BSD 4_3_Net_2 development
[unix-history] / usr / src / contrib / isode / ssap / ssapinitiate.c
/* ssapinitiate.c - SPM: initiator */
#ifndef lint
static char *rcsid = "$Header: /f/osi/ssap/RCS/ssapinitiate.c,v 7.3 91/02/22 09:45:48 mrose Interim $";
* $Header: /f/osi/ssap/RCS/ssapinitiate.c,v 7.3 91/02/22 09:45:48 mrose Interim $
* $Log: ssapinitiate.c,v $
* Revision 7.3 91/02/22 09:45:48 mrose
* Interim 6.8
* Revision 7.2 90/01/27 10:27:27 mrose
* touch-up
* Revision 7.1 89/11/27 10:30:40 mrose
* sync
* Revision 7.0 89/11/23 22:25:27 mrose
* Release 6.0
* Acquisition, use, and distribution of this module and related
* materials are subject to the restrictions of a license agreement.
* Consult the Preface in the User's Manual for the full terms of
* this agreement.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include "spkt.h"
#include "tailor.h"
#define dotoken(requires,shift,bit,type) \
{ \
if (requirements & requires) \
switch (settings & (ST_MASK << shift)) { \
case ST_INIT_VALUE << shift: \
case ST_RESP_VALUE << shift: \
case ST_CALL_VALUE << shift: \
break; \
default: \
return ssaplose (si, SC_PARAMETER, NULLCP, \
"improper choice of %s token setting", type); \
} \
/* \f */
int SAsynConnRequest (ref, calling, called, requirements, settings, isn,
data, cc, qos, sc, si, async)
struct SSAPref *ref;
struct SSAPaddr *calling,
int requirements,
long isn;
char *data;
struct QOStype *qos;
struct SSAPconnect *sc;
struct SSAPindication *si;
SBV smask;
int result;
isodetailor (NULLCP, 0);
missingP (ref);
refmuchP (ref);
if (ref -> sr_vlen)
return ssaplose (si, SC_PARAMETER, NULLCP, "bad format for reference");
#ifdef notdef
missingP (calling);
missingP (called);
if (requirements & ~SR_MYREQUIRE)
return ssaplose (si, SC_PARAMETER, NULLCP,
"requirements settings not supported");
if ((requirements & SR_EXCEPTIONS)
&& !(requirements & SR_HALFDUPLEX))
return ssaplose (si, SC_PARAMETER, NULLCP,
"exception service requires half-duplex service");
dotokens ();
if (requirements & (SR_MINORSYNC | SR_MAJORSYNC | SR_RESYNC)) {
if (!(requirements & SR_ACTIVITY) || isn != SERIAL_NONE)
if (SERIAL_MIN > isn || isn > SERIAL_MAX + 1)
return ssaplose (si, SC_PARAMETER, NULLCP,
"bad choice for initial serial number");
if (isn != SERIAL_NONE)
return ssaplose (si, SC_PARAMETER, NULLCP,
"initial serial number invalid given requirements");
if (data == NULL)
cc = 0;
if (cc > CONNECT_MAX)
return ssaplose (si, SC_PARAMETER, NULLCP,
"too much initial user data, %d octets", cc);
#ifdef notdef
missingP (qos);
missingP (sc);
missingP (si);
smask = sigioblock ();
result = SConnRequestAux (ref, calling, called, requirements, settings,
isn, data, cc, qos, sc, si, async);
(void) sigiomask (smask);
return result;
#undef dotoken
/* \f */
static int SConnRequestAux (ref, calling, called, requirements, settings, isn,
data, cc, qos, sc, si, async)
struct SSAPref *ref;
