release 2.1 of pmake
[unix-history] / usr / src / usr.bin / make / hash.c
/* hash.c --
* This module contains routines to manipulate a hash table.
* See hash.h for a definition of the structure of the hash
* table. Hash tables grow automatically as the amount of
* information increases.
* Copyright (C) 1983 Regents of the University of California
* All rights reserved.
#ifndef lint
static char rcsid[] = "$Id: hash.c,v 2.1 89/06/13 17:24:54 adam Exp $ SPRITE (Berkeley)";
#endif not lint
#include "sprite.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include "list.h"
* Forward references to local procedures that are used before they're
* defined:
static Hash_Entry * ChainSearch();
static int Hash();
static void RebuildTable();
* The following defines the ratio of # entries to # buckets
* at which we rebuild the table to make it larger.
static rebuildLimit = 3;
* Hash_InitTable --
* This routine just sets up the hash table.
* Results:
* None.
* Side Effects:
* Memory is allocated for the initial bucket area.
Hash_InitTable(tablePtr, numBuckets, keyType)
register Hash_Table *tablePtr; /* Structure to use to hold table. */
int numBuckets; /* How many buckets to create for
* starters. This number is rounded
* up to a power of two. If <= 0,
* a reasonable default is chosen.
* The table will grow in size later
* as needed. */
int keyType; /* HASH_STRING_KEYS means that key
* values passed to HashFind will be
* strings, passed via a (char *)
* pointer. HASH_ONE_WORD_KEYS means
* that key values will be any
* one-word value passed as Address.
* > 1 means that key values will be
* multi-word values whose address is
* passed as Address. In this last
* case, keyType is the number of
* words in the key, not the number
* of bytes. */
register int i;
register List_Links *bucketPtr;
* Round up the size to a power of two.
if (numBuckets <= 0) {
numBuckets = 16;
tablePtr->numEntries = 0;
tablePtr->keyType = keyType;
tablePtr->size = 2;
tablePtr->mask = 1;
tablePtr->downShift = 29;
while (tablePtr->size < numBuckets) {
tablePtr->size <<= 1;
tablePtr->mask = (tablePtr->mask << 1) + 1;
tablePtr->bucketPtr = (List_Links *) malloc(sizeof(List_Links)
* tablePtr->size);
for (i=0, bucketPtr = tablePtr->bucketPtr; i < tablePtr->size;
i++, bucketPtr++) {
* Hash_DeleteTable --
* This routine removes everything from a hash table
* and frees up the memory space it occupied (except for
* the space in the Hash_Table structure).
* Results:
* None.
* Side Effects:
* Lots of memory is freed up.
Hash_Table *tablePtr; /* Hash table whose entries are all to
* be freed. */
register List_Links *hashTableEnd;
register Hash_Entry *hashEntryPtr;
register List_Links *bucketPtr;
bucketPtr = tablePtr->bucketPtr;
hashTableEnd = &(bucketPtr[tablePtr->size]);
for (; bucketPtr < hashTableEnd; bucketPtr++) {
while (!List_IsEmpty(bucketPtr)) {
hashEntryPtr = (Hash_Entry *) List_First(bucketPtr);
List_Remove((List_Links *) hashEntryPtr);
free((Address) hashEntryPtr);
free((Address) tablePtr->bucketPtr);
* Set up the hash table to cause memory faults on any future
* access attempts until re-initialization.
tablePtr->bucketPtr = (List_Links *) NIL;
* Hash_FindEntry --
* Searches a hash table for an entry corresponding to key.
* Results:
* The return value is a pointer to the entry for key,
* if key was present in the table. If key was not
* present, NULL is returned.
* Side Effects:
* None.
Hash_Entry *
Hash_FindEntry(tablePtr, key)
Hash_Table *tablePtr; /* Hash table to search. */
Address key; /* A hash key. */
return(ChainSearch(tablePtr, key,
&(tablePtr->bucketPtr[Hash(tablePtr, key)])));
* Hash_CreateEntry --
* Searches a hash table for an entry corresponding to
* key. If no entry is found, then one is created.
* Results:
* The return value is a pointer to the entry. If *newPtr
* isn't NULL, then *newPtr is filled in with TRUE if a
* new entry was created, and FALSE if an entry already existed
* with the given key.
* Side Effects:
* Memory may be allocated, and the hash buckets may be modified.
