user name.
** $h -- insert the host name.
** $f -- insert the from person name.
** $c -- insert the hop count.
** This stuff is interpreted in buildmail. There are two
** important conventions here: entry zero must be the
** local mailer & entry one must be the shell.
** The second table gives a list of special characters. This
** table is scanned linearly by parse() until an entry is
** found using one of the magic characters. Other fields
** give more information on how to handle it.
** Defined Constants:
** M_* -- indices into Mailer, used only in this module.
** Defines:
** Mailer -- the mailer descriptor table.
** ParseTab -- the parse table.
** Notes:
** Ingres 11/70 version.
** History:
** 3/5/80 -- Generalized to use <whoami.h>.
** 12/26/79 -- written for Ingres 11/70.
# ifdef ING70
static char *BerkLocal[] = { "i", "ingres", "ing70", NULL };
char *MyLocNam = "Ing70";
# define HASARPA
# define V6
# endif ING70
# ifdef INGVAX
/* untested */
static char *BerkLocal[] = { "j", "ingvax", NULL };
char *MyLocNam = "IngVax";
# endif INGVAX
# ifdef CSVAX
/* untested */
static char *BerkLocal[] = { "v", "csvax", "vax", NULL };
char *MyLocNam = "CSVax";
# define HASUUCP
# define NETV6MAIL
# endif CSVAX
# ifdef CORY
/* untested */
static char *BerkLocal[] = { "y", "cory", NULL };
char *MyLocNam = "Cory";
# endif CORY
# ifdef IMAGE
/* untested */
static char *BerkLocal[] = { "m", "image", NULL };
char *MyLocNam = "Image";
# define V6
# endif IMAGE
# ifdef ESVAX
/* untested */
static char *BerkLocal[] = { "o", "esvax", NULL };
char *MyLocNam = "ESVax";
# endif ESVAX
# ifdef EECS40
/* untested */
static char *BerkLocal[] = { "z", "eecs40", NULL };
char *MyLocNam = "EECS40";