struct SSAPaddr *calling,
int requirements,
long isn;
char *data;
struct QOStype *qos;
struct SSAPconnect *sc;
struct SSAPindication *si;
int result;
register struct ssapkt *s;
register struct ssapblk *sb;
struct TSAPconnect tcs;
register struct TSAPconnect *tc = &tcs;
struct TSAPdisconnect tds;
register struct TSAPdisconnect *td = &tds;
if ((sb = newsblk ()) == NULL)
return ssaplose (si, SC_CONGEST, NULLCP, "out of memory");
if (!async || qos == NULLQOS || qos -> qos_maxtime <= 0)
sb -> sb_maxtime = NOTOK;
sb -> sb_maxtime = qos -> qos_maxtime;
if ((s = newspkt (SPDU_CN)) == NULL) {
(void) ssaplose (si, SC_CONGEST, NULLCP, "out of memory");
goto out1;
#ifdef notdef
if (called -> sa_selectlen > 0) {
if (calling == NULLSA) {
static struct SSAPaddr sas;
calling = &sas;
bzero ((char *) calling, sizeof *calling);
if (calling -> sa_selectlen == 0) {
calling -> sa_port =
htons ((u_short) (0x8000 | (getpid () & 0x7fff)));
calling -> sa_selectlen = sizeof calling -> sa_port;
if (calling) {
if (calling -> sa_selectlen > 0) {
s -> s_mask |= SMASK_CN_CALLING;
bcopy (calling -> sa_selector, s -> s_calling,
s -> s_callinglen = calling -> sa_selectlen);
sb -> sb_initiating = *calling; /* struct copy */
if (called -> sa_selectlen > 0) {
s -> s_mask |= SMASK_CN_CALLED;
bcopy (called -> sa_selector, s -> s_called,
s -> s_calledlen = called -> sa_selectlen);
sb -> sb_responding = *called; /* struct copy */
sb -> sb_requirements = requirements;
sb -> sb_settings = settings;
if ((result = TAsynConnRequest (calling ? &calling -> sa_addr : NULLTA,
&called -> sa_addr,
(qos ? qos -> qos_extended : 0)
|| ((requirements & SR_EXPEDITED) ? 1 : 0),
NULLCP, 0, qos, tc, td, async)) == NOTOK) {
(void) ts2sslose (si, "TAsynConnRequest", td);
bzero ((char *) sc, sizeof *sc);
sc -> sc_sd = NOTOK;
sc -> sc_result = si -> si_abort.sa_reason;
result = DONE;
goto out2;
sb -> sb_fd = tc -> tc_sd;
if (qos && qos -> qos_sversion < 0) {
sb -> sb_version = SB_VRSN1;
sb -> sb_vrsnmask = SB_ALLVRSNS;
sb -> sb_vrsnmask = 1 << (sb -> sb_version =
(cc > SS_SIZE
|| (qos && qos -> qos_sversion > 1))
s -> s_cn_reference = *ref; /* struct copy */
s -> s_options = CR_OPT_NULL;
s -> s_cn_version = sb -> sb_vrsnmask;
if (isn != SERIAL_NONE) {
s -> s_mask |= SMASK_CN_ISN;
s -> s_isn = isn;
if (cc > 0) { /* XXX: user musn't touch! */
s -> s_mask |= SMASK_UDATA_PGI;
s -> s_udata = data, s -> s_ulen = cc;
s -> s_udata = NULL, s -> s_ulen = 0;
sb -> sb_retry = s;
if (async) {
switch (result) {
sc -> sc_sd = sb -> sb_fd;
return result;
if ((result = SAsynRetryAux (sb, tc, sc, si)) == DONE && !async)
result = OK;
return result;
out2: ;
freespkt (s);
out1: ;
freesblk (sb);
return result;
/* \f S-ASYN-RETRY.REQUEST (pseudo) */
int SAsynRetryRequest (sd, sc, si)
int sd;
struct SSAPconnect *sc;
struct SSAPindication *si;
SBV smask;
int result;
register struct ssapblk *sb;
struct TSAPconnect tcs;