Hash_Entry *
Hash_CreateEntry(tablePtr, key, newPtr)
register Hash_Table *tablePtr; /* Hash table to search. */
Address key; /* A hash key. */
Boolean *newPtr; /* Filled in with TRUE if new entry
* created, FALSE otherwise. */
register Hash_Entry *hashEntryPtr;
register int *hashKeyPtr;
register int *keyPtr;
List_Links *hashList;
keyPtr = (int *) key;
hashList = &(tablePtr->bucketPtr[Hash(tablePtr, (Address) keyPtr)]);
hashEntryPtr = ChainSearch(tablePtr, (Address) keyPtr, hashList);
if (hashEntryPtr != (Hash_Entry *) NULL) {
if (newPtr != NULL) {
*newPtr = FALSE;
return hashEntryPtr;
* The desired entry isn't there. Before allocating a new entry,
* see if we're overloading the buckets. If so, then make a
* bigger table.
if (tablePtr->numEntries >= rebuildLimit * tablePtr->size) {
hashList = &(tablePtr->bucketPtr[Hash(tablePtr, (Address) keyPtr)]);
tablePtr->numEntries += 1;
* Not there, we have to allocate. If the string is longer
* than 3 bytes, then we have to allocate extra space in the
* entry.
switch (tablePtr->keyType) {
hashEntryPtr = (Hash_Entry *) malloc(sizeof(Hash_Entry) +
strlen((char *) keyPtr) - 3);
strcpy(hashEntryPtr->, (char *) keyPtr);
hashEntryPtr = (Hash_Entry *) malloc(sizeof(Hash_Entry));
hashEntryPtr->key.ptr = (Address) keyPtr;
case 2:
hashEntryPtr =
(Hash_Entry *) malloc(sizeof(Hash_Entry) + sizeof(int));
hashKeyPtr = hashEntryPtr->key.words;
*hashKeyPtr++ = *keyPtr++;
*hashKeyPtr = *keyPtr;
default: {
register n;
n = tablePtr->keyType;
hashEntryPtr = (Hash_Entry *)
malloc(sizeof(Hash_Entry) + (n - 1) * sizeof(int));
hashKeyPtr = hashEntryPtr->key.words;
do {
*hashKeyPtr++ = *keyPtr++;
} while (--n);
hashEntryPtr->clientData = (ClientData) NULL;
List_Insert((List_Links *) hashEntryPtr, LIST_ATFRONT(hashList));
if (newPtr != NULL) {
*newPtr = TRUE;
return hashEntryPtr;
* Hash_DeleteEntry --
* Delete the given hash table entry and free memory associated with
* it.
* Results:
* None.
* Side Effects:
* Hash chain that entry lives in is modified and memory is freed.
Hash_DeleteEntry(tablePtr, hashEntryPtr)
Hash_Table *tablePtr;
register Hash_Entry *hashEntryPtr;
if (hashEntryPtr != (Hash_Entry *) NULL) {
List_Remove((List_Links *) hashEntryPtr);
free((Address) hashEntryPtr);
* Hash_EnumFirst --
* This procedure sets things up for a complete search
* of all entries recorded in the hash table.
* Results:
* The return value is the address of the first entry in
* the hash table, or NULL if the table is empty.
* Side Effects:
* The information in hashSearchPtr is initialized so that successive
* calls to Hash_Next will return successive HashEntry's
* from the table.
Hash_Entry *
Hash_EnumFirst(tablePtr, hashSearchPtr)
Hash_Table *tablePtr; /* Table to be searched. */
register Hash_Search *hashSearchPtr; /* Area in which to keep state
* about search.*/
hashSearchPtr->tablePtr = tablePtr;
hashSearchPtr->nextIndex = 0;
hashSearchPtr->hashEntryPtr = (Hash_Entry *) NULL;
return Hash_EnumNext(hashSearchPtr);
* Hash_EnumNext --
* This procedure returns successive entries in the hash table.
* Results:
* The return value is a pointer to the next HashEntry
* in the table, or NULL when the end of the table is
* reached.
* Side Effects:
* The information in hashSearchPtr is modified to advance to the
* next entry.
Hash_Entry *
register Hash_Search *hashSearchPtr; /* Area used to keep state about
search. */
register List_Links *hashList;
register Hash_Entry *hashEntryPtr;
hashEntryPtr = hashSearchPtr->hashEntryPtr;
while (hashEntryPtr == (Hash_Entry *) NULL ||
(List_Links *) hashEntryPtr)) {
if (hashSearchPtr->nextIndex >= hashSearchPtr->tablePtr->size) {
return((Hash_Entry *) NULL);
hashList = &(hashSearchPtr->tablePtr->bucketPtr[
if (!List_IsEmpty(hashList)) {
hashEntryPtr = (Hash_Entry *) List_First(hashList);
hashSearchPtr->hashList = hashList;
hashSearchPtr->hashEntryPtr =
(Hash_Entry *) List_Next((List_Links *) hashEntryPtr);
* Hash_PrintStats --
* This routine calls a caller-supplied procedure to print
* statistics about the current bucket situation.
