BSD 4_3_Net_2 development
[unix-history] / usr / src / contrib / isode / tsap / ts2tcp.c
/* ts2tcp.c - TPM: TCP interface */
#ifndef lint
static char *rcsid = "$Header: /f/osi/tsap/RCS/ts2tcp.c,v 7.8 91/02/22 09:47:23 mrose Interim $";
* $Header: /f/osi/tsap/RCS/ts2tcp.c,v 7.8 91/02/22 09:47:23 mrose Interim $
* $Log: ts2tcp.c,v $
* Revision 7.8 91/02/22 09:47:23 mrose
* Interim 6.8
* Revision 7.7 90/12/11 10:51:46 mrose
* lock-and-load
* Revision 7.6 90/10/16 16:24:17 mrose
* foo
* Revision 7.5 90/07/09 14:51:21 mrose
* sync
* Revision 7.4 90/03/23 17:31:28 mrose
* 8
* Revision 7.3 90/02/19 13:07:26 mrose
* update
* Revision 7.2 89/12/08 09:41:39 mrose
* touch-up
* Revision 7.1 89/12/07 01:07:36 mrose
* queued writes
* Revision 7.0 89/11/23 22:30:40 mrose
* Release 6.0
* Acquisition, use, and distribution of this module and related
* materials are subject to the restrictions of a license agreement.
* Consult the Preface in the User's Manual for the full terms of
* this agreement.
#include <stdio.h>
#include "tpkt.h"
#include "tailor.h"
#ifdef TCP
#include "internet.h"
#include <errno.h>
#ifdef BSD42
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#ifdef SYS5
#include <fcntl.h>
#define MAX1006 2048 /* could be as high as TPKT_MAXLEN */
/* \f DATA */
#if defined(FIONBIO) || defined(O_NDELAY)
#define NODELAY
#ifdef NODELAY
static fd_set inprogress;
static struct sockaddr_in *peers = NULL;
extern int errno;
int tcpopen (tb, local, remote, td, async)
register struct tsapblk *tb;
struct NSAPaddr *local,
struct TSAPdisconnect *td;
int async;
int fd;
#ifdef FIONBIO
int onoff;
struct sockaddr_in lo_socket,
register struct sockaddr_in *lsock = &lo_socket,
*isock = &in_socket;
register struct hostent *hp;
register struct servent *sp;
#ifndef NODELAY
if (async)
return tsaplose (td, DR_PARAMETER, NULLCP,
"asynchronous not supported");
bzero ((char *) isock, sizeof *isock);
if (remote -> na_port == 0) {
if ((sp = getservbyname ("tsap", "tcp")) == NULL)
sp = getservbyname ("iso-tsap", "tcp");
isock -> sin_port = sp ? sp -> s_port : htons ((u_short) 102);
isock -> sin_port = remote -> na_port;
if ((hp = gethostbystring (remote -> na_domain)) == NULL)
return tsaplose (td, DR_ADDRESS, NULLCP, "%s: unknown host",
remote -> na_domain);
#ifdef notanymore
(void) strncpy (remote -> na_domain, hp -> h_name,
sizeof remote -> na_domain);
isock -> sin_family = hp -> h_addrtype;
inaddr_copy (hp, isock);
#ifndef notanymore
(void) strcpy (remote -> na_domain, inet_ntoa (isock -> sin_addr));
if (local && local -> na_domain[0]) {
bzero ((char *) lsock, sizeof *lsock);
if ((hp = gethostbystring (local -> na_domain)) == NULL)
return tsaplose (td, DR_ADDRESS, NULLCP, "%s: unknown host",
local -> na_domain);
if ((lsock -> sin_family = hp -> h_addrtype) != isock -> sin_family)
return tsaplose (td, DR_ADDRESS, NULLCP,
"address family mismatch");
inaddr_copy (hp, lsock);
lsock = NULL;
if ((fd = start_tcp_client (lsock, 0)) == NOTOK)
return tsaplose (td, DR_CONGEST, "socket", "unable to start");
#ifdef FIONBIO
if (async)
(void) ioctl (fd, FIONBIO, (onoff = 1, (char *) &onoff));
#ifdef O_NDELAY
if (async)
(void) fcntl (fd, F_SETFL, O_NDELAY);
tb -> tb_fd = fd;
(void) TTService (tb);
if (join_tcp_server (fd, isock) == NOTOK) {
#ifdef NODELAY
if (async)
switch (errno) {
if (peers == NULL) {
peers = (struct sockaddr_in *)
calloc ((unsigned) getdtablesize (),
sizeof *peers);
if (peers == NULL) {
(void) tsaplose (td, DR_CONGEST, NULLCP,
"out of memory");
(void) close_tcp_socket (fd);
