Round text and data segments to Double Word so that .align 3 always works
[unix-history] / usr / src / old / as.vax / assyms.c
/* Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California */
static char sccsid[] = "@(#)assyms.c 4.5 %G%";
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "as.h"
#include "asscan.h"
#include "assyms.h"
* Managers for chunks of symbols allocated from calloc()
* We maintain a linked list of such chunks.
struct allocbox *allochead; /*head of chunk list*/
struct allocbox *alloctail; /*tail*/
struct allocbox *newbox; /*for creating a new chunk*/
struct symtab *nextsym; /*next symbol free*/
int symsleft; /*slots left in current chunk*/
struct symtab **symptrs;
struct symtab **symdelim[NLOC + NLOC +1];
struct symtab **symptrub;
* Managers for the dynamically extendable hash table
struct hashdallop *htab;
struct instab *itab[NINST]; /*maps opcodes to instructions*/
* Counts what went into the symbol table, so that the
* size of the symbol table can be computed.
int nsyms; /* total number in the symbol table */
int njxxx; /* number of jxxx entrys */
int nforgotten; /* number of symbols erroneously entered */
int nlabels; /* number of label entries */
int hshused; /* number of hash slots used */
* Managers of the symbol literal storage.
* If we have flexible names, then we allocate BUFSIZ long
* string, and pack strings into that. Otherwise, we allocate
* symbol storage in fixed hunks NCPS long when we allocate space
* for other symbol attributes.
struct strpool *strplhead = 0;
allochead = 0;
alloctail = 0;
nextsym = 0;
symsleft = 0;
strpoolalloc(); /* get the first strpool storage area */
htab = 0;
htaballoc(); /* get the first part of the hash table */
* Install all known instructions in the symbol table
register struct instab *ip;
register struct symtab **hp;
register char *p1, *p2;
for (ip = (struct instab *)instab; ip->s_name != 0; ip++) {
#else not FLEXNAMES
for (ip = (struct instab *)instab; ip->s_name[0] != '\0'; ip++){
#endif not FLEXNAMES
p1 = ip->s_name;
p2 = yytext;
while (*p2++ = *p1++);
hp = lookup(0); /* 0 => don't install this*/
if (*hp==NULL) {
*hp = (struct symtab *)ip;
if ( (ip->s_tag!=INSTn)
&& (ip->s_tag!=INST0)
&& (ip->s_tag!=0))
continue; /* was pseudo-op */
itab[ip->i_opcode & 0xFF] = ip;
} /*end of syminstall*/
* Assign final values to symbols,
* and overwrite the index field with its relative position in
* the symbol table we give to the loader.
extern struct exec hdr;
register struct symtab *sp;
long bs;
register int relpos = 0;
register struct symtab *ubsp;
register struct allocbox *allocwalk;
DECLITERATE(allocwalk, sp, ubsp)
if (sp->s_tag >= IGNOREBOUND)
continue; /*totally ignore jxxx entries */
* Ignore stabs, but give them a symbol table index
if (sp->s_type & STABFLAG)
goto assignindex;
if ((sp->s_type&XTYPE)==XUNDEF)
sp->s_type = XXTRN+XUNDEF;
else if ((sp->s_type&XTYPE)==XDATA)
sp->s_value += usedot[sp->s_index].e_xvalue;
else if ((sp->s_type&XTYPE)==XTEXT)
sp->s_value += usedot[sp->s_index].e_xvalue;
else if ((sp->s_type&XTYPE)==XBSS) {
bs = sp->s_value;
sp->s_value = hdr.a_bss + datbase;
hdr.a_bss += bs;
if ( (sp->s_name[0] != 'L')
|| (sp->s_tag != LABELID)
|| savelabels
) /*then, we will write it later on*/
sp->s_index = relpos++;
* For all of the stabs that had their final value undefined during pass 1
* and during pass 2 assign a final value.