* Results:
* None.
* Side Effects:
* Proc gets called (potentially many times) to output information
* about the hash table. It must have the following calling sequence:
* void
* proc(clientData, string)
* ClientData clientData;
* char *string;
* {
* }
* In each call, clientData is the same as the clientData argument
* to this procedure, and string is a null-terminated string of
* characters to output.
Hash_PrintStats(tablePtr, proc, clientData)
Hash_Table *tablePtr; /* Table for which to print info. */
void (*proc)(); /* Procedure to call to do actual
* I/O. */
int count[10], overflow, i, j;
char msg[100];
Hash_Entry *hashEntryPtr;
List_Links *hashList;
for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
count[i] = 0;
overflow = 0;
for (i = 0; i < tablePtr->size; i++) {
j = 0;
hashList = &(tablePtr->bucketPtr[i]);
LIST_FORALL(hashList, (List_Links *) hashEntryPtr) {
if (j < 10) {
} else {
sprintf(msg, "Entries in table %d number of buckets %d\n",
tablePtr->numEntries, tablePtr->size);
(*proc)(clientData, msg);
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
sprintf(msg, "Number of buckets with %d entries: %d.\n",
i, count[i]);
(*proc)(clientData, msg);
sprintf(msg, "Number of buckets with > 9 entries: %d.\n",
(*proc)(clientData, msg);
* Hash --
* This is a local procedure to compute a hash table
* bucket address based on a string value.
* Results:
* The return value is an integer between 0 and size - 1.
* Side Effects:
* None.
* Design:
* It is expected that most keys are decimal numbers,
* so the algorithm behaves accordingly. The randomizing
* code is stolen straight from the rand library routine.
static int
Hash(tablePtr, key)
register Hash_Table *tablePtr;
register char *key;
register int i = 0;
register int j;
register int *intPtr;
switch (tablePtr->keyType) {
while (*key != 0) {
i = (i * 10) + (*key++ - '0');
i = (int) key;
case 2:
i = ((int *) key)[0] + ((int *) key)[1];
j = tablePtr->keyType;
intPtr = (int *) key;
do {
i += *intPtr++;
} while (j > 0);
return(((i*1103515245 + 12345) >> tablePtr->downShift) & tablePtr->mask);
* ChainSearch --
* Search the hash table for the entry in the hash chain.
* Results:
* Pointer to entry in hash chain, NULL if none found.
* Side Effects:
* None.
static Hash_Entry *
ChainSearch(tablePtr, key, hashList)
Hash_Table *tablePtr; /* Hash table to search. */
register Address key; /* A hash key. */
register List_Links *hashList;
register Hash_Entry *hashEntryPtr;
register int *hashKeyPtr;
int *keyPtr;
register int numKeys;
numKeys = tablePtr->keyType;
LIST_FORALL(hashList, (List_Links *) hashEntryPtr) {
switch (numKeys) {
case 0:
if (strcmp(hashEntryPtr->, key) == 0) {
case 1:
if (hashEntryPtr->key.ptr == key) {
case 2:
hashKeyPtr = hashEntryPtr->key.words;
keyPtr = (int *) key;
if (*hashKeyPtr++ == *keyPtr++ && *hashKeyPtr == *keyPtr) {
if (bcmp((Address) hashEntryPtr->key.words,
(Address) key, numKeys * sizeof(int))) {
* The desired entry isn't there
return ((Hash_Entry *) NULL);
* RebuildTable --
* This local routine makes a new hash table that
* is larger than the old one.
* Results:
* None.
* Side Effects:
* The entire hash table is moved, so any bucket numbers
* from the old table are invalid.
static void
Hash_Table *tablePtr; /* Table to be enlarged. */
int oldSize;
int bucket;
List_Links *oldBucketPtr;
register Hash_Entry *hashEntryPtr;
register List_Links *oldHashList;
oldBucketPtr = tablePtr->bucketPtr;
oldSize = tablePtr->size;
* Build a new table 4 times as large as the old one.
Hash_InitTable(tablePtr, tablePtr->size * 4, tablePtr->keyType);
for (oldHashList = oldBucketPtr; oldSize > 0; oldSize--, oldHashList++) {
while (!List_IsEmpty(oldHashList)) {
hashEntryPtr = (Hash_Entry *) List_First(oldHashList);
List_Remove((List_Links *) hashEntryPtr);
switch (tablePtr->keyType) {
bucket = Hash(tablePtr, (Address) hashEntryPtr->;
bucket = Hash(tablePtr, (Address) hashEntryPtr->key.ptr);
bucket = Hash(tablePtr, (Address) hashEntryPtr->key.words);
List_Insert((List_Links *) hashEntryPtr,
free((Address) oldBucketPtr);