# define V6
# endif EECS40
struct mailer Mailer[] =
/* local mail -- must be #0 */
# ifdef NETV6MAIL
# else
# endif
{ "...local%mail", "-d", "$u", NULL }
/* pipes through programs -- must be #1 */
{ "...prog%mail", "-fc", "$u", NULL }
/* local berkeley mail */
{ "...berk%mail", "-m", "$h", "-t", "$u", "-h", "$c", NULL }
/* arpanet mail */
{ "", "$f", "$h", "$u", NULL }
/* uucp mail (cheat & use Bell's v7 mail) */
# ifdef UCKMAIL
# else
# endif
# ifdef DUMBMAIL
{ "...uucp%mail", "$h!$u", NULL }
# else
{ "...uucp%mail", "-d", "$h!$u", NULL }
# endif DUMBMAIL
# define M_LOCAL 0
# define M_BERK 2
# define M_ARPA 3
# define M_UUCP 4
struct parsetab ParseTab[] =
# ifdef HASARPA
# else
# endif HASARPA
'^', -1, P_MAP, "!",
# ifdef HASUUCP
'!', M_UUCP, 0, NULL,
# else
'!', M_BERK, P_MOVE, "csvax",
# endif HASUUCP
'.', -1, P_MAP|P_ONE, ":",
'\0', M_LOCAL, P_MOVE, "",
** GETNAME -- Get the current users login name.
** This is in config.c because it is somewhat machine dependent.
** Examine it carefully for your installation.
** Algorithm:
** See if the person is logged in. If so, return
** the name s/he is logged in as.
** Look up the user id in /etc/passwd. If found,
** return that name.
** Return NULL.
** Parameters:
** none
** Returns:
** The login name of this user.
** NULL if this person is noone.
** Side Effects:
** none
** Requires:
** getlogin (sys)
** getpwuid (sys)
** getuid (sys)
** Called By:
** main
** History:
** 12/26/79 -- written.
char *
register char *p;
register struct passwd *w;
extern char *getlogin();
extern struct passwd *getpwuid();
static char namebuf[9];
p = getlogin();
if (p != NULL && p[0] != '\0')
return (p);
# ifdef V6
w = getpwuid(getuid() & 0377);
# else
w = getpwuid(getuid());
# endif V6
if (w != NULL)
strcpy(namebuf, w->pw_name);
return (namebuf);
return (NULL);
# ifdef V6
** TTYPATH -- Get the path of the user's tty -- Version 6 version.
** Returns the pathname of the user's tty. Returns NULL if
** the user is not logged in or if s/he has write permission
** denied.
** Parameters:
** none
** Returns:
** pathname of the user's tty.
** NULL if not logged in or write permission denied.
** Side Effects:
** none.
** Return value is in a local buffer.
** Requires:
** stat (sys)
** ttyn (sys)
** open (sys)
** read (sys)
** close (sys)
** seek (sys)
** Called By:
** savemail
** History:
** 1/12/80 -- written.
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <sys/stat.h>
char *
struct stat stbuf;
register int i;
static char pathn[] = "/dev/ttyx";
extern int errno;
/* compute the pathname of the controlling tty */
if ((i = ttyn(2)) == 'x' && (i = ttyn(1)) == 'x' && (i = ttyn(0)) == 'x')
errno = 0;
return (NULL);
pathn[8] = i;
/* see if we have write permission */
if (stat(pathn, &stbuf) < 0 || !flagset(02, stbuf.st_mode))
errno = 0;
return (NULL);
/* see if the user is logged in */
if (getlogin() == NULL)
return (NULL);
/* looks good */
return (pathn);
** FDOPEN -- Open a stdio file given an open file descriptor.
** This is included here because it is standard in v7, but we
** need it in v6.
** Algorithm:
** Open /dev/null to create a descriptor.
** Close that descriptor.
** Copy the existing fd into the descriptor.
** Parameters:
** fd -- the open file descriptor.
** type -- "r", "w", or whatever.
** Returns:
** The file descriptor it creates.
** Side Effects:
** none
** Requires:
** fopen (sys)
** Called By:
** deliver
** Notes:
** The mode of fd must match "type".
fdopen(fd, type)
int fd;
char *type;
register FILE *f;
f = fopen("/dev/null", type);
fileno(f) = fd;
return (f);
** INDEX -- Return pointer to character in string
** For V7 compatibility.
** Parameters:
** s -- a string to scan.
** c -- a character to look for.
** Returns:
** If c is in s, returns the address of the first
** instance of c in s.
** NULL if c is not in s.
** Side Effects:
** none.
** Requires:
** none.
** History:
** 3/14/80 -- written. Why isn't this in -lS?
index(s, c)
register char *s;
register char c;
while (*s != '\0')
if (*s++ == c)
return (--s);
return (NULL);
# endif V6
# ifndef V6
** TTYPATH -- Get the path of the user's tty -- Version 7 version.
** Returns the pathname of the user's tty. Returns NULL if
** the user is not logged in or if s/he has write permission
** denied.
** Parameters:
** none
** Returns:
** pathname of the user's tty.
** NULL if not logged in or write permission denied.
** Side Effects:
** none.
** Return value is in a local buffer.
** Requires:
** stat (sys)
** ttyn (sys)
** open (sys)
** read (sys)
** close (sys)
** seek (sys)
** Called By:
** savemail
** History:
** 1/12/80 -- written.
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <sys/stat.h>
char *
struct stat stbuf;
register char *pathn;
extern int errno;
extern char *ttyname();
/* compute the pathname of the controlling tty */
if ((pathn = ttyname(2)) == NULL && (pathn = ttyname(1)) == NULL && (pathn = ttyname(0)) == NULL)
errno = 0;
return (NULL);
/* see if we have write permission */
if (stat(pathn, &stbuf) < 0 || !flagset(02, stbuf.st_mode))
errno = 0;
return (NULL);
/* see if the user is logged in */
if (getlogin() == NULL)
return (NULL);
/* looks good */
return (pathn);
# endif V6