* We have already given stab entrys a initial approximation
* when we constsructed the sorted symbol table.
* Iteration order doesn't matter.
stabfix() {
register struct symtab *sp, **cosp;
register struct symtab *p;
SYMITERATE(cosp, sp){
if(sp->s_ptype && (sp->s_type & STABFLAG)) {
p = sp->s_dest;
sp->s_value = p->s_value;
sp->s_index = p->s_index;
sp->s_type = p->s_type;
char *Calloc(number, size)
int number, size;
register char *newstuff;
newstuff = (char *)sbrk(number*size);
if ((int)newstuff == -1){
yyerror("Ran out of Memory");
char *ClearCalloc(number, size)
int number, size;
register char *newstuff; /* r11 */
register int length = number * size; /* r10 */
newstuff = Calloc(number, size);
asm("movc5 $0, (r0), $0, r10, (r11)");
struct symtab *symalloc()
if (symsleft == 0){
newbox = (struct allocbox *)ClearCalloc(1,ALLOCQTY);
symsleft = SYMDALLOP;
nextsym = &newbox->symslots[0];
if (alloctail == 0){
allochead = alloctail = newbox;
} else {
alloctail->nextalloc = newbox;
alloctail = newbox;
register struct strpool *new;
new = (struct strpool *)Calloc(1, sizeof (struct strpool));
new->str_nalloc = 0;
new->str_next = strplhead;
strplhead = new;
symcmp(Pptr, Qptr)
struct symtab **Pptr, **Qptr;
register struct symtab *p = *Pptr;
register struct symtab *q = *Qptr;
if (p->s_index < q->s_index)
if (p->s_index > q->s_index)
if (p->s_value < q->s_value)
if (p->s_value > q->s_value)
* Force jxxx entries to virtually preceed labels defined
* to follow the jxxxx instruction, so that bumping the
* jxxx instruction correctly fixes up the following labels
if (p->s_tag >= IGNOREBOUND) /*p points to a jxxx*/
if (q->s_tag >= IGNOREBOUND)
* both are now just plain labels; the relative order doesn't
* matter. Both can't be jxxxes, as they would have different
* values.
} /*end of symcmp*/
* We construct the auxiliary table of pointers, symptrs and
* symdelim
* We also assign preliminary values to stab entries that did not yet
* have an absolute value (because they initially referred to
* forward references). We don't worry about .stabds, as they
* already have an estimated final value
register struct symtab *sp;
register struct symtab **cowalk;
register struct allocbox *allocwalk;
struct symtab *ubsp;
int segno;
int slotno;
int symsin; /*number put into symptrs*/
symptrs = (struct symtab **)Calloc(nsyms + 2, sizeof *symptrs);
* Allocate one word at the beginning of the symptr array
* so that backwards scans through the symptr array will
* work correctly while scanning through the zeroth segment
*symptrs++ = 0;
cowalk = symptrs;
symsin = 0;
DECLITERATE(allocwalk, sp, ubsp) {
if (sp->s_ptype && (sp->s_type &STABFLAG)){
sp->s_value = sp->s_dest->s_value;
sp->s_index = sp->s_dest->s_index;
if (symsin >= nsyms)
yyerror("INTERNAL ERROR: overfilled symbol table indirection table");
*cowalk++ = sp;
if (symsin != nsyms)
yyerror("INTERNAL ERROR: installed %d syms, should have installed %d",
symsin, nsyms);
symptrub = &symptrs[nsyms ];
qsort(symptrs, nsyms, sizeof *symptrs, symcmp);
symdelim[0] = symptrs;
for (cowalk = symptrs, sp = *cowalk, segno = 0, slotno = 1;
segno < NLOC + NLOC;
segno++, slotno++){