register struct TSAPconnect *tc = &tcs;
struct TSAPdisconnect tds;
register struct TSAPdisconnect *td = &tds;
missingP (sc);
missingP (si);
smask = sigioblock ();
if ((sb = findsblk (sd)) == NULL) {
(void) sigiomask (smask);
return ssaplose (si, SC_PARAMETER, NULLCP,
"invalid session descriptor");
if (sb -> sb_flags & SB_CONN) {
(void) sigiomask (smask);
return ssaplose (si, SC_OPERATION, NULLCP,
"session descriptor connected");
switch (result = TAsynRetryRequest (sb -> sb_fd, tc, td)) {
case NOTOK:
(void) ts2sslose (si, "TAsynRetryRequest", td);
sb -> sb_fd = NOTOK;
bzero ((char *) sc, sizeof *sc);
sc -> sc_sd = NOTOK;
sc -> sc_result = si -> si_abort.sa_reason;
result = DONE;
freesblk (sb);
case DONE:
result = SAsynRetryAux (sb, tc, sc, si);
(void) sigiomask (smask);
return result;
/* \f S-ASYN-NEXT.REQUEST (pseudo) */
int SAsynNextRequest (sd, sc, si)
int sd;
struct SSAPconnect *sc;
struct SSAPindication *si;
SBV smask;
int result;
register struct ssapblk *sb;
struct TSAPconnect tcs;
register struct TSAPconnect *tc = &tcs;
struct TSAPdisconnect tds;
register struct TSAPdisconnect *td = &tds;
missingP (sc);
missingP (si);
smask = sigioblock ();
if ((sb = findsblk (sd)) == NULL) {
(void) sigiomask (smask);
return ssaplose (si, SC_PARAMETER, NULLCP,
"invalid session descriptor");
if (sb -> sb_flags & SB_CONN) {
(void) sigiomask (smask);
return ssaplose (si, SC_OPERATION, NULLCP,
"session descriptor connected");
switch (result = TAsynNextRequest (sb -> sb_fd, tc, td)) {
case NOTOK:
(void) ts2sslose (si, "TAsynRetryRequest", td);
sb -> sb_fd = NOTOK;
bzero ((char *) sc, sizeof *sc);
sc -> sc_sd = NOTOK;
sc -> sc_result = si -> si_abort.sa_reason;
result = DONE;
freesblk (sb);
case DONE:
result = SAsynRetryAux (sb, tc, sc, si);
(void) sigiomask (smask);
return result;
/* \f */
#define dotoken(requires,shift,bit,type) \
{ \
if (sb -> sb_requirements & requires) { \
switch (sb -> sb_settings & (ST_MASK << shift)) { \
case ST_CALL_VALUE << shift: \
if (!(s -> s_mask & SMASK_CN_SET)) \
s -> s_settings = ST_INIT_VALUE << shift; \
switch (s -> s_settings & (ST_MASK << shift)) { \
case ST_INIT_VALUE << shift: \
default: \
sb -> sb_owned |= bit; \
sc -> sc_settings |= ST_INIT_VALUE << shift; \
break; \
case ST_RESP_VALUE << shift: \
sc -> sc_settings |= ST_RESP_VALUE << shift; \
break; \
} \
break; \
case ST_INIT_VALUE << shift: \
sb -> sb_owned |= bit; \
sc -> sc_settings |= ST_INIT_VALUE << shift; \
break; \
case ST_RESP_VALUE << shift: \
sc -> sc_settings |= ST_RESP_VALUE << shift; \
break; \
} \
if ((s -> s_mask & SMASK_AC_TOKEN) && (s -> s_ac_token & bit)) \
sc -> sc_please |= bit; \
} \
/* \f */
static int SAsynRetryAux (sb, tc, sc, si)
register struct ssapblk *sb;
struct TSAPconnect *tc;
struct SSAPconnect *sc;
struct SSAPindication *si;
int len,
register struct ssapkt *s;
s = sb -> sb_retry;
sb -> sb_retry = NULL;