return (tb -> tb_fd = NOTOK);
FD_ZERO (&inprogress);
FD_SET (fd, &inprogress);
peers[fd] = *isock;/* struct copy */
return OK;
goto done;
(void) tsaplose (td, DR_REFUSED, "connection", "unable to establish");
(void) close_tcp_socket (fd);
return (tb -> tb_fd = NOTOK);
#ifdef NODELAY
done: ;
#ifdef FIONBIO
if (async)
(void) ioctl (fd, FIONBIO, (onoff = 0, (char *) &onoff));
#ifdef O_NDELAY
if (async)
(void) fcntl (fd, F_SETFL, 0x00);
return DONE;
/* \f */
#ifndef NODELAY
static int tcpretry (tb, td)
struct tsapblk *tb;
struct TSAPdisconnect *td;
#ifdef NODELAY
#ifdef FIONBIO
int onoff;
int fd = tb -> tb_fd;
fd_set mask;
struct sockaddr_in *isock = &peers[fd];
FD_ZERO (&mask);
FD_SET (fd, &mask);
if (xselect (fd + 1, NULLFD, &mask, NULLFD, 0) < 1)
return OK;
if (!FD_ISSET (fd, &inprogress))
return DONE;
isock = &peers[fd];
if (join_tcp_server (fd, isock) == NOTOK) {
switch (errno) {
return OK;
goto done;
case EINVAL: /* UNIX bug: could be any socket errno, e.g.,
/* and fall */
(void) tsaplose (td, DR_REFUSED, "connection", "unable to establish");
FD_CLR (fd, &inprogress);
(void) close_tcp_socket (fd);
return (tb -> tb_fd = NOTOK);
done: ;
#ifdef FIONBIO
(void) ioctl (fd, FIONBIO, (onoff = 0, (char *) &onoff));
#ifdef O_NDELAY
(void) fcntl (fd, F_SETFL, 0x00);
FD_CLR (fd, &inprogress);
return DONE;
return tsaplose (td, DR_OPERATION, NULLCP, "connection not in progress");
/* \f init for read from network */
#ifndef BRIDGE_X25
int tcpinit (fd, t)
int fd;
register struct tsapkt *t;
register int cc,
register char *bp;
for (bp = (char *) &t -> t_pkthdr, i = TPKT_HDRLEN (t);
i > 0;
bp += cc, i -= cc)
switch (cc = read_tcp_socket (fd, bp, i)) {
case NOTOK:
case OK:
return DR_NETWORK;
if (t -> t_vrsn != TPKT_VRSN)
if ((t -> t_length = ntohs (t -> t_length)) < TPKT_HDRLEN (t))
return DR_LENGTH;
return OK;
/* \f */
char *tcpsave (fd, cp1, cp2, td)
int fd;
char *cp1,
struct TSAPdisconnect *td;
static char buffer[BUFSIZ];
(void) sprintf (buffer, "%c%d %s %s", NT_TCP, fd, cp1, cp2);
return buffer;
/* \f */
int tcprestore (tb, buffer, td)
register struct tsapblk *tb;
char *buffer;
struct TSAPdisconnect *td;
int fd;
register char *cp;
char domain1[NSAP_DOMAINLEN + 1 + 5 + 1],
domain2[NSAP_DOMAINLEN + 1 + 5 + 1];
register struct NSAPaddr *na;
register struct tsapADDR *ta;
ta = &tb -> tb_initiating;
ta -> ta_present = 1;
na = &ta -> ta_addr;
na -> na_stack = NA_TCP;
na -> na_community = ts_comm_tcp_default;
if (sscanf (buffer, "%d %s %s", &fd, domain1, domain2) != 3 || fd < 0)
return tsaplose (td, DR_PARAMETER, NULLCP,
"bad initialization vector \"%s\"", buffer);
if (cp = index (domain1, '+')) {
*cp++ = NULL;
na -> na_port = htons ((u_short) atoi (cp));
(void) strncpy (na -> na_domain, domain1, sizeof na -> na_domain);
tb -> tb_fd = fd;
(void) TTService (tb);
ta = &tb -> tb_responding;
ta -> ta_present = 1;
na = &ta -> ta_addr;
na -> na_stack = NA_TCP;
na -> na_community = ts_comm_tcp_default;
if (cp = index (domain2, '+')) {
*cp++ = NULL;
na -> na_port = htons ((u_short) atoi (cp));
(void) strncpy (na -> na_domain, domain2, sizeof na -> na_domain);
return OK;
/* \f */
int TTService (tb)
register struct tsapblk *tb;
struct tsapkt *t;
tb -> tb_flags |= TB_TCP;
tb -> tb_tsdusize = MAX1006
- (tb -> tb_tpduslop = sizeof t -> t_pkthdr + DT_MAGIC);
tb -> tb_retryfnx = tcpretry;
tb -> tb_initfnx = tcpinit;
tb -> tb_readfnx = read_tcp_socket;
tb -> tb_writefnx = tp0write;
tb -> tb_closefnx = close_tcp_socket;
tb -> tb_selectfnx = select_tcp_socket;
tp0init (tb);