for (; sp && sp->s_index == segno; sp = *++cowalk);
symdelim[slotno] = cowalk; /*forms the ub delimeter*/
} /*end of sortsymtab*/
#ifdef DEBUG
register int segno;
register struct symtab *sp, **cosp, *ub;
char *tagstring();
printf("Symbol Table dump:\n");
for (segno = 0; segno < NLOC + NLOC; segno++){
printf("Segment number: %d\n", segno);
SEGITERATE(segno, 0, 0, cosp, sp, ub, ++){
printf("\tSeg: %d \"%s\" value: %d index: %d tag %s\n",
segno, sp->s_name,
sp->s_value, sp->s_index,
#else not FLEXNAMES
printf("\tSeg: %d \"%*.*s\" value: %d index: %d tag %s\n",
segno, NCPS, NCPS, sp->s_name,
sp->s_value, sp->s_index,
#endif not FLEXNAMES
printf("\t\ttype: %d jxbump %d jxfear: %d\n",
sp->s_type, sp->s_jxbump, sp->s_jxfear);
static char tagbuff[4];
char *tagstring(tag)
unsigned char tag;
case JXACTIVE: return("active");
case JXNOTYET: return("notyet");
case JXALIGN: return("align");
case JXQUESTIONABLE: return("jxquestionable");
case JXINACTIVE: return("inactive");
case JXTUNNEL: return("tunnel");
case OBSOLETE: return("obsolete");
case IGNOREBOUND: return("ignorebound");
case STABFLOATING: return("stabfloating");
case STABFIXED: return("stabfixed");
case LABELID: return("labelid");
case OKTOBUMP: return("oktobump");
case ISET: return("iset");
case ILSYM: return("ilsym");
default: sprintf(tagbuff,"%d", tag);
#endif DEBUG
register struct hashdallop *new;
new = (struct hashdallop *)ClearCalloc(1, sizeof (struct hashdallop));
if (htab == 0)
htab = new;
else { /* add AFTER the 1st slot */
new->h_next = htab->h_next;
htab->h_next = new;
* Lookup a symbol stored in extern yytext.
* All strings passed in via extern yytext had better have
* a trailing null. Strings are placed in yytext for hashing by
* syminstall() and by yylex();
* We take pains to avoid function calls; this functdion
* is called quite frequently, and the calls overhead
* in the vax contributes significantly to the overall
* execution speed of as.
struct symtab **lookup(instflg)
int instflg; /* 0: don't install */
static int initialprobe;
register struct symtab **hp;
register char *from;
register char *to;
register int len;
register int nprobes;
static struct hashdallop *hdallop;
static struct symtab **emptyslot;
static struct hashdallop *emptyhd;
static struct symtab **hp_ub;
emptyslot = 0;
for (nprobes = 0, from = yytext;
nprobes <<= 2, nprobes += *from++)
nprobes += from[-1] << 5;
nprobes %= NHASH;
if (nprobes < 0)
nprobes += NHASH;
initialprobe = nprobes;
for (hdallop = htab; hdallop != 0; hdallop = hdallop->h_next){
for (hp = &(hdallop->h_htab[initialprobe]),
nprobes = 1,
hp_ub = &(hdallop->h_htab[NHASH]);
(*hp) && (nprobes < NHASH);
hp += nprobes,
hp -= (hp >= hp_ub) ? NHASH:0,
nprobes += 2)
from = yytext;
to = (*hp)->s_name;
for (len = 0; (len<NCPS) && *from; len++)
if (*from++ != *to++)
goto nextprobe;
if (len >= NCPS) /*both are maximal length*/
if (*to == 0) /*assert *from == 0*/
while (*from && *to)
if (*from++ != *to++)
goto nextprobe;
if (*to == *from) /*assert both are == 0*/
nextprobe: ;
if (*hp == 0 && emptyslot == 0 &&
hdallop->h_nused < HASHCLOGGED) {
emptyslot = hp;
emptyhd = hdallop;
if (emptyslot == 0) {