sb -> sb_responding.sa_addr = tc -> tc_responding; /* struct copy */
if (tc -> tc_expedited)
sb -> sb_flags |= SB_EXPD;
sb -> sb_requirements &= ~SR_EXPEDITED;
if (sb -> sb_version < SB_VRSN2) /* XXX */
sb -> sb_tsdu_us = sb -> sb_tsdu_them =
GET_TSDU_SIZE (tc -> tc_tsdusize);
if (sb -> sb_tsdu_us || sb -> sb_tsdu_them) {
s -> s_mask |= SMASK_CN_TSDU;
s -> s_tsdu_resp = GET_TSDU_SIZE (sb -> sb_tsdu_us);
s -> s_tsdu_init = GET_TSDU_SIZE (sb -> sb_tsdu_them);
s -> s_mask |= SMASK_CN_REQ;
if ((s -> s_cn_require = sb -> sb_requirements) & SR_TOKENS) {
s -> s_mask |= SMASK_CN_SET;
s -> s_settings = sb -> sb_settings;
result = spkt2sd (s, sb -> sb_fd, 0, si);
s -> s_mask &= ~SMASK_UDATA_PGI;
s -> s_udata = NULL, s -> s_ulen = 0;
freespkt (s);
if (result == NOTOK)
goto out1;
if ((s = sb2spkt (sb, si, sb -> sb_maxtime, NULLTX)) == NULL) {
if (si -> si_abort.sa_reason == SC_TIMER)
(void) ssaplose (si, SC_CONGEST, NULLCP, "remote SPM timed-out");
result = NOTOK;
goto out2;
bzero ((char *) sc, sizeof *sc);
switch (s -> s_code) {
case SPDU_AC:
sc -> sc_sd = sb -> sb_fd;
sc -> sc_result = SC_ACCEPT;
if (s -> s_mask & SMASK_CN_REF)
sc -> sc_connect = s -> s_cn_reference; /* struct copy */
if (s -> s_mask & SMASK_CN_OPT)
sb -> sb_options = s -> s_options;
if (!(s -> s_mask & SMASK_CN_TSDU))
s -> s_tsdu_init = s -> s_tsdu_resp = 0;
if (s -> s_tsdu_init < sb -> sb_tsdu_us)
sb -> sb_tsdu_us = s -> s_tsdu_init;
if (s -> s_tsdu_resp < sb -> sb_tsdu_them)
sb -> sb_tsdu_them = s -> s_tsdu_resp;
if (BAD_TSDU_SIZE (sb -> sb_tsdu_us)) {
result = spktlose (sb -> sb_fd, si, SC_PROTOCOL, NULLCP,
"perposterous TSDU size (%d) for initiator",
sb -> sb_tsdu_us);
goto out2;
if (BAD_TSDU_SIZE (sb -> sb_tsdu_them)) {
result = spktlose (sb -> sb_fd, si, SC_PROTOCOL, NULLCP,
"perposterous TSDU size (%d) for responder",
sb -> sb_tsdu_them);
goto out2;
if (s -> s_mask & SMASK_CN_VRSN) {
if (!(s -> s_cn_version & sb -> sb_vrsnmask)) {
/* not SC_VERSION */
result = spktlose (sb -> sb_fd, si, SC_PROTOCOL, NULLCP,
"version mismatch: expecting something in 0x%x, got 0x%x",
sb -> sb_vrsnmask, s -> s_cn_version);
goto out2;
sb -> sb_vrsnmask &= s -> s_cn_version;
sb -> sb_version = (sb -> sb_vrsnmask & (1 << SB_VRSN2))
if (s -> s_mask & SMASK_CN_ISN)
sc -> sc_isn = sb -> sb_V_A = sb -> sb_V_M = s -> s_isn;
sc -> sc_isn = SERIAL_NONE;
if (!(s -> s_mask & SMASK_CN_REQ)) {
s -> s_mask |= SMASK_CN_REQ;
s -> s_cn_require = SR_DEFAULT;
switch (sb -> sb_requirements & (SR_HALFDUPLEX | SR_DUPLEX)) {
if (s -> s_cn_require & SR_HALFDUPLEX)
result = spktlose (sb -> sb_fd, si, SC_PROTOCOL, NULLCP,
"half-duplex negotiation failed");
goto out2;
if (s -> s_cn_require & SR_DUPLEX)
result = spktlose (sb -> sb_fd, si, SC_PROTOCOL, NULLCP,
"full-duplex negotiation failed");
goto out2;
#ifdef notdef /* screwy session protocol... */
if (s -> s_cn_require & ~sb -> sb_requirements) {