hdallop = htab->h_next; /* aren't we smart! */
hp = &hdallop->h_htab[initialprobe];
} else {
hdallop = emptyhd;
hp = emptyslot;
if (instflg) {
*hp = symalloc();
for(len = 0, from = yytext, to = (*hp)->s_name; (len<NCPS); len++)
if ((*to++ = *from++) == '\0')
for (from = yytext, len = 1; *from++; len++)
if (len >= (STRPOOLDALLOP - strplhead->str_nalloc))
for ( (*hp)->s_name = to = strplhead->str_names + strplhead->str_nalloc, from = yytext;
( (*to++ = *from++) != '\0'); )
strplhead->str_nalloc += len;
} /*end of lookup*/
char *savestr(str)
char *str;
register int len;
register char *from, *to;
char *res;
for (from = str, len = 1; *from++; len++)
if (len >= (STRPOOLDALLOP - strplhead->str_nalloc))
for ( res = to = strplhead->str_names + strplhead->str_nalloc, from = str;
( (*to++ = *from++) != '\0'); )
strplhead->str_nalloc += len;
return (res);
* The relocation information is saved internally in an array of
* lists of relocation buffers. The relocation buffers are
* exactly the same size as a token buffer; if we use VM for the
* temporary file we reclaim this storage, otherwise we create
* them by mallocing.
#define NRELOC ((TOKBUFLG - \
(sizeof (int) + sizeof (struct relbufdesc *)) \
) / (sizeof (struct relocation_info)))
struct relbufdesc{
int rel_count;
struct relbufdesc *rel_next;
struct relocation_info rel_reloc[NRELOC];
extern struct relbufdesc *tok_free;
#define rel_free tok_free
static struct relbufdesc *rel_temp;
struct relocation_info r_can_1PC;
struct relocation_info r_can_0PC;
r_can_0PC.r_address = 0;
r_can_0PC.r_symbolnum = 0;
r_can_0PC.r_pcrel = 0;
r_can_0PC.r_length = 0;
r_can_0PC.r_extern = 0;
r_can_1PC = r_can_0PC;
r_can_1PC.r_pcrel = 1;
outrel(xp, reloc_how)
register struct exp *xp;
int reloc_how; /* TYPB..TYPD + (possibly)RELOC_PCREL */
struct relocation_info reloc;
register int x_type_mask;
int pcrel;
x_type_mask = xp->e_xtype & ~XFORW;
pcrel = reloc_how & RELOC_PCREL;
reloc_how &= ~RELOC_PCREL;
if (bitoff&07)
yyerror("Padding error");
if (x_type_mask == XUNDEF)
yyerror("Undefined reference");
if ( (x_type_mask != XABS) || pcrel ) {
if (ty_NORELOC[reloc_how])
yyerror("Illegal Relocation of float, double or quad.");
reloc = pcrel ? r_can_1PC : r_can_0PC;
reloc.r_address = dotp->e_xvalue -
( (dotp < &usedot[NLOC] || readonlydata) ? 0 : datbase );
reloc.r_length = ty_nlg[reloc_how];
reloc.r_symbolnum = xp->e_xname->s_index;
reloc.r_extern = 1;
if (readonlydata && (x_type_mask&~XXTRN) == XDATA)
x_type_mask = XTEXT | (x_type_mask&XXTRN);
reloc.r_symbolnum = x_type_mask;
if ( (relfil == 0) || (relfil->rel_count >= NRELOC) ){
if (rel_free){
rel_temp = rel_free;
rel_free = rel_temp->rel_next;
} else {
rel_temp = (struct relbufdesc *)
Calloc(1,sizeof (struct relbufdesc));
rel_temp->rel_count = 0;
rel_temp->rel_next = relfil;
relfil = rusefile[dotp - &usedot[0]] = rel_temp;
relfil->rel_reloc[relfil->rel_count++] = reloc;
* write the unrelocated value to the text file
dotp->e_xvalue += ty_nbyte[reloc_how];
if (pcrel)
xp->e_xvalue -= dotp->e_xvalue;
bwrite((char *)&(xp->e_xvalue), ty_nbyte[reloc_how], txtfil);
* Flush out all of the relocation information.