result = spktlose (sb -> sb_fd, si, SC_PROTOCOL, NULLCP,
"requirements negotiation failed");
goto out2;
sb -> sb_requirements &= s -> s_cn_require;
switch (sb -> sb_requirements & (SR_HALFDUPLEX | SR_DUPLEX)) {
result = spktlose (sb -> sb_fd, si, SC_PROTOCOL, NULLCP,
"half/full-duplex negotiation failed");
goto out2;
if ((sb -> sb_requirements & SR_EXCEPTIONS)
&& !(sb -> sb_requirements & SR_HALFDUPLEX)) {
result = spktlose (sb -> sb_fd, si, SC_PROTOCOL, NULLCP,
"exception service requires half-duplex service");
goto out2;
sc -> sc_requirements = sb -> sb_requirements;
sc -> sc_settings = sc -> sc_please = 0;
dotokens ();
if (s -> s_mask & SMASK_CN_CALLED) {
if ((len = s -> s_calledlen)
> sizeof sb -> sb_responding.sa_selector)
len = sizeof sb -> sb_responding.sa_selector;
bcopy (s -> s_called, sb -> sb_responding.sa_selector,
sb -> sb_responding.sa_selectlen = len);
sc -> sc_responding = sb -> sb_responding; /* struct copy */
if ((sc -> sc_ssdusize = sb -> sb_tsdu_us - SSDU_MAGIC) < 0)
sc -> sc_ssdusize = tc -> tc_tsdusize - SSDU_MAGIC;
sc -> sc_qos = tc -> tc_qos; /* struct copy */
sc -> sc_qos.qos_sversion = sb -> sb_version + 1;
sc -> sc_qos.qos_extended = (sb -> sb_flags & SB_EXPD) ? 1 : 0;
copySPKTdata (s, sc);
freespkt (s);
sb -> sb_flags |= SB_CONN | SB_INIT;
return DONE;
case SPDU_RF: /* ignore s -> s_rf_disconnect */
sc -> sc_sd = NOTOK;
sc -> sc_result = s -> s_rlen > 0 ? *s -> s_rdata
if (s -> s_mask & SMASK_RF_REF)
sc -> sc_connect = s -> s_rf_reference; /* struct copy */
if ((sc -> sc_result == SC_REJECTED)
&& (s -> s_mask & SMASK_RF_REQ))
sc -> sc_requirements = s -> s_rf_require;
if ((s -> s_mask & SMASK_CN_CALLED)
&& (sc -> sc_result & SC_BASE)) {
if ((len = s -> s_calledlen)
> sizeof sb -> sb_responding.sa_selector)
len = sizeof sb -> sb_responding.sa_selector;
bcopy (s -> s_called, sb -> sb_responding.sa_selector,
sb -> sb_responding.sa_selectlen = len);
sc -> sc_responding = sb -> sb_responding; /* struct copy */
sc -> sc_data = s -> s_rdata + 1, sc -> sc_cc = s -> s_rlen - 1;
sc -> sc_realdata = s -> s_rdata, s -> s_rdata = NULL;
si -> si_type = SI_ABORT;
register struct SSAPabort *sa = &si -> si_abort;
sa -> sa_peer = 0;
sa -> sa_reason = sc -> sc_result;
sa -> sa_info = sc -> sc_data, sa -> sa_cc = sc -> sc_cc;
sa -> sa_realinfo = NULL;
result = DONE;
case SPDU_AB:
sc -> sc_sd = NOTOK;
sc -> sc_result = SC_ABORT;
si -> si_type = SI_ABORT;
register struct SSAPabort *sa = &si -> si_abort;
if (!(sa -> sa_peer = (s -> s_ab_disconnect & AB_DISC_USER)
? 1 : 0))
sa -> sa_reason = sc -> sc_result;
sa -> sa_info = s -> s_udata, sa -> sa_cc = s -> s_ulen;
sa -> sa_realinfo = s -> s_udata, s -> s_udata = NULL;
result = DONE;
result = spktlose (sb -> sb_fd, si, SC_PROTOCOL, NULLCP,
"session protocol mangled: expecting 0x%x, got 0x%x",
SPDU_AC, s -> s_code);
out2: ;
freespkt (s);
out1: ;
freesblk (sb);
return result;
#undef dotoken