* Note that the individual lists of buffers are in
* reverse order, so we must reverse them
off_t closeoutrel(relocfile)
BFILE *relocfile;
int locindex;
u_long Closeoutrel();
trsize = 0;
for (locindex = 0; locindex < NLOC; locindex++){
trsize += Closeoutrel(rusefile[locindex], relocfile);
drsize = 0;
for (locindex = 0; locindex < NLOC; locindex++){
drsize += Closeoutrel(rusefile[NLOC + locindex], relocfile);
return(trsize + drsize);
u_long Closeoutrel(relfil, relocfile)
struct relbufdesc *relfil;
BFILE *relocfile;
u_long tail;
if (relfil == 0)
tail = Closeoutrel(relfil->rel_next, relocfile);
bwrite((char *)&relfil->rel_reloc[0],
relfil->rel_count * sizeof (struct relocation_info),
return(tail + relfil->rel_count * sizeof (struct relocation_info));
#define NOUTSYMS (nsyms - njxxx - nforgotten - (savelabels ? 0 : nlabels))
int sizesymtab()
return (sizeof (struct nlist) * NOUTSYMS);
* We write out the flexible length character strings for names
* in two stages.
* 1) We have always! maintain a fixed sized name list entry;
* the string is indexed by a four byte quantity from the beginning
* of the string pool area. Index 0 is reserved, and indicates
* that there is no associated string. The first valid index is 4.
* 2) We concatenate together and write all of the strings
* in the string pool at the end of the name list. The first
* four bytes in the string pool are indexed only by 0 (see above);
* they contain the total number of bytes in the string pool.
* Write out n symbols to file f, beginning at p
* ignoring symbols that are obsolete, jxxx instructions, and
* possibly, labels
int symwrite(symfile)
BFILE *symfile;
int symsout; /*those actually written*/
int symsdesired = NOUTSYMS;
register struct symtab *sp, *ub;
char *name; /* temp to save the name */
long stroff = sizeof (stroff);
* We use sp->s_index to hold the length of the
* name; it isn't used for anything else
register struct allocbox *allocwalk;
symsout = 0;
DECLITERATE(allocwalk, sp, ub)
if (sp->s_tag >= IGNOREBOUND)
if ((sp->s_name[0] == 'L') && (sp->s_tag == LABELID) && !savelabels)
name = sp->s_name; /* save pointer */
if ( (sp->s_index = strlen(sp->s_name)) != 0){
sp->s_nmx = stroff; /* clobber pointer */
stroff += sp->s_index + 1;
} else {
sp->s_nmx = 0; /* clobber pointer */
sp->s_type = (sp->s_ptype != 0) ? sp->s_ptype : (sp->s_type & (~XFORW));
if (readonlydata && (sp->s_type&~N_EXT) == N_DATA)
sp->s_type = N_TEXT | (sp->s_type & N_EXT);
bwrite(&sp->s_nm, sizeof (struct nlist), symfile);
sp->s_name = name; /* restore pointer */
if (symsout != symsdesired)
yyerror("INTERNAL ERROR: Wrote %d symbols, wanted to write %d symbols\n",
symsout, symsdesired);
* Pass 2 through the string pool
symsout = 0;
bwrite(&stroff, sizeof (stroff), symfile);
stroff = sizeof (stroff);
symsout = 0;
DECLITERATE(allocwalk, sp, ub)
if (sp->s_tag >= IGNOREBOUND)
if ((sp->s_name[0] == 'L') && (sp->s_tag == LABELID) && !savelabels)
sp->s_index = strlen(sp->s_name);
if (sp->s_index)
bwrite(sp->s_name, sp->s_index + 1, symfile);